Room Sensible Heat Factor - RSHF
The Room Sensible Heat Factor - RSHF - expresses the ratio between sensible heat load and total heat load in a room. It can be expressed as:
RSHF = Qsr / Qtr (1)
RSHF = room sensible heat factor
Qsr = sensible heat load in room (kW, Btu/hr)
Qtr = total heat load in room (kW, Btu/hr)
(1) can be modified to:
RSHF = cp (tr - ti) / (hr - hi) (2)
cp = specific heat air (kJ/kg.oC)
tr = room temperature (oC)
ti = inlet temperature (oC)
hr = room enthalpy (kJ/kg)
hi = inlet enthalpy (kJ/kg)
Example - Room Sensible Heat Factor - RSHF
The sensible heat generated within a room is 4 kW. The latent heat generated is 1.4 kW.
The Room Sensible Heat Factor can be calculated as:
RSHF = (4 kW) / ((4 kW) + (1.4 kW))
= 0.75