Advanced Stop Line

  • ️@GBCycleEmbassy

Sometimes called a bike box or a cycle reservoir, Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs) are stop lines for cyclists at traffic signals, which are marked beyond the stop line for general traffic. They are designed to help cyclists pull away in front of traffic, and can be useful in that regard.

There are many disadvantages however. They may encourage people to filter past traffic when it may not be always safe, and to position themselves in dangerous positions in front of HGVs and other vehicles with poor visibility.

ASLs also only work on a part-time basis - when signals are red. When signals are green, ASLs do not deal with left-hook conflicts, nor do they allow right turns to be made easily. 

Non-compliance with ASLs by other road users further limits their usefulness.

ASLs were originally only lawfully accessed by cyclists using a feeder lane or a diagonal break in the stop line which may not always be the place cyclists wish to enter the ASL. Since the 2016 TSRGD, they may be accessed anywhere along the width of the box. If significant numbers of people are cycling, ASLs may become full, leaving people trapped in a dangerous position alongside vehicles.

More detail on our policy pages.