
Measuring what matters in agriculture and food systems | FAO

A synthesis of the results and recommendations of TEEB for Agriculture and Food’s Scientific and Economic Foundations Report

The TEEBAgriFood Evaluation Framework has three guiding principles – universality, comprehensiveness and inclusion. As a “universal” Framework, its elements are defined and described in a uniform, methodical and consistent manner, to be used in any geographical, ecological or social context, at the level of society, the firm, or the individual. The Framework is “comprehensive” in that it acknowledges all significant impacts or dependencies of the food system, be they economically visible or invisible, along any segment of the food value chain. A third guiding principle is inclusion. I.e. that the Framework should support multiple approaches to assessment. Although the ‘accounting based’ nature of the Framework directly supports analysis in line with economic theory and valuation of impacts on human wellbeing in monetary ‘value addition’ terms, this is neither possible nor appropriate for all aspects of human well-being. Qualitative, physical, or non-monetary terms can provide important insights, as can a plurality of value perspectives and assessment techniques. These three guiding principles result in a Framework design and approach that can truly represent a holistic perspective of any food system. They anchor the Framework by recognizing and valuing the roles of all four forms of capital stocks (i.e. produced, natural, human and social capital) deployed in eco-agrifood systems. They lead us to undertake a mapping and recording all major flows emanating from these stocks, be they economically visible or invisible, recognizing and evaluating the outcomes and impacts of these flows.

Publisher: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB)

Author: Alexander Müller and Pavan Sukhdev

Organization: The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB)

Year: 2018

Type: Report

Content language: English