

Grow Your Career with EBSCO

EBSCO is a leading provider of research content and technology solutions for libraries worldwide. Headquartered in Ipswich, MA, EBSCO employs more than 2,700 people around the globe, most now working hybrid or remotely. We're seeking passionate individuals to join our growing team.

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EBSCO is a company that will motivate you, inspire you, and allow you to grow. Our mission is to transform lives by providing relevant and reliable information when, where, and how people need it. We’re looking for bright and creative individuals whose unique differences will allow us to achieve this inclusive mission around the world.

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Laptop of video call and chat bubbles

We offer a hybrid work model where employees have the flexibility to work remotely. 

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Open package with a star, hands holding a heart, and a clock coming out of it

Our comprehensive benefits package ensures that our team members are prepared for the future.

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Our culture is characterized by open communication, fact-based decision-making and accountability.

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Hands holding different shapes

We are committed to building a culture that operates with fairness and equity and creates a sense of inclusion where teammates feel they belong.

Graduation cap with lightbulb above it

Our internship program provides students with the opportunity to explore rewarding career paths.

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World with people icons

Looking for a career outside the United States? EBSCO is a global company with offices around the world.

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What Employees Are Saying

 Headshot of Tamir

— Tamir

Headshot of Alison

— Alison