Leanne Guenther, writer of children's stories and poems
DLTK's Crafts for Kids
Leanne Guenther (1970-)
Leanne Guenther is a mom, website owner and sometimes writer of children's stories and poems. She was born in Saskatchewan, Canada on September 30, 1970. Her husband, two daughters and multitude of pets provide most of the inspiration for just about everything she does.
Choose Your Own Adventure (original):
Children's Stories (original):
The Enchanting Adventures of Healthtopia
The Great Easter Egg Hunt Adventure
Children's Stories Based on Fairy Tales, Myths and Folklore:
Anansi the Spider's Great Adventure
Baba Yaga
Icarus Flies Too Close to the Sun
Little Red Ridinghood
Medusa and Athena
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
Three Little Pigs
Cell Phone
Christmas Story
Dripsy Dropsy
Easter Bunny
Easter Eggs
Flutter, Flutter Little Bat
Limerick: Daddy
Limerick: St. Patrick's Day 1 St. Patrick's Day 2 St. Patrick's Day 3
Limerick: Turkey