
DART+ Home

  • ️Strata3 - http://www.strata3.com/

DART+ Coastal North Railway Order

The DART+ Coastal North project has now sought statutory approval for its design, with the submission of a Railway Order application to An Bord Pleanála on the 12th July 2024.

Welcome to the DART+ Programme

The DART+ Programme will revolutionise travel in the Greater Dublin Area. It will see the DART network grow from its current 50km in length to over 150km. Bringing DART travel with all its benefits to new and existing communities. It will promote multi modal transit, active transport, boost regional connectivity and make public transport the preferred option for more and more people.


Here you will find links to the main projects that encompass the DART+ Programme.

DART+ West DART+ South West DART+ Coastal North DART+ Coastal South DART+ Fleet

DART+ News

Latest News about DART+ Programme.

Project Sponsors

The DART+ Programme is being implemented by Iarnród Éireann as part of Project Ireland 2040 and the NTA's Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area (2016-2035).

Irish Rail NTA logo Project 2040 logo