Bodies - Weight vs. Height

Typical ideal body weight versus height.

Ideal body weight - small, medium and large frame - versus height indicated below:

Men - Height vs. Weight

Bodies - Weight vs. Height - Men
HeightWeight (lbs)
(ft)(in)(cm)Small frameMedium frameLarge frame
5 2 158 128 - 134 131 - 141 138 - 150
5 3 160 130 - 136 133 - 143 140 - 153
5 4 163 132 - 138 135 - 145 142 - 156
5 5 165 134 - 140 137 - 148 144 - 160
5 6 168 136 - 142 139 - 151 146 - 164
5 7 170 138 - 145 142 - 154 149 - 168
5 8 173 140 - 148 145 - 157 152 - 172
5 9 175 142 - 151 148 - 160 155 - 176
5 10 178 144 - 154 151 - 163 158 - 180
5 11 180 146 - 157 154 - 166 161 - 184
6 0 183 149 - 160 157 - 170 164 - 188
6 1 186 152 - 164 160 - 174 168 - 192
6 2 188 155 - 168 164 - 178 172 - 197
6 3 191 158 - 172 167 - 182 176 - 202
6 4 193 162 - 176 171 - 187 181 - 207

Men - height versus ideal body weight

Women - Height vs. Weight

Bodies - Weight vs. Height - Women
HeightWeight (lbs)
(ft)(in)(cm)Small frameMedium frameLarge frame
4 10 147 102 - 111 109 - 121 118 - 131
4 11 150 103 - 113 111 - 123 120 - 134
5 0 153 104 - 115 113 - 126 122 - 137
5 1 155 106 - 118 115 - 129 125 - 140
5 2 158 108 - 121 118 - 132 128 - 143
5 3 160 111 - 124 121 - 135 131 - 147
5 4 163 114 - 127 124 - 138 134 - 151
5 5 165 117 - 130 127 - 141 137 - 155
5 6 168 120 - 133 130 - 144 140 - 159
5 7 170 123 - 136 133 - 147 143 - 163
5 8 173 126 - 139 136 - 150 146 - 167
5 9 175 129 - 142 139 - 153 149 - 170
5 10 178 132 - 145 142 - 156 152 - 173
5 11 180 135 - 148 145 - 159 155 - 176
6 0 183 138 - 151 148 - 162 158 - 179

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