
Ex Astris Scientia - Re-Used Planets in TNG

  • ️Bernd Schneider

by Jörg Hillebrand and Bernd Schneider

Red PlanetsGreen PlanetsBlue PlanetsBrown PlanetsEarthPlanets with Continents

Star Trek: The Next Generation shows us an overall wider variety of planets than TOS. Still, we can see many shots of planets more than once, representing a different planet each time. Some of the stock footage is re-used in up to ten episodes (counting double episodes as one). In most cases it remains unchanged in its role as a different planet, or only the color is slightly adjusted.

Conversely, in a few cases the same planets are represented by different models in different episodes.

In the following, the planets are grouped by colors and surface features, and listed in descending order of the number of re-uses. The episodes are listed in production order.

Red Planets

Green Planets

Blue Planets

Brown Planets


Planets with Continents

See Also

Planet Mutations - recurring planets whose appearance varies

Planets in TOS and TOS Remastered - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 - survey of the TOS planet models and how they were remastered

Re-Used Planets in DS9 - all the planets that appeared from twice up to six times

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