PDB 6vfz structure summary ‹ Protein Data Bank in Europe (PDBe) ‹ EMBL-EBI
- ️Protein Data Bank in Europe
- ️Wed Feb 05 2020
X-ray diffraction
1.99Å resolution
Crystal Structure of Human Mitochondrial Isocitrate Dehydrogenase (IDH2) R140Q Mutant Homodimer in Complex with NADPH and AG-881 (Vorasidenib) Inhibitor.
Released: 05 Feb 2020
Primary publication:
Vorasidenib (AG-881): A First-in-Class, Brain-Penetrant Dual Inhibitor of Mutant IDH1 and 2 for Treatment of Glioma.
Konteatis Z, Artin E, Nicolay B, Straley K, Padyana AK, Jin L, Chen Y, Narayaraswamy R, Tong S, Wang F, Zhou D, Cui D, Cai Z, Luo Z, Fang C, Tang H, Lv X, Nagaraja R, Yang H, Su SM, Sui Z, Dang L, Yen K, Popovici-Muller J, Codega P, Campos C, Mellinghoff IK, Biller SA
Function and Biology Details
Reaction catalysed:
(1a) isocitrate + NADP(+) = 2-oxalosuccinate + NADPH
Structure analysis Details
Entry contents:
1 distinct polypeptide molecule
Ligands and Environments
Experiments and Validation Details
X-ray source: SSRF BEAMLINE BL19U1
Spacegroup: P212121
Expression system: Spodoptera frugiperda