EFNDT - European Federation for Non-Destructive Testing
Welcome to EFNDT online
“A Europe-wide partnership to promote NDT and related fields for the benefit of industry, the professions, users and the wider community”
The overall mission of EFNDT is to bring together the resources of the national societies and organisations involved in NDT and related topics in Europe to create a more effective and more valuable voice for industry, the professions, users and the wider community.
EFNDT was founded in May 1998 in Copenhagen at the 7th European Conference for Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT). 27 national NDT societies agreed to set up a powerful organisation on European level. Full membership is open to national NDT societies, one per country. Associate membership is open to all applicable organisations worldwide.
EFNDT is a non-profit association registered in Brussels.
The EFNDT has been working for NDTs and National Societies for NDT in Europe for 25 years |
EFNDT MRA - Wednesday 18 October 2023
An updated document about Schedule 2 of the EFNDT MRA is now available in the document store.
Board of Directors - Thursday 20 July 2023
President: Fermin Gomez
Vice-President: Ezio Tuberosa
Elected Members:
Bento Ottone Alves
Tomasz Chady
Peter Fisch
David Gilbert**
Gerald Idinger
Frederic Schaditzki
Thomas Wenzel**Also Co-Chair ECEC
** Also Communications SecretaryPresident ECNDT 2026: Daniele Bisi - AIPnD
Co-opted Members (non-voting):Ex-officio Members (non-voting):
General Secretary:
Emilio Romero
e.romero@aend.orgRIMA Project: Transforming the RIMA Network into the RIMA Alliance - Thursday 23 February 2023
Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance (RIMA) is a 4-year H2020 project with the following aims:
• to reinforce the connection between Europe’s rich technological offer and the market needs in the field of Inspection and Maintenance (I&M);
• to provide education and training on I&M robotics; and
• to connect the value chain (research, technology companies, service providers, end users and investors) to have an impact for accelerating economic growth in this field and extending EU’s leadership in this sector.RIMA concentrates on I&M robotics in a large area spanning across multiple sectors such as energy, nuclear, oil and gas, water supply, transport and civil engineering infrastructure.
RIMA formed a network of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) on robotics offering services such as technology scouting (digitalization, artificial intelligence, machine learning etc.), feasibility studies, project plans, identification of technological trends and innovation sprints. The network is enriched with industrial organizations and associations like the EFNDT that have the links and means to promote the innovations coming from the DIHs to their regional stakeholders.
Over the last four years the project has managed to create many new connections, experiments, services that have brought together the technology providers, service providers, asset owners and operators, together with 13 Digital Innovation Hubs and Facilitators across Europe.
RIMA’s main goal is spreading value, knowledge and linkages globally so that the I&M domain and its EU SMEs can still have opportunities through the RIMA Alliance. Companies working on robotics for I&M, Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH), SMEs and other stakeholders are invited to join the Alliance at https://community.rimanetwork.eu/
A fascinating series of videos has now been released to showcase the achievements of the project:
EFNDT Values and Principles: - Wednesday 1 January 2020
- Members adopt a Code of Ethics as a common basis.
- Members are dedicated to public safety in a technological world.
- Members maintain a high level of quality with respect to their activities.
- Members promote the value of NDT and related topics, in particular the certification of NDT personnel, in society and in industry.
- Members shall promote, as a valuable instrument, the assurance of competence through accreditation, training and certification.
- Members consider that knowledge about NDT and related topics will be strengthened, harmonised and disseminated by means of conferences, symposia, publications and other media.
- Members shall, where appropriate, support research and development.
- Members shall, where appropriate, be actively involved in standardisation.
- Members will strive to make certification processes equivalent throughout Europe.
- The Federation represents European interests in the relevant fields at the international level.