Dry Fire Training With Laser Simulation » Concealed Carry Inc
- ️@jacobspaulsen
- ️Mon Jul 31 2017
Do you train as often as you should? None of us do. We are all subject to life and the various distractions and conflicts that come with it. Dry fire training has always been the preferred solution by the industry but with modern technology dry fire training has evolved into laser simulation.
Not only is getting to the range often difficult, range training alone also sets up the shooter for almost certain failure -Jacob Paulsen (President, Concealed Carry Inc.)
The Reasons We Don't Get to The Range Often Enough
Call them reasons or excuses the reality is life gets in the way. It takes time and money (gas, fee/membership, ammunition, targets) both of which are limited resources. Being safe at the range also requires a certain amount of physical and mental energy that I often don't have at the end of the day.
Even If We Trained As Often As We Should The Range Still Leaves “Training Gaps”
The range isn't a very good training environment. The environment and often the range rules prevent us from training a lot of things we know we should like:
- Moving while shooting
- Drawing from a holster
- Shooting at multiple targets
- Shooting from behind cover
- Rapid fire
Add to this that we can't learn to deal with situations that are so common in every day defense like dealing with innocent civilians, going up and down stairs, close quarter combat, and low light conditions.
The Solution of Dry Fire Training
Dry Fire training has long been the solution of the gun community for dealing with these setbacks. Traditionally dry fire training consisted of using an unloaded and inspected handgun without ammunition or with training (dummy) ammunition to do training at home. Dry fire allows us to deal with the majority of the issues laid out above. At home one can train the right types of environments, draw from concealed, and practice moving. Dry Fire training is really the single most significant strategy that I have found separates the professionals from the novices.
The Old School Methods Have Drawbacks
While very practical I always felt that little sense of healthy fear when I was dry firing my gun at home. No matter how many times I checked and inspected it I was still afraid of some sort of discharge and I had to be super careful to make sure I reloaded the gun after each training session so it would be ready for defensive use should I have a real life encounter. The constant back and forth of loading and unloading was mentally exhausting.
In addition, Dry Fire has the disadvantage of not giving any accuracy or target related feedback. You don't know if your trigger control, grip, and stance are any good because you don't have any feedback from where you are hitting the target. Also, without the noise that accompanies the use of real ammunition you can't use a shot timer to judge your speed.
Also, many semi-automatic pistols make it hard to dry fire train as they limit your ability to practice multiple trigger pulls without racking the slide after each trigger squeeze.
The Core Advantages of Laser Simulation
Laser simulation training pistols and inserts make you feel safe and give you greater feedback. Consider this about laser simulated pistols:
- There is no concern for doing any damage to your real gun while training
- You get immediate feedback about your shots, particularly when used with L.A.S.R. software
- You have no need to fear about unloading or inspecting the firearm since Laser pistols are inert
- When combined with L.A.S.R. you can get shot times and other great reporting
The Industry's Top Laser Training Tools
You really have two options for Laser Simulated Training. You can invest in a laser ammo insert, which, as it suggests is inserted into your real firearm and emits a laser when the firing pin comes forward or you can invest in a completely separate and unique training pistol. I personally favor the training pistol as it just works better for me to keep separate my training gun which I can pick up anytime and train with VS my response weapon which is always loaded and ready for an encounter.
The top tool in the industry is the SIRT. Recently we put together a promotional video about this product. Watch it by clicking below: