PS4 will add Blu-ray 3D support next week (update)
- ️Richard Lawler
- ️Thu Jul 24 2014
That was fast. After Microsoft announced the Xbox One is going to get Blu-ray 3D support in an update soon, Sony's PlayStation Europe arm has responded by finally revealing the same feature is coming to the PS4. There's no word yet on any other other home theater related features we'd love to see make the jump from PS3 to PS4 (Bluetooth remote, DLNA, MP3 playback), or a specific release date, but software update 1.75 is the one we're looking forward to. It's hard to say which is the bigger coincidence -- that this feature is confirmed just days after the XB1 or that it comes as we're finding out about the PSN outage settlement. Hey, at least it's not another stability update.
Update: The PlayStation US Twitter account has chimed in and done one better -- mentioning that firmware 1.75 will arrive next week. Still no word on any other changes, but that will probably put it ahead of the Xbox One, and give you enough time to order Gravity in 3D from Amazon.
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Coming soon: PS4 system software update 1.75 adds 3D Blu-ray film support. #4ThePlayers
- PlayStation Europe (@PlayStationEU) July 24, 2014
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Coming next week: PS4 system software update 1.75 adds 3D Blu-ray film support. Woo-hoo!
- PlayStation (@PlayStation) July 24, 2014
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来週実施!PS4™のシステムソフトウェアアップデート1.75により、Blu-ray 3Dの再生に対応! #PS4
- プレイステーション公式 (@PlayStation_jp) July 24, 2014