Compressed Air - Friction Loss in Hoses

Compressed air friction loss in hoses are indicated below. Gauge pressure

  • 50 psi - black line
  • 70 psi - red line
  • 90 psi - yellow line
  • 110 psi - blue line
  • 1 psig = 6.9 kPa = 0.069 bar
  • 1 inch = 25.4 mm
  • 1 ft (foot) = 0.3048 m
  • 1 scfm = 0.472 nl/s

Example - Pressure Loss in Compressed Air Hose

The air flow in a 3/4" pipeline with 90 psi pressure is 30 cfm.

From the second diagram above we can estimate the friction loss to be approximately  0.4 psi/50 ft.

The friction loss in a 10 ft hose can be calculated as

(0.4 psi/50 ft) (10 ft) / (50 ft) = 0.08 psi

Properties of air, LNG, LPG and other common gases. Pipeline capacities and sizing of relief valves.

Discharged air flow volume through hoses with pressure ranging 30 - 90 psi.

Calculate pressure drop in compressed air pipe lines - metric and imperial units.

Pressure loss in compressed air pipe lines.

Air pipe lines capacities at pressure 100 psi (6.9 bar).

Capacities of compressed air pipelines - pressure ranging 5 - 250 psi (0.5 - 17 bar).

Pressure drop in compressed air pipe lines.

Fittings in compressed air pipe lines and equivalent length pressure drop.

Pressure drop in compressed air pipelines with applied pressure 50, 100 and 150 psi.