Catalogue Errors - Hipparcos - Cosmos

Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues: Errors

This page provides some reported errors affecting the printed catalogue (including documentation), CD-ROMs, or access software. Further notes on selected catalogue entries can be found here.

Errors in the catalogue documentation

  • Volume 1, page 98, Equation 1.5.69: the expression for the diagonal element [C0]66 is only valid if the relative uncertainties in the radial velocity and parallax are small. The generalised equation for the covariance matrix C0 is given in Eq. (17) of Michalik et al. (2014);

  • Volume 1, page 99, Equation 1.5.76: for direct application to the covariance matrix, C, derived from the HIP/TYC catalogues (in units of mas*mas for the relevant elements) the first two columns of the Jacobian matrix should be converted from units of pc/radian to pc/mas by multiplying with sin(1 mas);
  • Volume 1, page 455: Lutz-Kelker reference should be to PASP, not MNRAS;
  • Volume 2, page 233, Table 12.3: temperatures in degrees Celsius (not K).
  • Volume 10, page DO4, Reference 60: the reference to Latham et al. should be to Astron. J., 1992 (it is given correctly in the ASCII CD-ROMs). [This is a reference to the adopted ground-based orbital elements for HIP81023.]
  • Volume 11: in the photometric references section (page PA11): references 94.193 and 94.211 are quoted, although the corresponding references are not given: these references should have been omitted altogether [June 1997].
  • Volume 11: reference 95.503 (in the photometric references, page PA4) should point to page 289 (not 389). This concerns the following HIP numbers: 39429, 39953, 45467, 48617, 52308, 52488, 52558, 53461, 54283, 82775, 86624, 88469, 89956, 89963, 100044. [January 1998]
  • Volume 11: In the section on "Spectral Types for Hipparcos Catalogue Entries" the luminosity for two entries are incorrect:
    • HIP 85069 should be B9/B9.5II/III (page SP138 of Volume 11)
    • HIP 90062 should be B0/B0.5II/III (page SP146 of Volume 11)
  • Volume 11: the entry for HIP 48662 (page PN47) which queries a misidentification with X Vel due to incompatible measured and historic measurements can be ignored. (Hipparcos measured magnitudes are in the range [6.525,6.969], the literature B magnitudes are quoted as 10.30 to 11.53, B-V is given as 3.76 magnitudes, thus the Hipparcos measurements are probably compatible with the literature.) [Communicated by Bill Owen, January 2000]

Errors in the data files (printed and/or CD-ROM)

  • Six records in the Hipparcos Transit Data file (CD-ROM disk 6, file cats/hip_j.dat) contain errors caused by format overflow in the Fortran program originally generating the file. The corresponding fields thus contain asterisks instead of the intended numerical data. This may cause an error when attempting to read these records. A description of the errors and the correct data is available here.
  • The luminosity (field H76) for two entries are incorrect on the ASCII CD-ROM:
    • HIP 85069 should be B9/B9.5II/III
    • HIP 90062 should be B0/B0.5II/III
  • In the photometric references: reference 95.503 should point to page 289 (not 389). This concerns the following HIP numbers: 39429, 39953, 45467, 48617, 52308, 52488, 52558, 53461, 54283, 82775, 86624, 88469, 89956, 89963, 100044. [January 1998].
  • Disk 1: tocvol2.pdf/a_conts.pdf (page x) and tocvol4.pdf/a_conts.pdf (page x) are corrupted [traced to ps-to-pdf distillation, 3 July 1997].
  • In DMSA field DO16, the reference to Latham et al. should be to Astron. J., 1992 (it is given correctly in the ASCII CD-ROMs). [This is a reference to the adopted ground-based orbital elements for HIP81023.]
  • In the Photometric note (H70=P), the entry for HIP 48662 which queries a misidentification with X Vel due to incompatible measured and historic measurements can be ignored. (Hipparcos measured magnitudes are in the range [6.525,6.969], the literature B magnitudes are quoted as 10.30 to 11.53, B-V is given as 3.76 magnitudes, thus the Hipparcos measurements are probably compatible with the literature.) [Communicated by Bill Owen, January 2000].

Errors in the access software on disk 1 (src, fits)

  • The released version of the search routine shipdm (combined index search on HIP for DMSA Parts C-X) crashes for the following HIP numbers (which correspond to the second solution within a CCDM system - note that the corresponding search on CCDM number using shipdmc works correctly):
    5842, 13308, 13769, 26235, 26500, 27000, 39606, 40927, 42543, 52438, 54976, 70111, 80461, 81363, 91926, 101801, 110541, 110766, 113225
    To fix this, edit the file hip_dm_c.c. Replace line 143 which reads:
    finished=(toprec->DCM1.value == i);
    finished=(toprec->DCM1.value == toprec->DC2.value );
    save the file and recompile all the sources by typing `make' [20 October 1997]

Updates to catalogue entries (based on post-release research)

  • Field H56: the following HIP entries with flag `H' (i.e. considered previously unknown as double/multiple) should now be considered as flag `M', as reported by C.E. Worley (USNO), October 1997: HIP 6216, 7120, 10885, 16920, 23904, 24398, 27309, 30200, 34524, 48504, 56048, 63688, 72736, 83948, 98645, 99857, 107533, 112422.
  • HIP 114110 (observed with 114113) and HIP 114176 (observed with 114177) are noted as probable measurements of scattered light from a nearby bright star. The non-reality of 114110 and 114176 (traced to fictitious entries in the WDS and INCA) has been confirmed by MMT observations reported by D. Latham (private communication, 8 May 1998), and confirmed by inspection of the DSS (J.L. Falin, 12 May 1998).