Sensible Heat Ratio - SHR

The Sensible Heat Ratio - SHR - is used to describe the ratio of sensible heat load to total heat load and can be expressed as:

SHR = qs / qt

= qs / (qs + ql)                                                (1)


SHR = sensible heat ratio (ratio of sensible heat load to total heat load)

qs = sensible heat load (kW, Btu/hr)

qt = total heat load - sensible heat and latent heat (kW, Btu/hr)

ql = latent heat load (kW, Btu/hr)

For an air flow (1) can be modified to:

SHR = cp (to - ti ) / (ho - hi)                                              (2)


cp = specific heat air (1.005 kJ/kg oC, 0.240 Btu/lb oF)

to = outlet air temperature (oC, oF)

ti = inlet air temperature (oC, oF)

ho = outlet moist air enthalpy (kJ/kg, Btu/lb)

hi = inlet moist air enthalpy (kJ/kg, Btu/lb)

Example - SHR for a room

The inlet temperature to a room with some people is 20 oC. The relative moisture of the inlet air is 50%. From the Mollier chart the enthalpy of the inlet air is 37 kJ/kg.

The outlet temperature is 26 oC and the relative moisture of the outlet air is 40%. From the Mollier chart the enthalpy of the outlet air is 47 kJ/kg.

The Sensible Heat Ratio can be calculated as

SHR = (1.005 kJ/kg oC) ((26 oC) - (20 oC)) / ((47 kJ/kg) - (3 7 kJ/kg))

= 0.6

60% of the load provided to the room heats the air (sensible load) and 40% of the load provided humidifies the air (latent load).

Example - SHR for a evaporator

If the SHR value for an evaporator is 75% (0.75) - 75% of the load cools the air (sensible load) and 25% of the loads dehumidifies the air (latent load).

General Design Values

  • Auditoriums, Theaters - SHR : 0.65 - 0.75
  • Apartments - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Banks, Court Houses, Municipal Buildings - SHR : 0.75 - 0.90
  • Churches - SHR : 0.65 - 0.75
  • Dining Halls - SHR : 0.65 - 0.80
  • Computer Rooms - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Cocktail Lounges, Bars, Taverns, Clubhouses, Nightclubs - SHR : 0.65 - 0.80
  • Jails - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Hospital Patient Rooms, Nursing Home, Patient Rooms - SHR : 0.75 - 0.85
  • Kitchens - SHR : 0.60 - 0.70
  • Libraries, Museums - SHR : 0.80 - 0.90
  • Malls, Shopping Centers - SHR : 0.65 - 0.85
  • Medical/Dental Centers, Clinics and Offices - SHR : 0.75 - 0.85
  • Motel and Hotel Public Areas - SHR : 0.75 - 0.90
  • Motel and Hotel Guest Rooms - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Police Stations, Fire Stations, Post Offices - SHR : 0.75 - 0.90
  • Precision Manufacturing - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Restaurants - SHR : 0.65 - 0.80
  • Residences - SHR : 0.80 - 0.95
  • Retail, Department Stores - SHR : 0.65 - 0.90
  • Other Shops - SHR : 0.65 - 0.90
  • School Classrooms - SHR : 0.65 - 0.80
  • Supermarkets - SHR : 0.65 - 0.85