Pneumatic Cylinder - Excerted Force vs. Pressure

Single Acting Cylinder

The force exerted by a single acting pneumatic cylinder can be expressed as

F = p A

   = p π d2 / 4                                           (1)


F = force exerted (N)

p = gauge pressure (N/m2, Pa)

A = full bore area (m2)

d = full bore piston diameter (m)


Single Acting Cylinder Calculator  - Output Stroke

Calculate Force with known Pressure and Diameter

Calculate required Diameter with known Force and Pressure

Calculate required Pressure with known Force and Diameter

Example - Single Acting Piston

The force exerted by a single acting pneumatic cylinder with 1 bar (105 N/m2) and full bore diameter of 100 mm (0.1 m) can be calculated as

F = p π d2 / 4

    = (105 N/m2) π (0.1 m)2/ 4

    = 785 N

    = 0.785 kN


Air Cylinder - Pressure/Force Diagram


Imperial Units


Double Acting Cylinder

The force exerted by double acting pneumatic cylinder on outstroke can be expressed as (1). The force exerted on instroke can be expressed as

F = p π (d12 - d22) / 4                                     (2)


d1 = full bore piston diameter (m)

d2 = piston rod diameter (m)

Double Acting Cylinder Calculator  - Input Stroke

Calculate Force with known Pressure and Diameter

Calculate required Diameter with known Force and Pressure

Calculate required Pressure with known Force and Diameter

Example - Double Acting Piston

The force exerted from a single acting pneumatic cylinder with 1 bar (105 N/m2), full bore diameter of 100 mm (0.1 m) and rod diameter 10 mm (0.01 m) can be calculated as

F = p π (d12 - d22) / 4

    = (105 N/m2) π ((0.1 m)2 - (0.01 m)2) / 4

    = 778 N

    = 0.78 kN

  • instroke capacity is reduced compared to outstroke capacity - due to the rod and reduced active pressurized areal

Properties of air, LNG, LPG and other common gases. Pipeline capacities and sizing of relief valves.

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems - fluids, forces, pumps and pistons.

The force ratio is the load force versus the effort force.

Calculate pneumatic cylinder acting velocity.

Pressure loss in pneumatic tubes - sizes ranging 5 - 36 mm.

Calculate air volume used by a single-acting piston.