AI4TRUST: AI-based-technologies for trustworthy solutions against disinformation

  • ️LouiseQ LouiseQ
  • ️Tue Jul 18 2023

The project
AI4TRUST will provide a hybrid system, where machines cooperate with humans, relying on advanced AI solutions against advanced disinformation techniques to support media professionals and policy makers. Our system will monitor, in nearly real time, multiple online social platforms, filtering out social noise and analyzing multimodal (text, audio, visual) content in multiple languages (up to 70% of coverage in the EU) with novel AI algorithms, while cooperating in an automated way with an international network of human fact-checkers who will be periodically triggered and who will frequently provide validated data to update our algorithms.

The objectives

The AI4TRUST project aims to enhance the human-based response for tackling misinformation and disinformation across the EU by empowering scientific researchers and media practitioners with advanced AI-based technologies that:

  • Allow multichannel (distinct online social media and news feeds), multilingual (70% coverage of EU media/users) and multimodal (textual, visual and audio content) monitoring, detection and recording of misinformation and disinformation on online social media and traditional media; 
  • Estimate the risk of unreliable information consumption; 
  • Create a trustworthy online environment involving researchers, media practitioners and policy makers to facilitate the creation and distribution of reliable information and counternarratives, while labelling and countering mis/disinformation.

The consortium

  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK, Coordinator)
  • Ethniko Kentro Erevnas Kai Technologikis Anaptyxis (CERTH)
  • Università degli Studi de Trento (UNITN)
  • National Centre for Scientific Research Demokritos (NCSR - D)
  • University of Cambridge (UCAM)
  • Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
  • University Politechnica of Bucharest (UPB)
  • Fincons Group AG (FINC)
  • SAHER (Europe)
  • GDI Global Disinformation Index (GDI)
  • Demagog Association (DEMAGOG)
  • Fundación contra la desinformación: periodismo, educación, investigación y datos en nuevos formatos (MALDITA)
  • Ellinika Hoaxes (ELLINIKA)
  • SKY Italia (SKYTG24)
  • Asociatia Digital Bridge (ADB)
  • Europejskie Media Sp. z o.o. (EMS)
  • EURACTIV Media Network (EURACTIV)

The activities

  • Pilot, Assessment & Fact-checking
  • Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation (AI4TRUST Communication and Dissemination Plan, Sustained editorial coverage, Video Explainers, Data Visualisations, Twitter Chats, Paid social media promotion)
  • Events (Policy Kick-Off Conference “AI in media and communication, Stakeholder Workshop, Final Forum)

The duration

The project started in March 2023 and will last for 38 months. 

Find out more about the project here.

Check out the project on here

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