
Landesverband der ​donauschwaben, usa

We are a National Association of clubs and organizations in the United States of America, united by a common ​heritage. Our ancestors were ethnic Germans referred to also as The Danube Swabians or (Donauschwaben). ​They traveled to the USA from countries that are today on the Balkan peninsula, Serbia, Romania, Hungary, ​Croatia and many others.

Together our memberships practice social, sports, cultural, historic and philanthropic traditions in the interest ​of our shared cultural heritage and community. Music, song, dancing, soccer and food characterize the ​individual organizations in cities across the country.

Each year we meet nationally for our Annual Meeting in April, for the National Soccer Tournament in May, and ​for our National Treffen or festival in September. While our traditions connect us as people, the friendships ​between clubs, individuals and families perpetuates the bonds of our Verband surely into the future!

Verband Presidents

1957 - Founded and Peter M. Wagner ​became president

1961 - Christ Herr

1970 - Josef Rickert

1972 - Theo Junker

1981 - Adam Medel

1999 - Leo Mayer

2009 - Robert Filippi

2024 - Ray Martini

History of Men's Major Division

Championship Finals Winners

Year, Host City, Winner

2023 - Chicago - Akron

2021 - Akron - Philadelphia UGH

2020 - Canceled due to covid

2019 - Akron - Milwaukee SC

2018 - Philadelphia - Philadelphia UGH

2017 - Mansfield - Detroit Carpathia

2016 - Chicago - Detroit Carpathia

2023 - Chicago - Akron

2024 - Mansfield - Cleveland Concordia

History of 1st Place Competition Winners

Year, Location, Winner

1976 - Cleveland - Chicago Donauschwaben

1977 - Detroit - United Donauschwaben of Milwaukee

1981 - Milwaukee - Cleveland Donauschwaben

1987 - Cleveland - Detroit Carpathia Club

1990 - Milwaukee - Akron German Family Club

1993 - Detroit - Cleveland Donauschwaben

1996 - Chicago - Akron German Family Club

1999 - Los Angeles - Akron German Family Club

2002 - Milwaukee - Cleveland Donauschwaben

2005 - Los Angeles - Cleveland Donauschwaben

2008 - Cleveland - American Aid Society of German ​Descendants

2011 - Mansfield - United Donauschwaben of ​Milwaukee

2014 - Milwaukee - United Donauschwaben of ​Milwaukee

2017 - Cincinnati - United Donauschwaben of ​Milwaukee

2023 - Mansfield - American Aid Society of German ​Descendants

2023 - American Aid Society Of German Descendants

Landestrachten Fest

Aug. 29 - Aug. 31, 2025

Mansfield Liederkranz

Mansfield, OH

Please contact your ​local organization for ​more information.

German Family ​Society of Akron

Cincinnati ​Donauschwaben


Vereinigung von ​Süd Kalifornien

American Aid ​Society of German ​Descendants



Green White SC - ​Chicago



Donauschwaben ​Society of Chicago


Danube-Swabian Coat of Arms

Semper atque semper liberi ac indivisi

Fur immer frei und ungeteilt

Always free and undivided