Air Viscosity: Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity at Various Temperatures and Pressures

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The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to gradual deformation by shear stress or tensile stress .

For further definitions, go to Absolute (dynamic) and kinematic viscosity . Absolute or dynamic viscosity is used to calculate Reynold's Number to determine if a fluid flow is laminar, transient or turbulent.

Tabulated values and viscosity units conversion are given below the figures.

Online Air Viscosity Calculator

The calculator below can be used to calculate air dynamic or kinematic viscosity at given temperatures and atmospheric pressure.
The output dynamic viscosity is given as Pas, Ns/m2, cP, mPas, lbfs/ft2 and lbm/fth, while the kinematic viscosity is given as cSt, m2/s and ft2/s.

Note! Temperature must be within the ranges -100 - 1600 °C, -150 - 2900 °F, 175 - 1900 K and 310 -3400 °R to get valid values.

Choose the actual unit of temperature:

See also other properties of Air at varying temperature and pressure: Density and specific weight at varying temperature, Density at varying pressure, Diffusion Coefficients for Gases in Air, Prandtl Number, Specific heat at varying temperature and Specific heat at varying pressure, Thermal Conductivity, Thermal Diffusivity, Properties at gas-liquid equilibrium conditions and Air thermophysical properties at standard conditions and Composition and molecular weight,
as well as dynamic and kinematic viscosity of ammonia, benzene, butane, carbon dioxide, ethane, ethanol, ethylene, methane, methanol, nitrogen, oxygen, propane and water.


Air dynamic and kinematic viscosity at atmospheric pressure and varying temperature:

Air dynamic viscosity at varying temperature and constant pressures (1-10 000 bara, 14.5 - 145 000 psia):


Air kinematic viscosity at varying temperature and constant pressures (1-10 000 bara, 14.5 - 145 000 psia):

Air dynamic and kinematic viscosity at gas-liquid equilibrium pressure:


Dynamic (absolute) and kinematic viscosity of air at 1 atmosphere pressure, at temperatures given as °F:

For full table with kinematic viscosity - rotate the screen!

Air - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity at Atmospheric Pressure
Temperature Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity
(°F) (lbf s/ft2 ×10-6) (lbm/ft h) (μPa s),
(N s/m2 ×10-6)
(mPa s)
(ft2/s ×10-4) (cSt),
(m2/s ×10-6)
-100 0.2772 0.03211 13.27 0.01327 0.809 7.51
-50 0.3091 0.03580 14.80 0.01480 1.028 9.55
-20 0.3275 0.03794 15.68 0.01568 1.170 10.87
0 0.3395 0.03932 16.25 0.01625 1.267 11.77
10 0.3454 0.04001 16.54 0.01654 1.317 12.24
20 0.3512 0.04068 16.82 0.01682 1.368 12.71
30 0.3570 0.04135 17.10 0.01710 1.420 13.19
40 0.3628 0.04202 17.37 0.01737 1.472 13.67
50 0.3685 0.04268 17.64 0.01764 1.524 14.16
60 0.3741 0.04333 17.91 0.01791 1.578 14.66
70 0.3797 0.04398 18.18 0.01818 1.632 15.16
80 0.3852 0.04462 18.45 0.01845 1.687 15.67
100 0.3962 0.04589 18.97 0.01897 1.799 16.71
120 0.4069 0.04713 19.48 0.01948 1.913 17.78
140 0.4175 0.04835 19.99 0.01999 2.030 18.86
160 0.4279 0.04956 20.49 0.02049 2.150 19.97
180 0.4381 0.05074 20.98 0.02098 2.272 21.11
200 0.4481 0.05191 21.46 0.02146 2.397 22.27
250 0.4726 0.05474 22.63 0.02263 2.719 25.26
300 0.4962 0.05747 23.76 0.02376 3.055 28.38
350 0.5189 0.06010 24.85 0.02485 3.405 31.64
400 0.5409 0.06265 25.90 0.02590 3.769 35.02
450 0.5622 0.06512 26.92 0.02692 4.146 38.52
500 0.5828 0.06751 27.91 0.02791 4.535 42.13
600 0.6224 0.07209 29.80 0.02980 5.349 49.70
700 0.6600 0.07644 31.60 0.03160 6.209 57.68
773 0.6863 0.07949 32.86 0.03286 6.864 63.77
1000 0.7632 0.08840 36.54 0.03654 9.038 83.97
1200 0.8258 0.09565 39.54 0.03954 11.12 103.3
1400 0.8844 0.1024 42.35 0.04235 13.34 123.9
1600 0.9397 0.1088 44.99 0.04499 15.70 145.8
1800 0.9919 0.1149 47.49 0.04749 18.18 168.9
2000 1.042 0.1207 49.87 0.04987 20.79 193.1

Dynamic (absolute) and kinematic viscosity of air at 1 atmosphere pressure, at temperatures given as °C:

For full table with kinematic viscosity - rotate the screen!

Air - Dynamic and Kinematic Viscosity at Atmospheric Pressure
Temperature Dynamic Viscosity Kinematic Viscosity
(°C) (μPa s),
(N s/m2 ×10-6)
(mPa s)
(lbf s/ft2 ×10-6) (lbm/ft h) (cSt),
(m2/s ×10-6)
(ft2/s ×10-4)
-75 13.18 0.01318 0.2753 0.03188 7.40 0.796
-50 14.56 0.01456 0.3041 0.03523 9.22 0.992
-25 15.88 0.01588 0.3317 0.03842 11.18 1.203
-15 16.40 0.01640 0.3425 0.03966 12.01 1.292
-10 16.65 0.01665 0.3477 0.04028 12.43 1.338
-5 16.90 0.01690 0.3530 0.04089 12.85 1.383
0 17.15 0.01715 0.3582 0.04149 13.28 1.430
5 17.40 0.01740 0.3633 0.04209 13.72 1.477
10 17.64 0.01764 0.3685 0.04268 14.16 1.524
15 17.89 0.01789 0.3735 0.04327 14.61 1.573
20 18.13 0.01813 0.3786 0.04385 15.06 1.621
25 18.37 0.01837 0.3836 0.04443 15.52 1.671
30 18.60 0.01860 0.3885 0.04500 15.98 1.720
40 19.07 0.01907 0.3983 0.04614 16.92 1.822
50 19.53 0.01953 0.4080 0.04725 17.88 1.925
60 19.99 0.01999 0.4175 0.04835 18.86 2.030
80 20.88 0.02088 0.4361 0.05051 20.88 2.248
100 21.74 0.02174 0.4541 0.05260 22.97 2.473
125 22.79 0.02279 0.4760 0.05513 25.69 2.765
150 23.80 0.02380 0.4971 0.05758 28.51 3.069
175 24.78 0.02478 0.5176 0.05995 31.44 3.384
200 25.73 0.02573 0.5374 0.06225 34.47 3.710
225 26.66 0.02666 0.5567 0.06448 37.60 4.047
300 29.28 0.02928 0.6115 0.07083 47.54 5.117
412 32.87 0.03287 0.6865 0.07952 63.82 6.869
500 35.47 0.03547 0.7409 0.08581 77.72 8.366
600 38.25 0.03825 0.7988 0.09252 94.62 10.19
700 40.85 0.04085 0.8532 0.09883 112.6 12.12
800 43.32 0.04332 0.9047 0.1048 131.7 14.17
900 45.66 0.04566 0.9535 0.1104 151.7 16.33
1000 47.88 0.04788 1.000 0.1158 172.7 18.59
1100 50.01 0.05001 1.045 0.1210 194.6 20.95


Unit conversion:

Viscosity Dynamic, Absolute
centipoise (cP), gram/(centimeter second) (g/(cm s)) = poise (P),  kilogram/meter second (kg/m s)=newton second/square meter (N s/m2)= pascal second (Pa s), pound/(foot hour) (lb/(ft h)), pound/(foot second) (lb/(ft s)), reyn (reyn)

  • 1 cP = 0.001 Pa s = 0.01 P = 0.01 g/(cm sec) = 6.72197×10-4 lb/(ft s) = 2.4191 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 lb/(ft h) = 0.00027778 lb/(ft s) = 0.00041338 Pa s = 0.0041338 P = 0.41338 cP
  • 1 lb/(ft s) = 3600 lb/(ft h) = 1.48816 Pa s = 14.8816 P = 1488.16 cP
  • 1 kg/(m s) = 1 (N s)/m2= 1 Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.09 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 (N s)/m2= 1 kg/(m s) = 1 Pa s = 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.09 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 P = 1 g/(cm s) = 0.1 Pa s = 100 cP = 0.067197 lb/(ft s) = 241.909 lb/(ft h)
  • 1 Pa s = 1 kg/(m s) = 1 (N s)/m2= 10 P = 1000 cP = 0.672197 lb/(ft s) = 2419.08 lb/(ft h) =  0.00014504 reyn
  • 1 reyn = 6894.76 Pa s

See also Absolute or Dynamic Viscosity Unit Converter

Viscosity Kinematic
centistoke (cSt) = square millimeter/second (mm2/s), square foot/hour (ft2/h), square foot/second (ft2/s), square inch/second (in2/s), square meter/hour (m2/h), square meter/second (m2/s), stoke (St) = square centimeter/second (cm2/s)

  • 1 cm2/s = 1 St = 100 mm2/s = 100 cSt = 1×10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.07639×10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s
  • 1 cSt = 1 mm2/s = 0.01 St = 1×10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 1.07639×10-5ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
  • 1 ft2/h = 2.7778×10-4 ft2/s = 0.04 in2/s = 2.58064×10-5m2/s = 0.09290304 m2/h = 25.8064 cS = 0.258064 St
  • 1 ft2/s = 3600 ft2/h = 144 in2/s = 0.09290304 m2/s = 334.451 m2/h = 92903.04 cSt = 929.0304 St
  • 1 in2/s = 0.0069444 ft2/s = 25 ft2/h = 0.00064516 m2/s = 2.322576 m2/h = 645.16 cSt = 6.4516 St
  • 1 m2/h = 1/3600 m2/s = 2.7778×10-4 m2/s = 2.7778 cm2/s = 277.78 mm2/s = 277.78 cSt = 2.7778 St = 0.00298998 ft2/s = 10.7639 ft2/h = 0.430556 in2/s
  • 1 m2/s = 3600 m2/h = 1×104 cm2/s = 1×104 St = 1×106 mm2/s = 1×106 cSt = 10.7639 ft2/s = 38750.08 ft2/h = 1550003 in2/s
  • 1 mm2/s = 1 cSt = 1×10-6 m2/s = 0.0036 m2/h = 0.01 cm2/s = 0.01 St = 1.07639×10-5ft2/s = 0.03875008 ft2/h = 0.001550003 in2/s
  • 1 St = 1 cm2/s = 100 cSt = 100 mm2/s = 1×10-4 m2/s = 0.36 m2/h = 1.076×10-3 ft2/s = 3.875008 ft2/h = 0.1550003 in2/s

See also Kinematic Viscosity Unit Converter

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