Non-government schools - Department of Education
Non-government school education in Western Australia falls into 2 categories, Catholic schools and Independent schools.
Catholic schools
Most Catholic schools in Western Australia belong to the Catholic education system which operates under an agreement between the Minister and the Catholic Education Commission of WA (CECWA). Catholic Education Western Australia is the executive arm of the CECWA.
You can make enquiries about Catholic schools to the school itself or to Catholic Education Western Australia.
Independent schools
Independent schools are private, self-administered organisations, the majority of which are incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015 (WA). Many provide religious or values-based education, while others promote an educational philosophy.
There are Independent schools in a wide range of communities, including some of Western Australia's most remote Aboriginal communities. The Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia (AISWA) represents and promotes the interests of Independent schools.
If you have any enquiries about Independent schools, contact the Independent non-government school itself or AISWA.
Discover more information on the establishment and management of non-government schools.