About - Dictionary.com
Dictionary.com is the world’s leading digital dictionary. We provide millions of English definitions, spellings, audio pronunciations, example sentences, and word origins. Dictionary.com’s main, proprietary source is the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, which is continually updated by our team of experienced lexicographers and supplemented with trusted, established sources including American Heritage and Harper Collins to support a range of language needs. Dictionary.com also offers a Word of the Day, a Synonym of the Day, word games and solvers, and a wealth of editorial content that benefit the advanced word lover and the English language student alike.
Language is constantly evolving, and the editorial offerings from Dictionary.com shine a light on how language is being used. From pop culture to idioms and grammar advice, there’s always something new to learn from Dictionary.com.
As the premier thesaurus on the web Thesaurus.com provides users with over 550,000 synonyms and a suite of tools that simplify the writing process. Thesaurus.com’s proprietary relevance, complexity, and length filters, introduced in the first update to any thesaurus in over 160 years, help anyone quickly find the perfect word.