Meromorphic function - Encyclopedia of Mathematics
of one complex variable in a domain (or on a Riemann surface
A holomorphic function in a domain which has at every singular point
a pole (cf. Pole (of a function), i.e.
is an isolated point of the set
, which has no limit points in
, and
). The collection
of all meromorphic functions in
is a field with respect to the usual pointwise operations followed by redefinition at the removable singularities.
The quotient of two arbitrary holomorphic functions in
, is a meromorphic function in
. Conversely, every meromorphic function in a domain
(or on a non-compact Riemann surface
) can be expressed as
, where
are holomorphic and have no common zeros in
. It follows that on a non-compact Riemann surface
the field
coincides with the field of fractions of the ring
of holomorphic functions in
Every meromorphic function defines a continuous mapping
of the domain
into the Riemann sphere
, which is a holomorphic mapping relative to the standard complex structure on
. Conversely, every holomorphic mapping
, defines a meromorphic function
: The set of poles of
coincides with the discrete set
. Thus, the meromorphic functions of one variable may be identified with the holomorphic mappings (
) into the Riemann sphere.
The basic problems in the theory of meromorphic functions are those concerning the existence (and construction) of meromorphic functions with prescribed singularities.
I) One is given a (closed) discrete subset and, at each point
, the principal part of a Laurent expansion (cf. Laurent series)
it is required to find a meromorphic function with these principal parts, i.e. a holomorphic function
such that
is holomorphic in a neighbourhood of
for each
. If the number of points
is finite, then (in a domain
) the problem is trivially solved by the function
. In the general case this problem is solved by the Mittag-Leffler theorem: On every non-compact Riemann surface there exists a meromorphic function with given principal parts
. On a compact Riemann surface (for instance, a torus) this problem has in general no solution — supplementary conditions concerning the compatibility of the principal parts must be imposed.
The second basic problem is conveniently formulated in the language of divisors (cf. Divisor), i.e. of mappings such that for every compactum
the number of points
at which
is finite (the number
is called the multiplicity of
). Divisors can explicitly be written as formal sums
, where
are the points at which
; in the case of finitely many terms the number
) is called the degree of the divisor
. For a meromorphic function
its divisor
is equal to zero everywhere apart from the zeros and poles of
, at which the multiplicity is set equal to the order of the zero or of the pole (poles have negative orders).
II) At the points of a (closed) discrete subset one is given "multiplicities" — integers
. It is required to find a meromorphic function with zeros and poles of the respective multiplicities, i.e. a holomorphic function
such that
is holomorphic and does not vanish in a neighbourhood of the point
. In the case of finitely many points
) such a function is, for example,
. In the general case the problem is solved by Weierstrass' theorem: On a non-compact Riemann surface
, for every given divisor
there is a meromorphic function
with divisor
equal to
. For a compact Riemann surface
the holomorphic mapping into the Riemann sphere defined by a non-constant meromorphic function
is a branched covering, and hence the function
takes every value the same number of times; in particular, the number of zeros of
equals the number of its poles (multiplicities taken into account). Therefore, the condition
is necessary in order that problem II admits a solution on a compact Riemann surface. In general, it is not sufficient; a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a meromorphic function with a given divisor is given by Abel's theorem (see [2]).
Let be a divisor on a compact Riemann surface
. The functions
satisfying the condition
form a finite-dimensional linear space
); if
, then
The Riemann–Roch theorem asserts that
where and
are the so-called canonical divisor and, respectively, the genus of the Riemann surface
. From this relation one can obtain many existence theorems (if
, then
, and hence
contains non-constant meromorphic functions). For example, on every compact Riemann surface
of genus
there is a meromorphic function which realizes a branched covering
with at most
An important place in the theory of meromorphic functions of one complex variable is occupied by value-distribution theory (Nevanlinna theory), which studies the distribution of the roots of the equations ,
, when approaching the boundary of the domain.
Meromorphic functions of several complex variables.
Let be a domain in
(or an
-dimensional complex manifold) and let
be a (complex-) analytic subset of codimension one (or empty). A holomorphic function
defined on
is called a meromorphic function in
if for every point
one can find an arbitrarily small neighbourhood
and functions
holomorphic in
without common non-invertible factors in
, such that
. The set
is called the polar set of the meromorphic function
. Its subset
, defined locally by the condition
, is called the set of (points of) indeterminacy of
is an analytic subset of
of (complex) codimension
. At each point
the function
is essentially undefined: The limiting values of
, fill up the Riemann sphere
. On the other hand, at the points of
the limit
exists, and upon redefining
, one obtains a holomorphic mapping of
into the Riemann sphere. Conversely, if
is an arbitrary (possibly empty) complex-analytic subset of
of codimension
, then every holomorphic mapping
defines a meromorphic function on
that is equal to
, where
is either an analytic subset of
of codimension 1 or is empty. Thus, a meromorphic function
can be defined as a holomorphic mapping into the Riemann sphere defined in the complement of an analytic subset
of codimension
A third, completely localized, definition of meromorphic functions (equivalent to the one given above) is stated in the language of sheaves. Let be the sheaf of germs of holomorphic functions on
, and for each point
denote the field of fractions of the ring
(the stalk of the sheaf
). Then
is naturally endowed with the structure of a sheaf of fields, called the sheaf of germs of meromorphic functions in
. A meromorphic function in
is defined as a global section of
, i.e. a continuous mapping
such that
for all
. The sets
are defined as follows: If
, then one may assume that
are mutually prime, i.e. they have no common non-invertible factors in
; then
, while
. The value at a point
of the meromorphic function
thus defined is
As in the one-dimensional case, the collection of all meromorphic functions in forms a field
with respect to the pointwise algebraic operations with a subsequent redefinition at the removable singularities.
The closure of the zero set of a meromorphic function
, i.e. of the set
, is an analytic subset of
of codimension one (or empty); the set of indeterminacy is
. On
one can define the order (multiplicity) of the zeros (or poles) of the meromorphic function
. If
is a regular point of the analytic set
, then in some neighbourhood
the set
is connected and is given by an equation
, where
. Hence there is a maximal integer
such that the function
admits a holomorphic extension to
; this number is called the order (of the zero
, and of the pole
) of the meromorphic function
at the point
. The function
is locally constant on the set of regular points of
. Therefore one can attach to each meromorphic function in
its divisor
, where
are the irreducible components of
is the multiplicity (order) of
at the regular points of
that belong to
(alternative notations:
, etc.). On a compact complex manifold a meromorphic function is uniquely defined by its divisor, up to a multiplicative constant.
The problems solved in the one-dimensional case by the Mittag-Leffler and Weierstrass theorems are known in the higher-dimensional case as the first (additive) and the second (multiplicative) Cousin problems. Due to the complicated structure of the polar set , the notion of a principal part of a meromorphic function is not defined in general, and accordingly the Cousin problems are formulated as follows.
I) Suppose that an open covering of the manifold
and in each
a meromorphic function
are given; it is required to find a meromorphic function
such that
for all
II) For a given divisor on
, find a meromorphic function
such that
The conditions of solvability of these problems in the higher-dimensional case are considerably more stringent than in the one-dimensional case.
The problem of representing a meromorphic function as a quotient of two holomorphic functions is called the Poincaré problem. The strong Poincaré problem is to represent a meromorphic function as a quotient of holomorphic functions the germs of which at each point are mutually prime in
. The Poincaré problem is unsolvable on a compact connected complex manifold if there are non-constant meromorphic functions on it. However, this problem is solvable in every domain
and, in fact, in an arbitrary domain on a Stein manifold (see [7]). The solvability of the strong Poincaré problem follows from that of the Cousin II problem (the converse is not true).
Functions are said to be algebraically dependent if there is a polynomial
variables with complex coefficients such that
in the common domain of definition of the functions
. The maximal number of algebraically-independent meromorphic functions on
is called the transcendence degree of the field
. On a compact complex manifold this number does not exceed the (complex) dimension of the manifold (Siegel's theorem); furthermore, the field
has a finite number of generators (see [6]).
On concrete complex manifolds, meromorphic functions may have supplementary properties. For instance, in the complex projective space the set of indeterminacy of any non-constant meromorphic function is not empty. Every meromorphic function on a projective algebraic variety is rational, i.e. is expressible as a quotient
of homogeneous polynomials in homogeneous coordinates. On algebraic varieties the field
is quite rich. On the other hand, there exist complex manifolds (for example, some non-algebraic tori) on which every meromorphic function is constant. Higher-dimensional generalizations of the Riemann–Roch theorem are less effective, and existence theorems for various classes of meromorphic functions can only be obtained for some classes of complex manifolds.
See also Weierstrass theorem; Mittag-Leffler theorem; Riemann–Roch theorem.
[1] | R. Nevanilinna, "Analytic functions" , Springer (1970) (Translated from German) |
[2] | O. Forster, "Lectures on Riemann surfaces" , Springer (1981) (Translated from German) MR0648106 Zbl 0475.30002 |
[3] | W.K. Hayman, "Meromorphic functions" , Clarendon Press (1964) MR0164038 Zbl 0141.07802 Zbl 0115.06203 |
[4] | B.V. Shabat, "Introduction of complex analysis" , 1–2 , Moscow (1976) (In Russian) Zbl 0799.32001 Zbl 0732.32001 Zbl 0732.30001 Zbl 0578.32001 Zbl 0574.30001 |
[5] | L. Hörmander, "An introduction to complex analysis in several variables" , North-Holland (1973) MR0344507 Zbl 0271.32001 |
[6] | I.R. Shafarevich, "Basic algebraic geometry" , Springer (1977) (Translated from Russian) MR0447223 Zbl 0362.14001 |
[7] | J. Kajiwara, E. Sakai, "Generalization of Levi–Oka's theorem concerning meromorphic functions" Nagoya Math. J. , 29 (1967) pp. 75–84 MR243106 |
Abel's theorem on meromorphic functions states the following. Let be a compact Riemann surface. A necessary and sufficient condition for a differential
to be the divisor of a meromorphic function is that there is a singular
(cf. Integration on manifolds) of which
is the boundary,
, such that
for all differentials of the first kind on
(cf. Abelian differential and Integration on manifolds). Cf. also Jacobi variety for another formulation of Abel's theorem.
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This article was adapted from an original article by E.M. Chirka (originator), which appeared in Encyclopedia of Mathematics - ISBN 1402006098. See original article