
History - Evangel University: Your Calling. Our Passion.

  • ️Wed Apr 17 2024

At Evangel, we have been producing Spirit-led professionals in the marketplace and in ministry for over 90 years. As the national university of the Assemblies of God, our passion lies in equipping students to pursue their callings. As a consolidated university with our sister schools Central Bible College and the Assemblies of God Theological Seminary, we offer comprehensive training to prepare students to achieve vocational success and make an impact for the kingdom. Our students change the world in their homes, communities, workplaces, and ministries.

Founding of Evangel

Evangel University, the first Pentecostal liberal arts college chartered in America, opened its doors on September 1, 1955.

In those early days, there were only a few men who dreamed about a school like Evangel, where Assemblies of God students’ faith would be nurtured and his or her life’s calling could be discovered. However, not everyone shared those dreams. It would take more than a desire to make Evangel a reality.

The Rev. Ralph M. Riggs, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God at that time, was known as “Mr. Education” in the AG. Against some strong opposition from many members of the Assemblies of God, Riggs spearheaded the movement to create Evangel, and after several earlier attempts failed, the resolution to create Evangel finally passed at the 1953 General Council in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Finding a home

Once the resolution was approved, a location for the new college had to be found.

At the time of the search for a permanent home for Evangel, the U.S. government declared the land and buildings of O’Reilly General Hospital in Springfield, Missouri, as surplus property. The hospital was built during World War II to treat wounded soldiers and was always meant to be a temporary site. After a short stint as a veterans hospital in the post-war period, O’Reilly was shut down in 1952.

Ralph Riggs, along with several other leaders in the movement, stood on the ground of O’Reilly General Hospital and prayed, asking the Lord to let the site be used for Evangel College.

After Assemblies of God executives mailed a 51-page application to the Department of Health, Education and Welfare on April 26, 1954, months went by with no word. Following that, complicated negotiations ensued. The AG knew that any city, county, state or federal agency that wanted the land would receive preference. Still, the leaders prayed.

After more prayer and a few final obstacles to overcome, the AG received the deed to 57 1/2 acres of O’Reilly property on December 8, 1954. Evangel opened its doors to the first freshman class on September 1, 1955.

Central Bible College

The founding of the General Council of the Assemblies of God in 1914 was marked by an emphasis upon the need for training ministers and missionaries. Central Bible College (CBC) was established in 1922 in response to this need.

CBC’s inaugural classes assembled in the basement of the old Central Assembly of God church building. The crowded quarters, which included only two classrooms, were soon outgrown. Businessmen contributed $5,000 for purchase of a 15-acre tract on North Grant Avenue, and construction began. With a student body of 132, Central Bible College occupied its new building, Bowie Hall, in 1924. The first class graduated in 1925. Later, more land was acquired, increasing the size of the campus to 32 acres.

Along with establishing a fully operational campus, a solid foundation of Biblical principles and practical training was laid by leaders of CBC through the early years.

Adding to Central Bible College’s rapid growth, three other schools merged with CBC: Bethel Bible Training Institute of Newark, New Jersey in 1929; South Central Bible College of Hot Springs, Arkansas in 1953; and Great Lakes Bible Institute, Zion, Illinois, in 1954.

The first full-time president was Bartlett Peterson, who began his administration in 1948. In the same year, CBC inaugurated its fourth year of course work, leading to a bachelor degree, and became a charter member of the Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges. Under the leadership of Philip Crouch, the name was changed from Central Bible Institute to Central Bible College. Many new facilities were added to the campus throughout his presidency.

CBC’s campus and program offerings continued to grow through the early 2000s. When a vision was cast for consolidation to occur, CBC’s programs were proposed to help form a new School of Theology and Church Ministries. That vision became a reality, as students and faculty from CBC assumed vital roles while integrating and becoming part of Evangel.

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