History of Post Offices in Pasco County, Florida
- ️Thu Feb 02 1888
Sources: The lists of postmasters with dates of appointment were taken from the U. S. Postal Service web site, except for Ashley, Bee Tree, Carmel, Cedar, Hopeville, Fivay City, Pleasant Plains, and Fort Taylor, which were taken from pascocemeteries.org. Other historical information on this page was provided by Eddie Herrmann. This page was last revised on April 16, 2020.
ABBOTT - HEGMAN - ABBOTT - ZEPHYRHILLS. SE ¼ of S11 T26 R21 (from 01-09-1888 P.O. application). Established February 2, 1888. Changed November 22, 1890 to Hegman. SW ¼ of S11 T26 R21 (from 01-05-1891 P.O. application). Changed February 3, 1892 to Abbott. According to research by Eddie Herrmann, on May 31, 1910, the Abbott post office was discontinued and the Zephyrhills post office was established. The USPS web site merely shows a change of name from Abbott to Zephyrhills on that date. The USPS web site has “Hyman,” rather than Hegman; this seems to be incorrect. On Nov. 21, 1924, the Dade City Banner reported, “The postoffice has been moved into the building on Fifth Avenue recently built by the postmistress, Mrs. Frazier. This building, when fully completed, will insure better lighting and more room for the postoffice. It will also be possible to have the flag hoisted over the buildings, as is usually done at all postoffices when the building is owned by the government.”
Mrs. Amanda M. Isaacs | Postmaster | 02/02/1888 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 03/03/1890 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 11/22/1890 |
William B. Smith | Postmaster | 07/08/1891 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 02/03/1892 |
David A. Thompson | Postmaster | 09/05/1893 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 09/29/1897 |
Mortimer P. Arnold | Postmaster | 07/26/1900 |
Willis M. Geiger | Postmaster | 04/13/1901 |
Josephine B. Hennington | Postmaster | 05/10/1905 |
Josephine B. Hennington | Postmaster | 05/31/1910 |
James L. Geiger | Postmaster | 07/25/1913 |
Mrs. Edith H. Frazier | Postmaster | 03/18/1922 |
Malcolm M. Maner | Acting Postmaster | 10/07/1926 |
Malcolm M. Maner | Postmaster | 12/21/1926 |
Mrs. Lola D. Gall | Acting Postmaster | 09/15/1934 |
Mrs. Lola D. Gall | Postmaster | 02/11/1937 |
Charles J. Bentley | Acting Postmaster | 12/31/1955 |
Carl Davis Lippincott Jr. | Acting Postmaster | 07/26/1957 |
Carl David Lippincott Jr. | Postmaster | 09/06/1957 |
Anthony Cueto Jr. | Officer-In-Charge | 03/28/1977 |
Merrill K. Mersel | Officer-In-Charge | 08/12/1977 |
Warren B. Taylor | Postmaster | 01/28/1978 |
Richard H. Sherman | Officer-In-Charge | 03/20/1981 |
Richard W. Dupre | Officer-In-Charge | 05/21/1981 |
John J. Finnerty III | Postmaster | 08/22/1981 |
Thomas H. Testa Jr. | Officer-In-Charge | 01/31/2002 |
Thomas H. Testa Jr. | Postmaster | 09/07/2002 |
Shelah Marsh | Officer-In-Charge | 11/08/2004 |
Russell Holland | Officer-In-Charge | 03/21/2005 |
Douglas M. Fiedler | Postmaster | 06/25/2005 |
AMELIA. NE ¼ of S25 T24 R19 (from 03-30-1893 P.O. application). The post office was applied for under the name Willowoak, which the application noted was a turpentine community. Established as Amelia, May 6, 1893. Discontinued on April 18, 1895; papers to Saint Thomas. Re-established on July 2, 1895. Discontinued December 31, 1910 (Pasco). This area is now known as Darby.
Robert J. Bradley | Postmaster | 05/06/1893 |
Laura V. Pixton | Postmaster | 07/02/1895 |
John D. Bradley Jr. | Postmaster | 04/04/1896 |
Robert A. Bradley | Postmaster | 02/01/1897 |
Lillian G. Jones | Postmaster | 11/11/1903 |
Susan L. Bradley | Postmaster | 12/07/1907 |
Redmond J. Parker | Postmaster | 08/03/1910 |
ANCLOTE. Established September 10, 1878, in Hernando County. Anclote is located near Anclote High School, and still appears on some maps. Changed to Hillsborough County and to Pinellas County. Discontinued on October 15, 1915; mail to Tarpon Springs. According to his obituary, John M. Craver served as postmaster of Anclote from 1881 to 1889. History of Tarpon Springs by Robert Franklin Pent reports: “Mr. Morrish, an Englishman, moved in with his family and became the grocer and postmaster, Mr. Craver having moved out.”
William S. Cobb | Postmaster | 09/10/1878 |
John M. Craver | Postmaster | 05/18/1880 |
Elisha A. Hill | Postmaster | 05/08/1893 |
George M. Morrish | Postmaster | 07/29/1893 |
Greene Meyer | Postmaster | 01/27/1906 |
ARIPEKA. NW ¼ of S01 T24 R16 (from P.O. application). Established in Hernando County on February 11, 1895. The post office application stated, “also known as Hammock Creek.” George Pine (born, 1835) is shown in the 1900 census s a photographer born in New Jersey. The original spelling may have been Aipeka. The United States Post-Office Guide for 1904, p. 366, spells the name of this town Arbeka. Changed to Pasco County around 1919-21. Miss Kolb’s name was changed to Mrs. Lizzie Belle Jackson by marriage on July 16, 1948. Louise Geiger of Aripeka recently saved and restored the 1950s post office. An article at tampabay.com is here. See also Argo and Gulf Key.
George Pine | Postmaster | 02/11/1895 |
Richard A. Ellis | Postmaster | 05/20/1901 |
John C. Jeter | Postmaster | 01/19/1909 |
John W. Johnson | Postmaster | 07/21/1909 |
David A. McNutt | Postmaster | 02/10/1911 |
Daniel E. Burtis | Postmaster | 03/12/1914 |
Harry E. Parsons | Postmaster | 07/16/1917 |
Charles N. Harnett | Postmaster | 08/22/1919 |
James B. Kolb | Postmaster | 07/15/1921 |
Miss Lizzie Belle Kolb | Acting Postmaster | 11/30/1945 |
Miss Lizzie Belle Kolb | Postmaster | 06/20/1946 |
Mrs. Myrtle S. Fesler | Officer-In-Charge | 06/28/1974 |
Mrs. Myrtle S. Fesler | Postmaster | 08/17/1974 |
name? | Officer-In-Charge | .. |
Margaret A. Pras | Postmaster | 01/23/1982 |
Julie Wert | Officer-In-Charge | .. |
Joseph C. LaFranca | Postmaster | 06/12/2004 |
ASHLEY. SW ¼ of S28 T24 R22 (from 02-06-1884 P.O. application). Established October 13, 1884. The post office application notes ½ mi east of river. Discontinued May 27, 1886 (Dade City). This townsite was located near Lanier Bridge.
John S. Ashley | Postmaster | Sept. 10, 1878 |
BEE TREE. Established November 9, 1886. The location was S35, T24, R17, near the intersection of Hudson Avenue and Hays Road. Discontinued November 19, 1888
Lora Blocker writes that the first post office “was located near Blanton east of Blanton Lake. In 1887, when the Orange Belt Railroad was built, the Post Office was located in the depot. Mary E. Blocker was then post mistress. The post office was later located in the home of Mary Blocker which is now know as the Tangelo Apartments. The location of the post office from 1901 to July 1905 is unknown. When E. Sanford Blocker was postmaster it was located in the back of Wilson’s Garage (directly back of Mrs. Mae McCoullough’s house today). When Sanford Blocker died in 1934, Robert Compher was postmaster and had the post office in his general store. Norman Blocker built a room onto his store for the post office when he became postmaster in 1936. This building still stands and is the home of Mrs. Mae McCoullough.”
Horace J. Charles | Postmaster | 12/17/1884 |
Mrs. Mary E. Blocker | Postmaster | 01/15/1887 |
John C. Lee | Postmaster | 10/23/1901 |
Eugene S. Blocker | Postmaster | 07/19/1905 |
Robert G. Compher | Acting Postmaster | 01/29/1934 |
Norman G. Blocker | Postmaster | 01/24/1936 |
BRAMLETT. SE ¼ of S24 T26 R21 (from 07-19-1900 P.O. application). Established August 13, 1900 (possibly Aug. 18). Discontinued June 14, 1902; papers to Abbott. In the 1900 census, the name is spelled Virginia V. Bramlett.
Virginue V. Bramlett | Postmaster | 08/10/1900 |
CARMEL. NE ¼ of S26 T25 R20 (from 08-12-1885 P.O. application). Established November 4, 1885 (Map shows it in S ½ of S26). Discontinued July 28, 1886 (San Antonio)
George J. Freese | Postmaster | Nov. 05, 1885 |
CEDAR. SW ¼ of S36 T23 R20 (from 09-01-1886 P.O. application). The application states 5½ mi. to Owensboro; 2½ mi. north of Chipco. Established March 4, 1887. Discontinued June 2, 1887 (Lenard).
Charles B. Walker | Postmaster | Jan. 1885 |
CEDAR TREE. NW ¼ of S23 T24 R20 (from 10-23-1867 P.O. application). The application states that the area is known locally as Pearce’s Mill — nearest Post Office is Fort Taylor. Established August 20, 1853. Discontinued March 29, 1867. Re-established October 16, 1867. Discontinued February 12, 1872.
James M. Bates | Postmaster | 08/20/1853 |
Jesse H. Tucker | Postmaster | 11/26/1858 |
David Osburn | Postmaster | 10/16/1867 |
Daniel C. Ryals | Postmaster | 05/09/1871 |
CHIPCO. SE ¼ of S13 T24 R20 (from 05-26-83 P.O. application). Established July 16, 1883 in Hernando County. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued February 28, 1900; papers to Jessamine.
Columbus C. Gant | Postmaster | 07/16/1883 |
Harry K. Bankston | Postmaster | 04/09/1884 |
Columbus C. Gant | Postmaster | 11/19/1884 |
Mary L. Gant | Postmaster | 02/04/1897 |
CRYSTAL SPRINGS. NE ¼ of S36 T26 R21 (from P.O. application). Established October 4, 1911. A Mar. 27, 1919, newspaper article mentioned that W. P. Brophy was the postmaster.
William H. Brophy | Postmaster | 10/04/1911 |
Mrs. Margaret M. Fletcher | Postmaster | 01/14/1938 |
Mrs. Angie Skinner | Acting Postmaster | 06/30/1949 |
Mrs. Angie Skinner | Postmaster | 10/17/1949 |
Mrs. Jaynell J. LeHeup | Officer-In-Charge | 10/01/1976 |
Jaynell J. (LeHeup) Vickers | Postmaster | 02/12/1977 |
Myra G. Treutel | Officer-In-Charge | 02/03/1984 |
Ronald E. Cornelius | Postmaster | 06/23/1984 |
DIXIE. Established August 18, 1885, in Pasco County. SE ¼ of S05 T24 R20 (from 06-29-1896 P.O. application). Changed to Hernando County on April 9, 1907. Discontinued April 30, 1909. The list of postmasters seems not to show at least the first postmaster.
Varlera Riggan | Postmaster | 08/18/1896 |
Walter B. Hunter | Postmaster | 05/01/1900 |
Maggie L. Mizell | Postmaster | 02/17/1902 |
Lee J. Eiland | Postmaster | 11/28/1908 |
DISTON - DREXEL. S11 T26 R18 (from 02-26-1918 P.O. application). Established in Hillsborough County May 28, 1883, as Diston. Changed to Pasco County on January 20, 1888. Changed September 15, 1888 to Drexel. Discontinued April 11, 1890; papers to San Antonio. Re-established October 6, 1890. Eugenia White’s name was changed to Eugenia V. Wagner by marriage. Discontinued July 21, 1902; papers to Ehren. The USPS web site gives the date July 31, 1902. See Land O’ Lakes.
James J. Head | Postmaster | 05/28/1883 |
Joseph B. Salmon | Postmaster | 02/05/1887 |
James J. Head | Postmaster | 01/20/1888 |
James J. Head | Postmaster | 09/15/1888 |
Eugenia V. White | Postmaster | 06/05/1889 |
J. P. Wagner | Postmaster | 03/10/1890 |
Eugenia V. White | Postmaster | 10/06/1890 |
James P. Wagner | Postmaster | 01/27/1892 |
George E. Sherouse | Postmaster | 03/20/1896 |
Octavia J. Sherouse | Postmaster | 04/24/1899 |
Persis A. Stevens | Postmaster | 08/02/1900 |
William M. Harris | Postmaster | 01/25/1902 |
EARNESTVILLE. NE ¼ of S21 T25 R21 (from 01-19-1885 P.O. application). Established in Hernando County, February 17, 1885. Named for Elijah Embree Earnest. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued September 16, 1899; papers to Dade City.
Elijah E. Earnest | Postmaster | 02/17/1885 |
Kate D. Clarkson | Postmaster | 06/05/1889 |
EHREN - LAND O’ LAKES. NE ¼ of S31 T25 R19 (P.O. app. of 11-19-1889; s/s of OBRR). Established as Ehren on January 17, 1890. Changed September 1, 1950 to Land O’ Lakes.
James J. Head | Postmaster | 01/14/1890 |
Benjamin C. De La Mater | Postmaster | 01/06/1893 |
William A. Tucker | Postmaster | 06/16/1897 |
Nevada Bramlitt | Postmaster | 01/18/1899 |
Frederick E. Muller | Postmaster | 07/16/1900 |
Ransom M. Williams | Postmaster | 07/07/1904 |
Albert M. Pinkham | Postmaster | 04/26/1905 |
Sebastian S. Arey | Postmaster | 01/25/1911 |
Albert S. Kingston | Postmaster | 06/13/1911 |
Jennie O. Pinkham | Postmaster | 07/18/1912 |
Effie C. Rush | Postmaster | 05/04/1917 |
William H. Sutton | Postmaster | 11/12/1918 |
Frederick E. Muller | Acting Postmaster | 03/28/1921 |
Frederick E. Muller | Postmaster | 04/21/1921 |
Henry C. Douglas | Postmaster | 07/26/1927 |
Mrs. Annie May Douglas | Postmaster | 04/03/1943 |
Daniel D. Clements | Acting Postmaster | 04/30/1958 |
John H. Douglas | Acting Postmaster | 04/14/1961 |
Daniel D. Clements | Acting Postmaster | 10/13/1961 |
Daniel D. Clements | Postmaster | 04/01/1963 |
William E. Ragan | Officer-In-Charge | 05/24/1974 |
William E. Ragan | Postmaster | 10/26/1974 |
Janet M. Scofield | Officer-In-Charge | 11/26/2005 |
Russell Holland | Officer-In-Charge | 04/26/2006 |
William H. Parrett Jr. | Postmaster | 08/05/2006 |
Janet M. Scofield | Officer-In-Charge | 06/21/2007 |
ELBA HEIGHTS. SW ¼ of S15 T24 R21 (from 08-15-1892 P.O. application). Established September 17, 1892. Discontinued August 31, 1900; papers to Dade City.
Mattie J. Mills | Postmaster | 09/17/1892 |
ELFERS. SE ¼ of S17 T26 R16 (from 10-22-1909 P.O. application). Established: December 14, 1909. A 1913 newspaper article reported that the post office was in J. M. Mitchell’s store. On March 23, 1926, Mrs. Jessie L. Hudson was appointed postmaster but she declined the appointment. On March 1, 1965, the post office moved into a new building on Old Dixie Highway at Hill Street. The building was privately owned and leased to the General Services Administration. At that time, the postmaster was Mrs. Ruth L. Burney, who had moved to Elfers from Tarpon Springs in 1934. In 1965 she had no help whatsoever but whenever she was absent Mrs. Ida Carroll, the substitute clerk, took over.
Levi D. Eiland | Postmaster | 12/14/1909 |
Jesse M. Mitchell | Postmaster | 10/31/1911 |
Frieda M. Eiland | Postmaster | 03/31/1914 |
Albert A. Keith | Postmaster | 01/15/1915 |
Mrs. Emma E. Sheldon | Acting Postmaster | 08/31/1922 |
Mrs. Emma E. Sheldon | Postmaster | 01/24/1923 |
Mrs. Lou Waddy | Postmaster | 11/26/1926 |
Elmer A. Boyd | Acting Postmaster | 08/13/1944 |
Elmer A. Boyd | Postmaster | 06/13/1945 |
Mrs. Ruth L. Burney | Acting Postmaster | 09/02/1960 |
Harry E. Cathell | Postmaster | 04/04/1968 |
Tom Alderson | Officer-In-Charge | 01/03/1985 |
Thomas H. Testa Jr. | Postmaster | 04/13/1985 |
Cheryl Rhum | Officer-In-Charge | 03/26/1997 |
Kathleen F. Horahan | Postmaster | 09/13/1997 |
Marlene Sheldon | Officer-In-Charge | 10/13/2009 |
Teresa Cummings | Officer-In-Charge | 12/04/2009 |
ELLERSLIE. SW ¼ of S07 T25 R22 (from 01-04-1884 P.O. application which places location at 180 ft. east of RR; 2½ mi.west of the Withlacoochee River and 2½ mi. from Richland). Established January 28, 1884. Discontinued April 30, 1887 (Dade City). Re-established December 12, 1887. Discontinued May 31, 1907; mail to Richland.
Oscar Meacham | Postmaster | 01/28/84 |
Manning R. Rountree | Postmaster | 12/12/1887 |
Willard F. O'Neal | Postmaster | 05/08/1888 |
FIVAY. NE ¼ of S11 T25 R16 (from 06-22-1904 P.O. application). Established September 23, 1904. Discontinued June 15, 1912; mail to Tucker.
Alice Gregg | Postmaster | 09/23/1904 |
Sallie M. Perkins | Postmaster | 10/02/1907 |
Daisy V. Gower | Postmaster | 07/11/1911 |
FIVAY CITY. S12 T25 R16. This Dec. 1914 post office application noted a location ¼ mi. N. of Bear Creek. Established May 1, 1915 (rescinded).
Erma Twaddell | Postmaster | May 01, 1915 |
C. B. Taylor wrote, “Mrs. Jordan tells that when she first came to this part of the country the nearest post office was for a long time at Brooksville and it was not at all uncommon to go a month or more without getting one’s mail. Whenever anyone in the neighborhood went to the post office it was the custom to get the mail for all the neighbors and to distribute it around on their return. Before the Civil War broke out, a post office had been established at Fort Dade, the mail being brought from Brooksville every Monday, the carrier continuing on to Tampa and returning Tuesday. Everyone was greatly pleased at getting such good service and each Monday say the entire countryside gathered at the office to await the coming of the mail.”
J. A. Hendley wrote: “About the year of 1872 a post office was established at Fort Dade and Henry Ryals, the father of the late Rev. Henry Ryals, was appointed postmaster. He lived south of Lake Pasadena and kept the post office at his home. He had a cabinet made of cypress by a cabinet maker in Tampa, in which he kept the belonging of the post office. Jasper Carter now has the old cabinet at his home in Dade City. Mr. Ryals gave up the office after a time and it floated about the country just where anyone would have it, as it did not pay more than about $10.00 a year commissions. It was at one time kept by a school teacher at the school house near Indian Lake, and as mail came only on Saturdays from Brooksville on horse back, the teacher would meet the mail man and those who were looking for mail, and open the pouch and deliver the mail to them, put the balance in his pocket and take it home with him. After that R. M. Wilson, who had a store near the present ice plant, was postmaster for a time, but turned it down because the government wanted a report each three months and he thought once a year was enough. Then Mr. N. A. Carter took it and kept it in his home for several years, and then in his store, until he sold his store to Marshall and Sumner in 1883, Mr. R. J. Marshall becoming postmaster. In 1885 Mr. Carter was appointed assignee for the firm of Marshall and Sumner, and Jasper C. Carter was appointed acting postmaster. Dade City was granted a post office about this time, and as business of the section moved to Dade City after railroads came, the Fort Dade post office was abandoned about 1889.”
D. H. Moseley wrote: “The Fort Dade postoffice at that time was conducted by a Mr. Carter, at a point on the Brooksville road four miles west of Dade City. A star route from Wildwood via Brooksville brought the mail and other things that the heart and appetite craved—twice a week—Tuesday and Friday. Six or seven letters were considered a big mail, but the carrier’s buggy was never empty, all available space under the seat and other places of the vehicle contained jugs and bottles of ‘joy producing fluid.’ The mail carrier would notify the anxious recipients of mail of the proximity of the old gray horse and buggy, as he never failed to give his old trumpet a blast when he reached a hill about a mile west of Dade City.”
On Feb. 16, 1886, postmaster R. J. Marshall was arrested at Fort Dade, charged with embezzling money order funds.
William S. Spencer | Postmaster | 01/31/1845 |
Clement Tiner | Postmaster | 03/24/1848 |
William H. Kendrick | Postmaster | 08/21/1849 |
William H. Kendrick | Postmaster | 11/05/1852 |
Clement Tiner | Postmaster | 04/12/1853 |
Francis W. Hagan | Postmaster | 04/25/1855 |
William D. Eubank | Postmaster | 02/05/1857 |
Francis B. Hagan | Postmaster | 11/10/1858 |
James Thigpen | Postmaster | 12/29/1858 |
Richard W. Buck | Postmaster | 03/06/1860 |
Daniel C. Riales | Postmaster | 10/10/1867 |
J. W. Eddy | Postmaster | 07/20/1876 |
Reuben M. Wilson | Postmaster | 09/25/1876 |
Newton A. Carter | Postmaster | 01/25/1878 |
John R. Sumner | Postmaster | 03/19/1883 |
Robert J. Marshall | Postmaster | 01/18/1884 |
Newton A. Carter | Postmaster | 02/07/1887 |
FORT TAYLOR. S03 T24 R19 (from 06-11-1884 P. O. application). Established August 27, 1851 (in Benton County). Discontinued December 5, 1860. Re-established December 5, 1866. Discontinued October 27, 1873. Re-established June 30, 1884. Discontinued June 12, 1885 (Brooksville).
Robert D. Bradley | Postmaster | August 27, 1851 |
David Hope | Postmaster | March 16, 1854 |
Miss Emma Avery | Postmaster | Dec. 05, 1866 |
E. Miller Moody | Postmaster | March 08, 1864 |
Matthew E. Jones | Postmaster | Nov. 20, 1867 |
James McNatt | Postmaster | March 04, 1870 |
William L. McMinn | Postmaster | Sept. 22, 1870 |
Julia A. Heisler | Postmaster | June 30, 1884 |
GODWIN. NW ¼ of S12 T26 R19 (from 11-28-1887 P.O. application). Established March 15, 1888. Discontinued on May 31, 1915; mail to Pasco.
Jacob Godwin | Postmaster | 03/15/1888 |
Matilda M. Godwin | Postmaster | 01/13/1898 |
Jacob Godwin | Postmaster | 05/12/1899 |
Abraham L. Godwin | Postmaster | 07/31/1906 |
William P. Smith | Postmaster | 10/24/1913 |
GREER. SE ¼ of SW ¼ of S23 T25 R21 (from 05-21-1900 P.O. application). Established June 22, 1900. Discontinued April 29, 1922; mail to San Antonio.
James L. Greer | Postmaster | 06/22/1900 |
Lee Monroe Hamilton | Postmaster | 09/12/1907 |
Mattie B. Greer | Postmaster | 08/15/1910 |
Winfield W. Fresher | Postmaster | 10/21/1912 |
James I. Stanford | Postmaster | 03/21/1913 |
Olive T. Greer | Postmaster | 09/24/1914 |
GULF KEY - ARGO - GULF KEY - GULFKEY. NE ¼ of NE ¼ of S02 T24 R16 (from 1883 P.O. application). Established on Oct. 9, 1883, as Gulf Key in Hernando County. Changed November 12, 1886 to Argo. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Changed December 24, 1892 to Gulf Key (the USPS web site gives the date Dec. 29, 1892). Changed to Gulfkey on April 17, 1895, according to the USPS web site. Discontinued January 6, 1896; papers to Aripeka.
James Arnold | Postmaster | 10/09/1883 |
Georgia A. Whiddon | Postmaster | 09/18/1884 |
James H. Pinkerton | Postmaster | 11/21/1884 |
James H. Pinkerton | Postmaster | 11/12/1886 |
James G. Guthrie | Postmaster | 03/27/1890 |
Henry H. Flowers | Postmaster | 07/09/1891 |
George W. C. Littell | Postmaster | 10/05/1892 |
George W. C. Littell | Postmaster | 12/29/1892 |
James Gillett | Postmaster | 04/17/1895 |
On March 15, 2010, the Dade City post office on Church Avenue was named the Sergeant Marcus Mathes Post Office in honor of a soldier who was killed at age 26 by a mortar attack in Iraq on April 28, 2008.
Minza G. Rowe | Postmaster | 10/30/1882 |
Minza G. Rowe | Postmaster | 12/18/1884 |
Felix P. McElroy | Postmaster | 11/18/1886 |
Oscar Meacham | Postmaster | 05/18/1889 |
Reuben M. Wilson | Postmaster | 06/15/1893 |
Robert E. Latham | Postmaster | 11/08/1894 |
Charles T. Lewis | Postmaster | 08/08/1896 |
Hettie B. Spencer | Postmaster | 10/29/1897 |
Johnson Y. O'Neal | Postmaster | 07/09/1914 |
Hettie B. Spencer | Acting Postmaster | 05/01/1919 |
Robert L. Nall | Postmaster | 03/09/1920 |
Hettie B. Spencer | Postmaster | 04/04/1924 |
Wendell V. Gilbert | Postmaster | 05/23/1936 |
Wayne R. Dickerson | Acting Postmaster | 05/31/1954 |
Wayne R. Dickerson | Postmaster | 06/10/1955 |
Alton P. Smith | Officer-In-Charge | 09/12/1969 |
Alton P. Smith | Postmaster | 02/06/1971 |
Jack M. Mixon | Officer-In-Charge | 06/29/1973 |
Jack M. Mixon | Postmaster | 10/27/1973 |
William E. Ragan | Officer-In-Charge | 08/08/1980 |
Ted G. Collier | Postmaster | 02/07/1981 |
Donald L. Westberry | Officer-In-Charge | 02/14/1984 |
Jeffrey L. Alston | Postmaster | 06/23/1984 |
Michael J. Porta | Officer-In-Charge | 03/15/2002 |
HERNDON. On old Seaboard railroad ¼ mile south of present day Phelps Road north of Zephyrhills. SW ¼ of NW ¼ of S27 T25 R21. Established March 15, 1886. Discontinued November 11, 1889. Re-established June 19, 1899. Discontinued October 31, 1917; mail to Dade City.
James Herndon | Postmaster | 06/19/1899 |
Augustine H. Ravesies | Postmaster | 08/02/1900 |
Luther Hobbs | Postmaster | 02/01/1906 |
Edwin M. Vogt | Postmaster | 03/06/1908 |
John F. Stephenson | Postmaster | 04/10/1912 |
Edwin M. Vogt | Postmaster | 03/25/1913 |
HOLIDAY. S31 T26 R16. Established January 2, 1962, as a branch of Tarpon Springs. The Dec. 26, 1968, St. Petersburg Times carries a photo of the post office with a sign reading, “U. S. POST OFFICE HOLIDAY FLORIDA,” and the caption for the photo reads, “This makes it official: Holiday Post Office.” The article shows a sign on U. S. 19 reading, “HOLIDAY.” In 1974 a new post office was constructed on Dixie Highway. In 1975 Rep. Richard Kelly persuaded postal officials to change the designation from the “Holiday Branch” of the Tarpon Springs Post Office to the “Holiday Post Office.” However, the Tarpon Springs postmaster retained administrative authority over the Holiday Post Office. On Sept. 26, 2004, a ceremony was held to rename the Holiday post office in honor of Paul Ray Smith, a soldier who died in Iraq in 2003.
HOPEVILLE. NW ¼ S33 T25 R16 (from 10-15-1878 P.O. application). Established December 2, 1878. Discontinued November 22, 1881. The post office application notes a location ½ mi. S. of Dead Cypress Creek and 2 mi. north of the Pithlachascotee River. This location is just south of Pinehill Cemetery. The contractor’s name is given as James O. Brown. J. B. or J. W. Hudson, as quoted in Hendley, wrote that the Hopeville post office was “out east of Port Richey at old man Worley’s place.” In a 1952 newspaper interview, Isaac W. Hudson Jr. recalled that one of his earliest tasks was to ride horseback after mail every Sunday, inland some seven miles to Worley Prairie, which he believed was approximately the site of Moon Lake ranch, and where the mail was brought weekly by horse and buggy from Brooksville to the postmaster, old Mr. Worley, who lived there alone. These trips ended when the Hudson post office was established.
HUDSON. SW ¼ of S27 T24 R16 (from 05-04-1882 P.O. application). Applied for as Hudson’s Landing. Established May 16, 1882, as Hudson, in Hernando County. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued on August 31, 1953; mail to New Port Richey. Re-established December 1, 1957 as a rural station of New Port Richey. Changed May 16, 1959 to rural station of Port Richey. On Aug. 1, 1978, the post office became a branch of the Port Richey post office and was manned by postal employees. Until that date, it had been a substation operated under a contract.
John W. Hudson | Postmaster | 05/16/1882 |
Marquis L. Moseley | Postmaster | 10/12/1892 |
Thomas D. Duren | Postmaster | 08/05/1902 |
Homer C. Henderson | Postmaster | 04/21/1903 |
Mrs. Genia Moseley | Postmaster | 03/21/1904 |
George N. Goshorn | Postmaster | 04/19/1906 |
Joseph H. Smith | Postmaster | 06/27/1906 |
Alice G. Davis | Acting Postmaster | 03/12/1921 |
Alice G. Davis | Postmaster | 01/25/1922 |
Ruby Knowles | Acting Postmaster | 05/04/1922 |
Ruby Knowles | Postmaster | 07/05/1922 |
Mrs. Tessie J. Payne | Postmaster | 10/14/1925 |
Mary Frank | Acting Postmaster | 08/06/1929 |
Mary Frank | Postmaster | 10/10/1929 |
Mrs. Della M. Gay | Acting Postmaster | 11/26/1930 |
Mrs. Della M. Gay | Postmaster | 12/06/1930 |
John A. Wales | Acting Postmaster | 08/01/1938 |
John A. Wales | Postmaster | 10/05/1938 |
JESSAMINE. NE ¼ of S11 T24 R20 (from 04-03-1888 P.O. application). Established April 21, 1888. Discontinued October 30, 1909 (Blanton).
William J. Ellsworth | Postmaster | 04/21/1888 |
Walter N. Pike | Postmaster | 12/21/1889 |
William J. Ellsworth | Postmaster | 08/18/1892 |
Laurence Wright | Postmaster | 07/10/1908 |
KENNEY. SW ¼ of SE ¼ of S14 T26 R20 (from 10-13-1892 P.O. application). Applied for as Cairo at S14 T26 R20. Established November 24, 1902. Discontinued September 30, 1912; mail to Zephyrhills.
Ransom M. Williams | Postmaster | 11/21/1902 |
Maggie Smith | Postmaster | 05/27/1904 |
Mary E. Gillett | Postmaster | 07/27/1907 |
Cora B. Ford | Postmaster | 07/13/1911 |
KEYSTONE PARK. S31 T26 R17. Established April 2, 1884. Discontinued May 15, 1923 (Odessa).
LACOOCHEE. SE ¼ of S23 T23 R21 (from 05-04-1888 P.O. application). Established May 22, 1888. A 2009 St. Petersburg Times article identifies Wendy Williamson as the officer in charge and Frank Kelley as the postmaster.
William I. Acosta | Postmaster | 05/22/1888 |
Haisting S. Furman | Postmaster | 11/27/1891 |
Charles F. Blitch | Postmaster | 02/08/1895 |
John W. Leslie | Postmaster | 02/03/1896 |
Addie Jones | Postmaster | 10/01/1897 |
Texas A. Jensen | Postmaster | 06/17/1898 |
Charles Jensen | Postmaster | 05/08/1914 |
Mrs. Mima Gurganious | Acting Postmaster | 05/23/1924 |
Mrs. Mima Gurganious | Postmaster | 06/28/1924 |
William J. Mahaffey | Acting Postmaster | 01/01/1929 |
Cora E. Baldwin | Acting Postmaster | 06/10/1929 |
Mrs. Leona Sable | Postmaster | 02/01/1930 |
Mrs. Bernice Parham | Postmaster | 12/11/1934 |
Mrs. Shirley Ann Burke | Officer-In-Charge | 06/30/1973 |
Shirley Ann (Burke) Marsee | Postmaster | 08/04/1973 |
Joseph C. LaFranca | Officer-In-Charge | 04/29/2003 |
Dolly M. Hunter | Postmaster | 08/09/2003 |
James Brooks | Officer-In-Charge | 01/27/2005 |
Frank J. Kelley III | Postmaster | 10/29/2005 |
LENARD. NW ¼ of SE ¼ of S32 T23 R21 (P.O. applied for as Kuster). Established in Hernando County on April 3, 1883. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued March 15, 1900; papers to Blanton. Scott Black writes, “When Lenard declined, William S. Kuster and his brother Charles moved away and actually carried their homes with them via rollers and mulepower, both were two-story houses. Charles transported his home to Blanton, still standing immediately south of Blanton Methodist Church. William moved his home to Trilby, situated across from the Trilby Baptist Church. The late Cassie Dowling related that story. The Kuster last name was pronounced as ‘Kooster’ by the oldtimers. I found William and Laura Kuster buried in St Pete. He died at Trilby, but a niece in St Pete arranged for his immediate transport and burial down there. His widow, Laura, later built a smaller home in Trilby, but lived out her last years in the Masonic Widows’ Home in St Pete, probably under the oversight of that same niece.” William Kuster later served as postmaster of Trilby and was appointed postmaster of San Antonio in 1892 but declined the appointment.
William S. Kuster | Postmaster | 04/03/1883 |
Charles F. Kuster | Postmaster | 04/19/1890 |
LOYCE. NE ¼ of S09 T24 R18 (P.O. applied for as Big Prairie, 09-13-1884; granted as Loyce). Established January 12, 1885. Discontinued January 12, 1887 (Brooksville). Re-established December 5, 1910. Discontinued April 30, 1920; mail to Tucker.
William R. McNatt | Postmaster | 12/05/1910 |
Mrs. A. L. Brown | Postmaster | 10/21/1912 |
LUMBERTON. NE ¼ of SE ¼ of S31 T25 R22 (from 01-24-1898 P.O. application). Established March 21, 1898. Discontinued December 31, 1905; mail to Richland.
James H. Pedrick | Postmaster | 03/21/1898 |
James R. Ingram | Postmaster | 01/08/1903 |
Thomas E. Scott | Postmaster | 12/27/1904 |
James H. Pedrick | Postmaster | 10/05/1905 |
The information in this paragraph was provided by Scott Black. Harrison K. Bankston was a Confederate veteran from Mississippi. He died at Trilby in 1922 (although his gravestone gives the year as 1923) and his wife, Alice, was later buried next to him. Richard H. Pitts was born in Mississippi and died at Trilby in 1950. His wife, Mary, survived him by several years and they are both buried in our cemetery. Hattie E. Tyer was buried here next to her husband, Darley, when she died in 1970 at her son’s home in Sebring. Myrtie E. Hancock-Thomas, originally from North Carolina and the longest serving postmaster, died in Jacksonville in 2004 and was buried here between her first husband, David Hancock, and her second husband, John Thomas. Stephen Weeks was a school board member and was buried in Tampa. Alexander M. Galaher and William S. Kuster were both buried in St. Petersburg. Enoch W. Gideons was buried at Linden. D. Guy Allen was buried in Sanford. Walter E. and Eunice E. Trunnell, husband and wife, were buried in Dade City. Allyne H. Withers was buried in Madison County. James Gregg O’Berry was buried in Dade City.
Harrison K. Bankston | Postmaster | 01/06/1885 |
Harrison K. Bankston | Postmaster | 01/29/1885 |
Stephen Weeks | Postmaster | 04/18/1896 |
Alexander M. Galaher | Postmaster | 05/23/1900 |
Alexander M. Galaher | Postmaster | 01/17/1901 |
William S. Kuster | Postmaster | 06/27/1903 |
Richard H. Pitts | Postmaster | 09/21/1912 |
Enoch W. Gideons | Postmaster | 09/11/1914 |
D. Guy Allen | Postmaster | 05/25/1915 |
Walter D. Trunnell | Postmaster | 10/08/1919 |
Mrs. Audrey V. Withers | Acting Postmaster | 12/19/1925 |
Mrs. Audrey V. Withers | Postmaster | 01/19/1926 |
Hattie Tyer | Acting Postmaster | 02/05/1930 |
James G. O'Berry | Postmaster | 06/04/1931 |
Eunice E. Trunnell | Acting Postmaster | 09/26/1933 |
Walter D. Trunnell | Postmaster | 03/28/1934 |
Mrs. Eunice E. Trunnell | Acting Postmaster | 04/24/1942 |
Mrs. Myrtie E. Hancock | Acting Postmaster | 09/30/1942 |
Mrs. Myrtie E. Hancock | Postmaster | 03/25/1943 |
Mrs. Lillie M. Couey | Officer-In-Charge | 05/28/1971 |
Mrs. Lillie M. Couey | Postmaster | 03/17/1973 |
name? | Officer-In-Charge | .. |
Hollie M. Wright | Postmaster | 08/20/1994 |
Tamie B. Bray | Officer-In-Charge | 03/23/2000 |
Clint Wright | Officer-In-Charge | 08/30/2000 |
Joseph C. La Franca | Officer-In-Charge | 01/05/2001 |
Elaine Ryan | Officer-In-Charge | 02/07/2001 |
Thomas A. Speer III | Officer-In-Charge | 05/14/2001 |
Rhinda L. Knox | Officer-In-Charge | 08/31/2001 |
Joseph C. La Franca | Officer-In-Charge | 10/01/2001 |
Joseph C. La Franca | Postmaster | 11/03/2001 |
Pauline Hunt | Officer-In-Charge | 08/13/2004 |
Kim Gibson | Officer-In-Charge | 04/19/2005 |
Marlene S. (Nichols) Sheldon | Postmaster | 07/23/2005 |
MAYFLOWER. SE ¼ of S10 T24 R17 (from 10-24-1892 P.O. application). Established December 2, 1892. Discontinued July 21, 1898; papers to Hudson.
Henry H. Flowers | Postmaster | 12/03/1892 |
Mary C. Shay | Postmaster | 12/14/1895 |
Berry F. Herrington | Postmaster | 12/30/1897 |
MILLARD. SW ¼ S15 T26 R22 (from 12-23-1884 P.O. application). Eddie Herrmann believes that the Millard post office was in Pasco County, but later the postmaster notified the Postmaster General that he was then in Polk County. Maps from the era show a changing boundary line at the southeast corner of Pasco County.
MYRTLE. SE ¼ of S29 T26 R19 (from 06-29-1893 P.O. application). Established July 24, 1893. Discontinued October 15, 1914; mail to Lutz.
Mary E. Whitman | Postmaster | 07/24/1893 |
Thomas C. Whitman | Postmaster | 05/23/1895 |
Miles M. Bezedek | Acting Postmaster | 06/20/1914 |
NEEDMORE. NW ¼ of S21 T24 R17 (from 01-29-1909 P.O. application). Established May 14, 1909. Discontinued December 15, 1910.
Josiah S. Weeks Jr. | Postmaster | 05/14/1909 |
A 1921 article on the history of the post office, written by Gerben DeVries, is on the New Port Richey page.
In 1965 Ralph Bellwood wrote:
The first Post Office was located in a building near the corner of Main Street and the Boulevard. The facilities for the Fourth Class Post Office consisted of a wooden shipping box which was divided into fifteen small compartments or “pigeon holes” where mail was placed in alphabetical order after being sorted, and from which it was handed out over a counter when called for by patrons.In the due course of time the facilities were moved to more spacious quarters at the corner of Main and Adams Streets in a building where the New Port Richey Press was born and published on a hand operated press. After a number of years the facilities were again moved to a building in the middle of the block between the Boulevard and Adams Street. At this time the Arcade Building was being erected and upon its completion the Post Office was moved into the north west quarter of the large building. It remained there until 1959 when it was moved into the present building south of Orange Lake on Circle Boulevard.
After serving as Postmaster for twenty years, during which time the Post Office was raised to second class, Mr. DeVries retired from his position. Then a prominent man by the name of Fred Frierson was appointed to the position of Postmaster. After serving for four years, Frierson resigned and was replaced by Bob Sims who served as Acting Postmaster for nearly a year until Paul Mayer was appointed Postmaster in 1940. Mr. Mayer occupied this position for twenty-four years, retiring from it January 31, 1964. During Mr. Mayor’s tenure in office the Post Office became First Class. City delivery was begun March 16, 1955. A rural route covering approximately eighty miles served patrons in a large area. In 1963 a second rural route was established which enlarged the area of service in all directions.
In 1938 Frierson was relieved of his duties by a post office inspector. In November 1938 he pled guilty to embezzling $2,810 in postal funds. During his term of office, Frierson instituted a Sunday mail service and was instrumental in having two mail deliveries per day during the winter months.
In 2020 Edward J. Haab is the current PM. He was OIC in the late 90s and previously the PM of Tarpon Springs.
Gerben M. DeVries | Postmaster | 06/29/1915 |
Frederic C. Frierson | Acting Postmaster | 06/22/1935 |
Frederic C. Frierson | Postmaster | 08/15/1935 |
Charles E. Snell | Acting Postmaster | 05/19/1938 |
Paul G. J. Mayer | Postmaster | 08/04/1939 |
Robert W. Lanphar | Acting Postmaster | 01/31/1964 |
Warren W. Hartman Jr. | Postmaster | 08/26/1965 |
Roger Tetreault | Acting Postmaster | 08/19/1968 |
Tex M. Mitchell | Postmaster | 03/20/1971 |
Terry Wright | Officer-In-Charge | .. |
Cliff A. Kurelmeyer | Postmaster | 10/26/1985 |
Terry Wright | Officer-In-Charge | 06/01/1989 |
Gregory A. Jackson | Officer-In-Charge | 10/02/1989 |
Gregory A. Jackson | Postmaster | 11/03/1990 |
Kathleen Horahan | Officer-In-Charge | 11/13/1997 |
Edward J. Haab | Officer-In-Charge | 11/21/1998 |
Rae M. DiCapua | Postmaster | 02/27/1999 |
Russell P. Holland | Officer-In-Charge | 12/29/2005 |
Debra A. Gornik | Postmaster | 04/15/2006 |
Russell P. Holland | Officer-In-Charge | 04/16/2007 |
Russell P. Holland | Officer-In-Charge | 07/07/2007 |
Christopher B. Terhune | Postmaster | 10/27/2007 |
Russell P. Holland | Postmaster | 07/19/2008 |
ODESSA. NW ¼ of S27 T26 R17 (from 01-31-1900 P.O. application). Established May 22, 1900. The Post Office was recommended by Postmaster Allen D. Connell of Keystone Park. Peter Strand was recommended to be the first Postmaster and was appointed May 22, 1900, The first location was 60 yards to the south of the ACL Railroad near the present Old Gunn Highway. The second location was the commissary at the W. H. Dowling Mill. By 1915, it had moved to the express office at Gulf Pine, which was located on the Tampa and Gulf Coast Railroad Line. The next location was the commissary of Lyon Pine Mill about 100 yards to the south. After the mills moved, the office moved one mile to the north at a building near the intersection of Old Gunn Highway and Church St. During this period, the office was fourth class and usually moved near where the postmaster lived or worked, as it was not a full-time job. The next move was about 500 yards to the north to the old general store at Gunn Highway and Denham Rd. The next location was a small building 100 yards to the south on Old Gunn Highway. The office was upgraded to third class and the next move was to an office on the west side of the stores later owned by M. Fleming. The office was upgraded to second class and a new office was built on the east side of the same store. Rural delivery started in December 1925 with the first carrier being Lewis Hatton. This route was 25 miles long and served by horseback three times a week. The second rural route was added in 1967 with a third in 1974. The new building location resulted in a daily reduction of 11.2 miles of distance traveled by rural carriers. Because the center of population had shifted, the location of the Odessa post office was moved to Hillsborough County on October 8, 1977. It is now at 8602 Tarpon Springs Rd., just west of Gunn Highway. In Feb. 1922 Tom E. Chaires was arrested by Post Office Inspectors on a charge of embezzlement of $4,000 in postal funds. He was taken to the jail at Tampa and was to be arraigned before a federal grand jury. A newspaper identifies the acting postmaster appointed to replace him as Miss Donna McFarland.
Peter M. Strand | Postmaster | 05/22/1900 |
Reason Henderson | Postmaster | 05/29/1901 |
Joseph W. Collier | Postmaster | 04/05/1904 |
Charles H. Lutz | Postmaster | 06/01/1906 |
John M. Young | Postmaster | 02/25/1911 |
Clarence O. Hart | Postmaster | 08/31/1912 |
Lloyd J. Matlock | Postmaster | 01/14/1914 |
Joshua C. Harley | Postmaster | 07/06/1915 |
Rozzielie Johnson | Postmaster | 05/31/1916 |
Tom E. Chaires | Postmaster | 03/02/1917 |
Donnie R. McFarland | Acting Postmaster | 02/08/1922 |
Edward Roberts | Postmaster | 08/29/1922 |
Miss Elsie M. Willis | Acting Postmaster | 10/09/1939 |
Miss Elsie M. Willis | Postmaster | 02/27/1940 |
Warren L. Tyler | Acting Postmaster | 10/10/1941 |
Mrs. Rilla F. Jones | Postmaster | 03/06/1943 |
Mrs. Annie L. Jackson | Acting Postmaster | 03/13/1945 |
Mrs. Annie L. Jackson | Postmaster | 05/09/1946 |
Mrs. Edna R. Myers | Acting Postmaster | 07/31/1959 |
Mrs. Edna R. Myers | Postmaster | 09/07/1961 |
Mrs. Freida M. Cannon | Officer-In-Charge | 01/11/1974 |
Charles R. Wilson | Postmaster | 04/13/1974 |
Paul E. Zaremba Jr. | Postmaster | 05/07/1988 |
Terry L. Franklin | Postmaster | 01/09/1993 |
Elizabeth A. Scheidter | Officer-In-Charge | 04/12/2008 |
Elizabeth A. Scheidter | Postmaster | 08/29/2009 |
OWENSBORO. SE ¼ of S34 T23 R21 (from 10-16-1885 P.O. application). Established in Hernando County on April 14, 1886. Changed to PASCO COUNTY on June 2, 1887. Discontinued on June 16, 1899; papers to Lacoochee. Re-established July 7, 1902. Discontinued on October 15, 1906; mail to Trilby
Frederick L. Bridge | Postmaster | 04/14/1886 |
Robert J. McCutcheon | Postmaster | 04/03/1888 |
Charles H. Lutz | Postmaster | 02/18/1889 |
John G. Dellinger | Postmaster | 02/04/1897 |
William E. Brown | Postmaster | 05/31/1898 |
Annie Keith | Postmaster | 07/07/1902 |
PASADENA. NE ¼ of S10 T25 R21 (from 06-05-1889 P.O. application). Established July 15, 1889. On Nov. 11, 1897, the San Antonio Herald reported that A. M. Walter was appointed postmaster of Pasadena. Discontinued April 30, 1911; mail to Dade City.
James H. Neff | Postmaster | 07/15/1889 |
Elijah E. Earnest | Postmaster | 10/26/1893 |
Arpie M. Waller | Postmaster | 11/06/1897 |
Peter D. Palmer | Postmaster | 11/21/1898 |
John B. Paxton | Postmaster | 05/04/1900 |
Charles B. Yale | Postmaster | 11/29/1904 |
Pauline L. Muirhead | Postmaster | 03/27/1906 |
Mae L. Nations | Postmaster | 12/24/1906 |
Laura F. Stewart | Postmaster | 04/23/1908 |
Earnest Tomor | Postmaster | 12/02/1908 |
Laura F. Stewart | Postmaster | 09/12/1911 |
PASCO. SW ¼ of NW ¼ of S08 T25 R20 (from P.O. application). Established August 2, 1889. Discontinued November 30, 1918; mail to San Antonio.
George G. McKendree | Postmaster | 08/02/1889 |
John Ellison | Postmaster | 11/19/1892 |
Levi Allen Vaughn | Postmaster | 03/25/1895 |
Eli T. Vaughn | Postmaster | 07/15/1895 |
Nehemiah L. Vaughn | Postmaster | 06/04/1900 |
William B. Smith | Postmaster | 03/08/1902 |
George W. Halsema | Postmaster | 11/27/1903 |
Nehemiah L. Vaughn | Postmaster | 05/04/1905 |
Felix S. McKendree | Postmaster | 12/06/1906 |
Louise Bragdon | Postmaster | 04/11/1911 |
Emma A. Wooddell | Postmaster | 02/20/1917 |
PEDRICK - FLATFORD. NW ¼ of S09 T26 R22 (from 04-14-1890 P.O. application). Established May 6, 1891 as Pedrick. Changed April 26, 1892 to Flatford. Discontinued July 6, 1896; papers to Richland.
James H. Pedrick | Postmaster | 05/06/1891 |
James H. Pedrick | Postmaster | 04/26/1892 |
PINAN. Originally applied for as Blue Pond. SW 1/4 of S 28 T 23 R 21. Approved May 25, 1880. Discontinued March 30, 1881. This post office was located immediately west of Trilby and served the local area before the McLeod/Macon/Trilby post office was established. According to Scott Black, the sole postmaster, William C. McLeod, was originally from Georgia. He died here in 1886, although his gravestone shows 1885. He was a veteran of both the Florida Indian Wars and the War Between the States. His second wife, Tomsey Ann, was buried next to him a few years later.
William C. McLeod | Postmaster | 1880 |
PLEASANT PLAINS. This is quite possibly the long-sought “26-mile house”. NW ¼ of S07 T26 R 19 [from 04-23-1878 P. O. app. where it was noted to be 26 mi. south of Brooksville and 21 mi. southwest of Fort Dade.] The area is now known as Land O’ Lakes. Established February 10, 1879, with postmaster Anna Weckter. Discontinued September 17, 1879.
James H. Pedrick | Postmaster | February 10, 1879 |
PORT RICHEY. SE ¼ of S30 T25 R16 (from May 1884 P.O. application). Established in Hernando County, July 9, 1884. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. On March 9, 1954, the St. Petersburg Times reported, “A rumor circulated during the last few months that the Port Richey post office would be discontinued and its service consolidated with the New Port Richey post office was squelched in a notice from U. S. Postmaster General Summerfield. The notice, assuring continuation of the office, was in answer to a petition signed by 300 Port Richey citizens.” In 1974 a new post office building was constructed on Washington Street, just south of the earlier post office. Margaret Findley became the Port Richey postmaster in November 2019.
Aaron M. Richey | Postmaster | 07/09/1884 |
James W. Clark | Postmaster | 03/28/1892 |
David H. Clark | Postmaster | 01/14/1909 |
Rubie E. Nicks | Postmaster | 01/24/1911 |
David H. Clark | Postmaster | 07/20/1912 |
Emma E. Sheldon | Postmaster | 07/06/1916 |
M. Leroy Bailey | Acting Postmaster | 05/03/1920 |
M. Leroy Bailey | Postmaster | 08/20/1920 |
Cyrl R. Ranks | Acting Postmaster | 10/31/1948 |
Thomas R. Hillsamer | Postmaster | 02/26/1951 |
Howard L. Potts | Acting Postmaster | 05/20/1960 |
Mrs. Marie F. Springer | Acting Postmaster | 07/29/1960 |
A. Edward Hoyt | Postmaster | 04/01/1963 |
Mrs. Lois D. Bareford | Acting Postmaster | 04/30/1968 |
Mrs. Marie F. Springer | Acting Postmaster | 05/31/1968 |
Mrs. Marie F. Springer | Postmaster | 10/04/1968 |
Myron R. Randels | Officer-In-Charge | 01/12/1979 |
Charles R. Wilson | Officer-In-Charge | 07/13/1979 |
Edward M. Stahl | Postmaster | 01/26/1980 |
Betteann G. Forkel | Officer-In-Charge | 08/09/1984 |
James F. Mitchell | Postmaster | 11/24/1984 |
Douglas C. Pollard | Officer-In-Charge | 11/03/2007 |
Douglas C. Pollard | Postmaster | 07/19/2008 |
SAGANO. NW ¼ of S13 T24 R17 (from 1902 P.O. application). Established March 6, 1902. Discontinued May 31, 1913; mail to Loyce.
Eddie H. Sweat | Postmaster | 03/06/1902 |
Henry E. Pritchett | Postmaster | 08/14/1903 |
Beulah B. McNatt | Postmaster | 11/21/1904 |
Joel H. Herring | Postmaster | 04/07/1909 |
Amy L. Brown | Postmaster | 06/13/1911 |
SAINT JOSEPH. SW ¼ of S23 T24 R20 (from 04-20-1893 P.O. application). Established May 8, 1893. Discontinued November 15, 1918; mail to Dade City.
Bernard Barthle | Postmaster | 05/08/1893 |
George W. Halsema | Postmaster | 08/17/1900 |
Romeo Stuntebeck | Postmaster | 05/25/1901 |
Andrew Barthle | Postmaster | 05/26/1902 |
SAINT LEO. SW ¼ of S01 T25 R20 (from 09-26-1890 P.O. application). Established October 18, 1890.
Frater Charles | Postmaster | 10/18/1890 |
Charles H. Moore | Postmaster | 09/06/1895 |
Francis Sadlier | Acting Postmaster | 04/14/1931 |
Francis Sadlier | Postmaster | 10/29/1931 |
David William Gormican | Acting Postmaster | 02/28/1955 |
David William Gormican | Postmaster | 03/14/1957 |
Bro. Joachim J. Svetlosky | Acting Postmaster | 06/02/1967 |
Bro. Joachim J. Svetlosky | Postmaster | 07/23/1968 |
Heiskel B. Christmas | Officer-In-Charge | 08/21/1970 |
Heiskel B. Christmas | Postmaster | 04/03/1971 |
Luicile E. Harmer | Officer-In-Charge | 06/16/1978 |
Mrs. Sandra L. Harvey | Postmaster | 01/13/1979 |
Sheila Biston | Officer-In-Charge | 07/07/2000 |
Dolly M. Hunter | Officer-In-Charge | 10/25/2000 |
Dolly M. Hunter | Postmaster | 12/02/2000 |
Linda Burbage | Officer-In-Charge | 08/08/2003 |
Carole Petty | Officer-In-Charge | 11/04/2003 |
Cheryl E. Moffitt | Officer-In-Charge | 12/02/2003 |
Cheryl E. Moffitt | Postmaster | 08/21/2004 |
Edward E. Coleman | Officer-In-Charge | 04/30/2008 |
Lia H. Williams | Officer-In-Charge | 06/18/2008 |
Vivian E. Hall | Officer-In-Charge | 08/02/2008 |
Beth A. Aker | Officer-In-Charge | 01/02/2009 |
Penny S. Benzon | Officer-In-Charge | 01/16/2010 |
SAINT THOMAS. NE ¼ of S28 T24 R20 (from 11-08-1884 P.O. application). Established on January 2, 1885, in Hernando County. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued May 31, 1907; mail to Saint Joseph.
Thomas Lucas | Postmaster | 01/02/1885 |
SECURITY. NE ¼ S22 T26 R15 (from 04-23-1900 P.O. application). The post office was applied for as Baker. Established July 16, 1900, as Security. The first postmaster was Otis Baker, according to R. F. Pent in The History of Tarpon Springs. Discontinued December 31, 1908.
SHINGLETON. SE ¼ of S20 T25 R19 (from 12-??-1897 P.O. application). Established January 17, 1898. Discontinued October 15, 1901; papers to Pasco.
Benjamin C. De La Mater | Postmaster | 01/17/1898 |
SUMNER - SAN ANTONIO - LAKE JOVITA - SAN ANTONIO. SE ¼ of S02 T25 R20 (from 10-26-1882 P.O. application). Post Office was sought under the name of Clear Lake. This name was denied with a note saying to request a “short name of one word.” Established on November 27, 1882 as Sumner, in Hernando County. Changed December 19, 1882 to San Antonio. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Mary Govreau’s name was changed to Mary E. Hancock by marriage on January 28, 1916. Changed November 1, 1926 to Lake Jovita. Changed August 1, 1931 to San Antonio. See also: Carmel, Drexel, Greer, Pasco, and Shingleton.
Rodolphus A. Brown | Postmaster | 11/27/1882 |
Rodolphus A. Brown | Postmaster | 12/19/1882 |
Paul R. Gailmard | Postmaster | 12/13/1886 |
William H. Edwards | Postmaster | 01/22/1890 |
John R. Osburn | Postmaster | 07/11/1892 |
Thomas J. O'Neill | Postmaster | 09/16/1893 |
Frank E. Carroll | Postmaster | 10/09/1897 |
Mary E. Govreau | Postmaster | 04/20/1914 |
Frank E. Carroll | Postmaster | 10/02/1919 |
Mrs. Nellie P. Perry | Acting Postmaster | 09/01/1924 |
Mrs. Nellie P. Perry | Postmaster | 12/20/1924 |
Mrs. Nina Kovarik | Acting Postmaster | 10/09/1933 |
Mrs. Nina Kovarik | Postmaster | 08/11/1934 |
Mrs. Ollie Mae Swanson | Acting Postmaster | 02/28/1951 |
Frank John Hill Jr. | Acting Postmaster | 08/15/1953 |
Frank John Hill Jr. | Postmaster | 07/28/1954 |
Carolyn W. Pattie | Officer-In-Charge | 10/28/1982 |
Martin L. Futch | Postmaster | 02/05/1983 |
Kathy Boyd | Officer-In-Charge | 11/23/1994 |
Phillip Puleo Jr. | Postmaster | 11/25/1995 |
Cheryl A. Yebba | Officer-In-Charge | 08/17/2004 |
Cheryl A. Yebba | Postmaster | 10/16/2004 |
TRAVELERS REST. S08 T24 R20. A retirement community NW of Lake Iola. Mail for Travelers Rest comes to the Dade City post office. It is sent in a mailsack to the community and sorted there. This service began 03-23-1973.
TUCKER - GREENFIELD. SE ¼ of S08 T25 R18 (from 12-20-1897 P.O. application). SE ¼ of S33 T24 R18 (from P.O. application). Established February 10, 1908 as Tucker. Changed July 6, 1923 to Greenfield. Discontinued September 30, 1933; mail to Brooksville.
Edward H. Baker | Postmaster | 02/10/1908 |
Eugenia C. Pearce | Postmaster | 08/23/1909 |
Randal A. Rewiss | Postmaster | 06/22/1911 |
Thomas B. Stevens | Postmaster | 03/21/1913 |
Millard W. Thompson | Postmaster | 04/14/1916 |
Joseph C. Brignolo | Acting Postmaster | 10/11/1921 |
Joseph C. Brignolo | Postmaster | 09/27/1922 |
Joseph C. Brignolo | Postmaster | 07/06/1923 |
Bessie Costakis | Acting Postmaster | 12/02/1924 |
Bessie Costakis | Postmaster | 01/19/1925 |
Mrs. Frances Gifford | Acting Postmaster | 03/20/1926 |
Mrs. Frances Gifford | Postmaster | 06/21/1926 |
TUCKERTOWN - RICHLAND. NE ¼ of NW ¼ of S30 T25 R22 (from 1886 P.O. application). Established October 5, 1876 as Tuckertown, in Hernando County. J. A. Hendley gives Oscar Meacham as the first postmaster. Discontinued August 16, 1878. Re-established June 28, 1880. Changed July 17, 1886 to Richland. Changed to Pasco County on June 2, 1887. Discontinued November 30, 1948; mail to Zephyrhills. Also see Ellerslie, Flatford, Pedrick.
Daniel F. Clement | Postmaster | 10/05/1876 |
Dan T. Clements | Postmaster | 06/28/1880 |
James D. Redding | Postmaster | 02/05/1884 |
James D. Redding | Postmaster | 07/17/1886 |
Belle Rizer | Postmaster | 07/17/1889 |
William B. Smith | Postmaster | 10/26/1893 |
Gilbert A. Evans | Postmaster | 05/26/1897 |
Samuel D. Amerman | Postmaster | 05/18/1900 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 05/14/1902 |
John C. Wells | Postmaster | 03/28/1903 |
Zadock V. Ennis | Postmaster | 02/05/1904 |
William Mote | Postmaster | 04/12/1904 |
Thomas H. Milton | Postmaster | 04/09/1908 |
Thomas N. Milton | Postmaster | 02/17/1909 |
Austin M. Tucker | Postmaster | 10/20/1913 |
Mrs. Gena A. Wells | Postmaster | 12/06/1916 |
Frank H. Bryan | Acting Postmaster | 05/20/1921 |
Nels E. Johnson | Postmaster | 10/03/1921 |
Mrs. Beulah Stewart | Postmaster | 10/26/1938 |
Mrs. Rose Haynes | Postmaster | 06/10/1942 |
Mrs. Florence B. Hyland | Acting Postmaster | 07/31/1945 |
Mrs. Florence B. Hyland | Postmaster | 01/18/1946 |
TWIN LAKES. Established August 29, 1884, in Hernando County. Changed to Pasco County at S05 T24 R20, Nov. 18, 1889, according to research by Eddie Herrmann, or on Nov. 26, 1889, according to the USPS web site. Discontinued January 29, 1895; papers to Jessamine.
William F. Jackson | Postmaster | 08/29/1884 |
John H. Reilly | Postmaster | 10/19/1889 |
John H. Reilly | Postmaster | 11/26/1889 |
Charles E. Gregg | Postmaster | 10/30/1894 |
WESLEY. NW ¼ of S08 T26 R20 (from 09-15-1896 P.O. application) Established September 15, 1897 (P.O. app. for Lemon 09-15-1896). Discontinued September 30, 1902; papers to Abbott.
Elisabeth F. Smith | Postmaster | 09/16/1897 |
Abraham L. Godwin | Postmaster | 10/17/1900 |
Ephraim B. Cooper | Postmaster | 03/25/1902 |
WESLEY CHAPEL. On June 15, 2007, the St. Petersburg Times reported that Wesley Chapel had one contract post office, on Boyette Road at State Road 54, with 2,000 square feet and barely enough parking spaces for 10 cars. The newspaper identified Kelly Rossi as the postmaster.
WHEELER. NE ¼ of S02 T24 R16 (from P.O. application). Established December 9, 1898. Discontinued May 15, 1902; papers to Enville, in Hernando County.
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