The Cathode Ray Tube site. oscilloscope crt's
The Cathode Ray Tube site
150 years of CRT evolution
The Dutch collection
A small Philips DG3-2 with 3cm face
Green phosphor screen early oscilloscope tube. (1938)
Medium persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube
DG 7-2 7cm CRT Philips
Green phosphor screen
Used in one of the first Philips oscilloscopes (1938). Click on the picture to see the working scope.
AEG HR1/60/0,5 6 cm CRT
Early German wehrmacht CRT (1940)
Crude heavy gun construction
DuMont 5XP2A (1956)
5" wide-band oscilloscope tube
Long persistence green phosphor.
RCA 3AP1A 3" flatface CRT
Medium persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube, successor of the RCA 906 tube which has a clear glass envelope.
Telefunken D9-10GH 4" CRT
Medium short persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube
Brimar dual gun 5" CRT with spiral accelerator
Long persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube
Philips DG7-32 / CV2431 7cm CRT
Medium short persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube
Brimar-Thorn EMI waveform tube
Used in TV waveform monitors.
5" oscilloscope green phosphor tube
Tektronix / SONY 154-0667-02
Small 3" CRT tube for portable oscilloscope
Matsushita waveform monitor CRT
Telefunken DG7-52 / 3BNP-1 7cm CRT
Short persistence green phosphor.
Oscilloscope tube, very short tube, only 15cm.
Tektronix 154-0786-00
Oscilloscope tube
Telefunken DG3-12 3cm CRT
Single gun oscilloscope tube with spiral accelerator.
Tektronix 154-0850-01
Advanced CRT from the 2445B Oscilloscope.
Tektronix type unknown
Oscilloscope tube
Toshiba 150CTB31 14cm CRT
Oscilloscope tube
VALVO (Philips) D10-160 10cm CRT
Oscilloscope tube
Philips L14-140GH 14 cm storage CRT
Variable persistence green phosphor
Oscilloscope tube with advanced memory screen.
HP Oscilloscope tube with storage screen.
5083-1972 3x 4" face.
Philips dual gun E10-165P
With spiral accelerator.
RCA 5UP7 5" Oscilloscope CRT
Long persistence blue white phosphor CRT.
VCR518 early 4" double beam CRT
Blue blue phosphor (1940)
Philips DN 7-2 7cm CRT
Long persistence green phosphor (1937)
Unknown early Philips CRT
7cm screen (ca1936)
The spiral which can be seen on the CRT's to
the left is a special kind of accelerating anode
called a Post Deflection Anode (PDA).
By deflecting before acceleration, much higher
sensitivity could be obtained because the
beam, still travelling slowly, spent more time
between the deflection plates. A special
anode was needed for this with a distributed
potential, to get the least distortion the anode
was a thin spiral of graphite with the potential
applied between the ends of the spiral which
was wound from the screen to the electron
gun in the neck.
Tektronix engineering sample T3240.
Tube with ceramic envelope.
Philips DG16-1
Early 16 cm tube with separate deflection connections for high frequency purposes with green phosphor. (1936)
This tube came from the last Philips CRT factory. It was stored in a display cabinet. They put a modern label on it.
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D14-376GH/123 the last tube made in Europe by Cathode Ray Technology
28 September 2012.
Gundelach KH-207 7cm CRT
White/blue phosphor (~1937)
For oscilloscope or TV experimenter use
Cathode Ray Tubes
Oscilloscope CRT's
DuMont 34-XH 3" early clear glass model Green phosphor (< 1935)
This is one of the first CRT's DuMont made. DuMont became famous with it's "long life" tubes. This clear glass envelope contains the electron gun with asymetrical deflection plates so only a single voltage was needed which simplified the construction of the oscilloscope.
Philips DG16-1
Another DG16-1 tube but with a different gun system. (1936)