The 9 Questions about Alcohol Rehab You Asked Us
- ️Fri Oct 27 2017
Finding the Ideal Alcohol Rehab
An addiction to alcohol is one of the most unfortunate things a person will face in their lifetime. Alcohol is a condition that can eventually destroy a person’s life if left untreated. And while the thought of going to an alcohol rehab can be extremely overwhelming, it is often the only way to overcome this often-life-threatening condition. If you or someone you love is struggling with an addiction to alcohol, getting treatment can be exactly what you need to turn your life around.
What Are the Benefits of Attending Alcohol Rehab?
Alcohol rehab centres are designed specifically with the alcoholic in mind. As you’re probably well aware, an addiction to alcohol can be devastating. It can also seem impossible to overcome. Addiction is overwhelming, but rehab can offer some relief when a person is ready to take the steps to get the help they need. Going to alcohol rehab offers a person a treatment plan designed to help them navigate through the recovery process. Trying to overcome addiction alone can be hard, but being equipped with the tools rehab offers can make the process prove to be much less difficult.
A person trying to overcome an addiction to alcohol needs support. They also need the treatments and therapies that are designed to help them overcome addiction and avoid relapse. When a person is equipped with the knowledge of what it takes to overcome an addiction to alcohol, the process of actually doing it becomes a bit easier. Knowing about different treatments available and what to expect when going to rehab is vital when deciding on a rehab centre that will best fit your needs. Overcoming alcoholism is possible. Going to rehab can help tremendously with the process.
Who Should Go to Rehab for Alcoholism?
Anyone who is struggling with an alcohol problem can benefit from going to rehab. When left untreated, an addiction to alcohol can do irreparable damage to a person’s life. A person doesn’t need to hit rock bottom before they make the choice to go to rehab. And getting help isn’t only for people with severe cases of alcoholism. Alcohol rehab can benefit any person who has found they don’t have control over their alcohol consumption, have ruined relationships because of their drinking problem, have engaged in dangerous behaviour while drinking, or have experienced problems with authorities due to excessive alcohol consumption.
Anyone with an alcohol problem should go to rehab. There are various programmes available for different levels of alcohol abuse. If struggling with an alcohol problem, it is best to go to rehab as soon as possible, lest the problem progresses into something more serious. Those with a serious alcohol problem should consider getting help right away. There are different stages of alcoholism, as well as different symptoms that constitute alcohol addiction. Anyone who notices they are engaged in problem drinking, dependence, or addiction should begin thinking about rehab immediately.
Problem Drinking
Drinking to excess in general could be considered problem drinking. To the person developing an addiction to alcohol, problem drinking will become the norm. Not only will they drink to excess on a regular basis, but will also begin to experience negative repercussions because of their drinking. Someone who has reached this stage of alcoholism might notice problems in relationships, have difficulty at work or school, experience problems with the law, and regularly drink and drive.
Dependence to alcohol can develop before a person has even realised its happened. At this point, alcohol has become a problem and taken control over a person’s everyday life. Drinking to relieve uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms is common in this stage of alcoholism. By this point a person has developed a tolerance to alcohol where they will need increasingly larger amounts to get drunk or feel a buzz. Blacking out becomes a regular occurrence.
When a person reaches this final stage, alcohol has complete control over their life. They will need to drink in order to feel “normal”, which will often happen in the morning when a person wakes up. Varying degrees of severity can be found in an alcoholic, but there is commonly both a physical and psychological addiction present by this unfortunate stage of alcohol abuse.
What Is Alcohol Rehab?
Alcohol rehab is addiction treatment designed with the alcoholic in mind. Going to alcohol rehab helps a person better understand their addiction to alcohol through therapy and various treatments created for overcoming addiction. Alcohol rehab offers addicts the education and tools they need to change their patterns around alcohol use.
Alcohol rehab takes a deep look into the nature of a person’s addiction to alcohol. Going to rehab can help a person discover the reasons behind their addiction, and help them overcome these issues. Alcohol rehab will help a person establish new patterns of thought and behaviour so they do not feel the need to turn to alcohol when faced with situations that trigger their desire to use.
Why choose
If someone you care about is exhibiting signs of addiction – whether it’s excessive marijuana use, long-term dependency on pharmaceuticals, binge drinking of alcohol or even financially damaging levels of gambling – contact us for immediate rehabilitation help.
How Do I Know if I Need Alcohol Rehab?
If you have a problem with drinking and are considering rehab, it’s a good indication that you probably need it. Paying attention to and being aware of the signs that indicate a more serious problem with alcohol can help when considering whether or not you need professional helps. If you suspect your drinking is a problem or feel a loved one is battling with an addiction to alcohol, the following are signs that warrant a need for alcohol rehab:
- Engaging in dangerous behaviour while drinking. Drinking and driving is common with people who have a drinking problem.
- Experiencing problems in relationships. Hanging out with a different crowd or having friends and family express their concern about your drinking problem.
- Having problems at work or school. Arriving late, frequently calling in sick, or not showing up at all because of alcohol use are all common signs that a more serious problem is developing.
- Getting in trouble with the law. An arrest for driving under the influence or breaking the law while intoxicated.
- Continued drinking even though you are experiencing health problems because of it. Always hungover or having a more serious problem develop such as problems with the kidneys or liver.
- Frequently experiencing blackouts.
- A lot of time is spent drinking and recovering from drinking.
- You forgo doing other activities so you can drink. You avoid going to social situations where you know you can’t drink or drink before you go if you have to attend.
- You drink to overcome symptoms of physical and psychological withdrawal. Anxiety, shaking, sweats, headache, and nausea are all common withdrawal symptoms that will go away once a person starts drinking again.
- The need to drink more to get drunk or buzzed.
- Driving while under the influence on a regular basis. Drinking before and during driving.
- Drinking before doing regular activities like going to the store.
- Continued drinking even after relationships have been ruined.
- Drinking in the morning or drinking all day.
- Drinking alone on a regular basis.
- Doing things you regret while drinking but continuing to drink anyway.
- You do things to hide your drinking problem like buying alcohol from different liquor stores so clerks don’t realise the extent of your problem.
- Lying about your drinking problem or hiding it from others.
If you recognise these signs in yourself or a loved one, the need for help is imminent. Please call us to see how we can assist in getting the help you need. No one deserves to stay chained to the misery of alcohol addiction another day. When it’s time for help, we are here to help.
How to Get Someone in Denial to Go to Alcohol Rehab?
The word “denial” is used amongst those in the addiction community to refer to people who believe they don’t have a problem with substance abuse. Admitting to an addiction is never easy. A person who is in denial will refuse to see that they have a problem. They won’t admit to being an addict, because they truly don’t think they are one.
It can be impossible to convince a person in denial that they need to get help. As much as a person in denial might need to go to an alcohol rehab, getting them to go is a different story. Educating yourself on addiction and the benefits of rehab can help when you try to explain why you believe treatment is in the addict’s best interest.
Unfortunately, many people in denial won’t see the reality of their situation until they hit rock bottom. This is when a person’s life becomes so unmanageable that they can’t turn their back on the fact that there is indeed a problem. Rock bottom can be a blessing in disguise for someone who has spent years denying a problem with alcohol. Getting to this point offers an opportunity for the alcoholic to admit they need help and they can start considering different options regarding alcohol rehab.
Providing Different Treatment Options
When seeking treatment for alcohol addiction, you’ll find an array of different options to choose from. From day therapies and detox to intensive inpatient programmes and sober living homes, it can be difficult to navigate through the many options available for alcohol rehab.
People who abuse alcohol occasionally rarely need detox or residential treatment. Instead, they can see a GP to receive prescription medication that will help reduce alcohol cravings. In the meantime, they can also access support services through groups like Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). These support services can assist them in overcoming the urge to drink. Be advised that if you are an abuser who chooses this strategy, you cannot continue drinking while taking prescription medication. If you do, you will render it useless. The medication will no longer work to reduce your cravings, now or in the future.
For a person with a more serious problem with alcohol abuse, getting help at an inpatient or outpatient treatment centre is often the recommended course of action. Both options provide the therapy and treatments a person needs to be successful in overcoming their addiction to alcohol.
Inpatient alcohol rehab is designed for a person to stay at the treatment centre the entire time they are going through the treatment process. Patients sleep, eat, and receive all necessary treatments while staying at the rehab centre. This intensive type of rehab therapy has helped countless people overcome addictions to alcohol or drugs.
One of the biggest benefits of inpatient rehab is the fact that it removes a person from the environment they’re accustomed to drinking in. When overcoming an addiction to alcohol it can be extremely difficult to remain sober when attaining alcohol is so easy. Going away for treatment however, makes it difficult to walk into your favourite bar or go to the liquor store. Inpatient rehab provides not only intensive therapy, but is an excellent means to avoid relapse.
In an outpatient rehab setting, a person does not stay at the treatment centre. Instead, they go to the alcohol rehab centre of their choice to receive the various treatments they need. Outpatient rehab is scheduled for different times throughout the week. This type of treatment allows a person to maintain their everyday life while getting the help they need.
Outpatient rehab for alcohol is beneficial to people that must take care of other responsibilities while receiving treatment. Parents, students, and professionals that cannot take time off from life can still get the help they need while going to an outpatient rehab. This less intensive form of recovery is best suited for those who have addictions that are less severe. This is because a person stays in their familiar environment while getting the treatment for their addiction.
It can be difficult to avoid the situations that trigger relapse when going about life as normal. When a person has the support they need however, and is steadfast in their decision to remain sober, outpatient rehab is extremely beneficial for addiction recovery.
What Should I Expect When Going to Alcohol Rehab?
What a person experiences at an alcohol rehab will be dependent upon the centre they attend. There are basics of rehab however, that are pretty much universal. The following are all things a person can expect when going to inpatient or outpatient rehab for alcohol addiction.
Before a person can receive any of the necessary treatment, they must go through the intake process. This is basically an interview conducted by staff at the addiction centre to assess a person’s addiction. The information the patient offers will help staff devise a treatment plan that is conducive to a person’s individual struggle with alcohol.
It is important when going through intake to be completely honest with each question the person conducting this interview asks. There is a tendency to downplay the nature of addiction when going through intake. This however, does nothing but impede a person’s opportunity to successfully overcome their addiction.
Common questions asked during intake will include how long a person has been drinking, how often they drink, how much they drink, if they are taking any other drugs, their medical history, and if there are any other mental or emotional problems they are experiencing aside from their addiction to alcohol.
Detox is the first part of treatment and works to help alleviate all traces of alcohol that are remaining in a person’s system. In an inpatient rehab setting, detox will usually take place at the treatment centre. Patients attending an outpatient detox will go to a special detox centre or detox at the hospital. In cases of mild alcohol addiction, a person might detox at home and then start treatment.
For someone who has been drinking heavily for an extended period of time, the withdrawal from alcohol can be dangerous. In severe cases of alcoholism, a medically-supervised detox may be to avoid any life-threatening situations as a person withdrawals from alcohol.
The length of time a person goes through detox is dependent upon the nature of their addiction. Detox from alcohol can last anywhere from 24-48 hours up to two weeks or longer. Once detox is completed, a person can then move on with the rest of their treatment.
Therapy is an integral part of the rehab process and is an excellent way for a person to better understand their addiction. Through talking to a professional therapist or counsellor, an addict can realise the reasons behind their addiction so they can better take the steps to overcome it. Knowing the “why” behind an addiction is fundamental in the healing process. Therapy can help offer the reasons why for a person’s current addicted state and help them work through these causes.
When a person goes to an alcohol rehab, they can expect to be actively involved in both individual and group therapy. While individual therapy allows them to talk to someone one on one about their addiction, group therapy connects them with others who share a similar experience. The ability to connect with others in this way is a very important part of therapy. Addiction to alcohol often isolates a person from the people they love and creates a lot of problems in relationships. Group therapy can give an addict the sense of connection they’ve lost, which is extremely beneficial when working on overcoming their addiction to alcohol.
There are quite a few treatment modalities that are designed to help a person through their recovery journey. Aside from regular therapy sessions, a person attending alcohol rehab can expect to be involved in various forms of treatment that will help them better overcome their addiction. Treatment is designed to help a person change ingrained patterns of addictive behaviour and prepare them to live in the world without the need for alcohol.
Treatment for alcoholism will vary between different centres, but will be comprised of different activities that work with the alcoholic in mind. From cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) that helps a person change negative patterns of thought and behaviour to holistic therapies such as yoga and meditation, treatment for alcoholism will offer an addict various means to successfully overcome their dependency on alcohol. Fitness treatments such as hiking, swimming, and gentle workouts are also offered to help a person regain the physical strength they’ve lost due to excessive alcohol abuse.
Treatment will also include various tools that will help a person integrate back into life as a sober member of society. It will likewise give them what they need to avoid relapse when the inevitable urge to use alcohol arises after they are finished with rehab.
When a person finishes rehab, their treatment isn’t over. Recovery from alcoholism can last weeks or months after rehab is over. For many people, recovery will last a lifetime. Those who offer help for alcoholism understand this, which is why aftercare programmes are designed to help a person who has just completed the addiction rehab process.
Aftercare is just as important as rehab itself and offers recovering addicts the support they need after treatment is over. It usually consists of continued therapy and treatment. Going to 12-step meetings such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a popular option for people in aftercare. People who attended inpatient rehab often join some sort of outpatient programme after rehab if they feel they could use additional help through the recovery process.
Sober living homes are also an option for people who have completed rehab, but want to take every chance possible to ensure their success of lasting sobriety. The aftercare a person receives will depend on where they are in the recovery process. For those who feel they need more time at rehab, extended options for care are also often available.
How Long Does Alcohol Rehab Last?
The length a person goes to rehab for alcohol is dependent upon several different factors including how long a person has been drinking, the amount of alcohol they are accustomed to consuming, and other factors of their addiction. The average length of rehab is 28 days, but can last up to three months or more depending on the severity of a person’s addiction. For extreme cases of alcohol addiction, a person could attend rehab for up to a year.
What Should I Do After Alcohol Rehab?
After a person attends rehab, becoming actively involved in their aftercare treatment plan is highly advised. Aftercare will help the individual avoid relapse and help them feel connected to the recovery process. Aside from taking aftercare seriously, a person who has just gotten out of alcohol rehab should begin to follow as regular of a schedule as possible.
A regular routine can help immensely when a person has just left rehab and is readjusting to life. Be sure to get up at a regular time each day, go to all scheduled therapies, start a regular exercise routine, and engage in hobbies and activities that keep you from getting bored. Also, make sure to stay away from the places and people you were accustomed to using with before you went to rehab. Staying sober after alcohol rehab takes work, but when a regular routine is followed and a person is determined to stay sober, they will ultimately find that success in recovery is easier than they might have anticipated.
How Much Does Alcohol Rehab Cost?
When it comes to alcohol rehab centres, the price a person pays to receive treatment depends upon what is offered through the treatment programme. Basic inpatient rehab services will cost less than luxury inpatient facilities. Alcohol rehab can cost as little as a few hundred pounds per week, and can run as high as thousands of pounds a week.
Outpatient rehab generally costs less than inpatient treatment, but is a much less intensive programme. There are also more intensive outpatient services offered through some private rehab centres that can be more affordable than a full inpatient programme. There are also some free services offered through the NHS.
We are happy to discuss all the different price options regarding alcohol rehab. Please call us to see how our addiction specialists can help you find a rehab programme that fits your budget so you can begin to get the help you need.
Why choose
If someone you care about is exhibiting signs of addiction – whether it’s excessive marijuana use, long-term dependency on pharmaceuticals, binge drinking of alcohol or even financially damaging levels of gambling – contact us for immediate rehabilitation help.
Finding the Best Alcohol Addiction Rehab in the UK
Making the decision to get help for an alcohol addiction is never easy. We understand this and are here to answer any questions you might have regarding the process of attending an alcohol rehab in the UK. We are in touch with countless centres throughout London and Essex that have helped people overcome the very struggle you are currently facing. No one deserves to be caught in the vicious cycle of alcohol addiction. Please call us to see how we can help you overcome this unfortunate condition. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for a completely confidential call on how you can begin to take the steps to take your life back from an addiction to alcohol.