
What gets an Eircode | Postcode Ireland - Postcodes - Location Codes

  • ️Eircode

A Unique Eircode for Every Postal Address

An Eircode is assigned to a postal address and its geographic location. Each Eircode has geographic coordinates linked to it which pinpoint the location of that address on a map. A person or business occupying an address uses the Eircode for that address.

Eircodes are linked to an address and do not move location with the occupier. If you move home or business premises you should use the Eircode for the address of the new location.

All Eircodes can be found on the Eircode Finder- a public website that allows you to search for Eircodes by address or map.

For more information visit Using an Eircode.

When Eircode launched in 2015, Eircodes were assigned to over 2.2m postal addresses. Eircode used a postal address database supplied by An Post GeoDirectory DAC (a subsidiary of An Post) to assign these Eircodes. An Post GeoDirectory maintains the address data, amending and adding addresses and geographic locations to the database.

For an Eircode to be assigned the postal address has to be in the GeoDirectory database and must contain the following information, at least 2 lines of the postal address, a principal post town, and geographic coordinates. 

Some examples of postal addresses that are assigned an Eircode are;

Residential addresses:

  • Each house on a street
  • Each apartment in an apartment block
  • Each house in a rural townland
  • Each unit in a duplex unit

Business addresses:

  • Office building
  • Factory or warehouse
  • Shop, hotel, bar or any business premises
  • Health centre, hospital or any public building
  • Each unit in a shopping centre
  • Each unit in a business park or industrial estate

For more information about Eircode updates and when an Eircode will be assigned visit How to Get an Eircode.