X-33 index: X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Photo Gallery Contact Sheet
![X-33 Advanced Technology Demonstrator Photo Gallery Contact Sheet](https://www.dfrc.nasa.gov/Gallery/Photo/X-33/Thumb/index.gif)
Medium Resolution Image Contact Sheet (121 KBytes)
High Resolution Image Contact Sheet (121 KBytes)
On July 2, 1996, NASA selected Lockheed Martin to design, build and fly the X-33 test vehicle between March and December 1999.
The X-33 design was based on a lifting body shape with two revolutionary "linear aerospike" rocket engines and a rugged metallic thermal protection system. The vehicle also was to have had lightweight components and fuel tanks built to conform to the vehicle's outer shape. Time between X-33 flights was planned to normally be seven days, but the program hoped to demonstrate a two-day turnaround between flights during the flight-test phase of the program.
The X-33 was to have been an unpiloted vehicle that took off vertically like a rocket and landed horizontally like an airplane. It was planned to reach altitudes of up to 50 miles and high hypersonic speeds. The X-33 Program was managed by the Marshall Space flight Center and was planned to have been launched at a special launch site on Edwards Air Force Base. Technical problems with the composite liquid hydrogen tank resulted in the program being cancelled in February 2001.