Briefing Book: A. Michael Lipper

  • ️Stephanie Dahle
  • ️Fri Jul 13 2012

About A. Michael Lipper

A. Michael Lipper is the president of Lipper Advisor Services and is the creator of the Lipper Averages for mutual funds.

He is also a managing member of L&S Partners I, LLC, a private financial services hedge fund.

Lipper's current book, Money Wise: How to Create, Grow and Preserve Your Wealth, was released by St. Martin's Press in September 2008. He is also the author of a blog ( that centers around finance and current events.

Lipper has more than 40 years experience on Wall Street as the CEO of a New York Stock Exchange member firm. He is also a registered investment adviser for mutual funds and separate account managers with assets in excess of $1 billion.

Lipper founded Lipper Analytical Services, an investment firm dedicated to the analysis of funds and brokerage firms in 1973. He sold it to Reuters Group in 1998.

Lipper is a past chairman of the Specialty Firms Advisory Committee to the New York Stock Exchange Board of Directors.

He has also served as president and treasurer of the New York Society of Security Analysts, regional director of the Financial Analysts Federation and a director of the International Society of Financial Analysts.

Lipper graduated from Columbia College in 1957 and joined the U.S. Marine Corps. He left active duty in 1960 and began his career in finance. Lipper and his wife, Ruth, live in New Jersey. Lipper has three surviving sons and eight grandchildren.

Debriefing A. Michael Lipper

Interviewed by David Serchuk

Oct. 30, 2008

"You could say the same thing to the same people 100 times, and one of those times they'll be ready to receive it. This is the problem of somebody preaching to what eventually is an empty church."--A. Michael Lipper

Forbes: What are you telling people now?

I was just at an investment committee that I chaired this morning. It was a policy committee; my attitude is that if you could get people to sign a 20-year pledge not to look and not to redeem anything these prices look very attractive. Now, if you won't take that pledge but look at the market hourly, you're going to have a great deal of anxiety. And so, it depends on your horizon so much. The other question is what's going to make you satisfied? And then you try to work around that. I would say this, that for that 20-year lockup I would look at emerging consumer markets and small companies. I also happen to believe we're on the edge of an enormous technological explosion, focused on energy and biotech more than electronics directly. That explosion's going to be exhilarating, but I don't know whether anyone will make any money at it. You have to not get too hung up on the wonders that science will produce and focus on companies that can make money.

What are the emerging consumer markets?

The first one on everybody's list is China, and then you put a question mark on India because of its political structure. Countries like Brazil and Mexico. If you do take the 20-year pledge, I would have some money in Africa. You might have to wait the 20 years though.

What is one misplaced assumption in business today?

That there's only one. The misplaced assumption is that any single person, any government, any leader, has all the answers. And there's not enough recognition of the law of unintended consequences.

What's an example of the latter?

Government support for housing. Up to a level it certainly helps neighborhoods, it helps first-time home owners, but it can lead to overproduction of stand-alone homes. It can lead to very stretched financial conditions.

What was the best financial lesson you've ever learned?

After a loss I try to analyze where I made the mistake. It's too easy to say the management lied to me or this came out of the blue. The black swan, if you will. This is something, I'm a contributor both to the loss as well as the gain. That then leads to again something from the Marine Corps. You get knocked down, get up and keep going.

Who is the greatest financial mind working today?

No one's coming brilliantly to light. I suspect there are people who would qualify who are running private companies.

I'd have to think about it.

Almost everyone says Warren Buffett.

You look at Buffett's record, which is clearly good. But he has feet of clay during lots of periods. I think he would admit his purchase of General Re left something to be desired. His purchase of USAir preferred, while it worked out, leaves something to be desired. And there are other things. Having said that, I am very lucky to have owned a few shares of Berkshire. To me, it's a classic example of looking at both sides and coming up with a positive solution. Part of Buffett's great genius is the enormous advantage of a cash flow float, in effect with other people's money, that he puts to work on a regular basis. So in many ways he has a tremendous advantage over a mutual fund portfolio manager.

What is your bold prediction for the future?

One can be coy and say that there will be a future. That we're in a restructuring world and many of the world leading gains in terms of technology or other applications or intelligence will come from the Orient.

You said: ''One of the rules that I try to follow is not to make a serious investment if I cannot find someone who has been in the same room with the principals of the company under consideration and seen them under some pressure.'' But how can the average investor do that?

It's difficult but not impossible. Certainly if you invest in local companies. Certainly if you invest with managers who they think have good people skills. It's amazing how many people can eventually get to a director, external director, and ask them questions. And with [Lexis] Nexis these days you can search for speeches and articles that will give you a clue. The big thing is that it's very difficult to pick the survivors on the way up. Everybody looks brilliant. If you're looking for a sustainable investment, you want to see somebody who's gone through adversity. Now I did not know either Tom Watson Sr. or Jr. but when Jr. in effect bet IBM on the 360 that took a lot of guts. If it didn't work, the company was in great danger. So you don't have to personally know, if you can try to get as close as you can. But it's amazing how many people you know that are close to senior management of a number of companies.

(The 360 was IBM's first major computer based, from the ground up, on semiconductors rather than vacuum tubes in the 1960s. It was a huge bet.)

You may want to look at Johnson & Johnson when they went through the Tylenol problems; they came through that very well.

I believe investing is an art form as well as something that requires intensity. The key to investing isn't how much money you invest but how much time. I would always try to work the six degrees of separation. Find people who know people who know people. The conference call has some value in the Q&A, to see how they handle tougher questions. So that has some value. One of the ways I used to do it as an analyst, call on company A and get through, and say you're a great company, who should I compare you to? So you triangulate. One of the things that I try to look for is the level of arrogance.

You previously had been a captain in the Marines. What about that time stays with you in your day-to-day business life?

The first thing is that very ordinary people can do quite remarkable things if highly motivated. Second, you look for high energy and high discipline. You look for ground-level intelligence. I believe in walking around. In one of the classic stories, goes back to the Mexican-American War, when Robert E. Lee was commanding a Marine unit in Mexico, he did reconnaissance and the Mexicans had a commanding position in a fortress. But Lee found a sunken road that allowed the Marines to get very close without being observed before their attack. And, if you will, that's the "Halls of Montezuma," written for him. That's an example of walking around doing reconnaissance. Certainly one of the things that I used to look at is the number of cars in the parking lot of a manufacturer.

You have a lot of experience advising wealthy clients. What are the best financial lessons middle-class or lower-class people should learn from the wealthy?

Probably the most important is reduce their expenses wherever they can. Second, to use debt only for a period of time. You don't want to always be borrowing money. There is a need to borrow for a certain thing but then you should pay it off and be in cash.

You shouldn't swing for the fences; I'm going to be all in, all out. Nibble. The other thing that the wealthy focus on often is what lessons should they be passing on to children and grandchildren, and also what assets? You should recognize that just having a lot of money doesn't make you a happy person. It doesn't do wonderful things for the family. It's better to be wealthy than not, but it's not the panacea for happiness.

What shouldn't they learn from the wealthy?

Part of the problem for anybody successful [is] there are too many people around them that tell them how brilliant they are. And they get … sycophants are very real. Bowing and scraping. Don't let that inflate your ego. You shouldn't get overly exercised about taxes, in the sense of making investment decisions solely based on taxes. Some people so hate the government they'll do some dumb things with their investments to "get even with the government."

You talk about the nine investment profiles in your book. What profile are you?

Most of us are a combination. And I'm a different one for different reasons. In trying to meet my perceived obligations to the near-term family, I'm an absolute return type. To other assets I tend to be relative an investor. I am always looking for the new stars not the established stars. Because I'm a great believer in people. So each of these different personalities I attach to different portfolios.

Digital Footprint: Lipper's Recent Blog Entries

Sunday, Oct. 26, 2008

Joe the Plumber and his Personal Financials

Much has been written about Joe the Plumber and Joe's concerns to maximize income in order to invest in his business. He correctly sees the need for capital to meet obligations to himself, his family, his business and/or some charity. If we could see his "personal balance sheet," as advocated in my book Money Wise, we could also see his self-defined obligations to his retirement, to his wife Joy, and to the local hospital among other needs.

In recent meetings with the many charities that I am involved with, there is concern about the ability to accomplish their missions. They fear a number of pledges will not be fulfilled in full or on a timely basis. Their concerns are similar, but not identical, to our friend Joe's worries.

Both arise due to the lack of financial clarity that comes from an understanding of one's own personal financial condition but no understanding or sympathy for the party on the other side of their concern.

Based on past experience, people of limited to modest incomes continue to give to charities during periods of financial turmoil. Most continue to contribute each time they attend a religious service. They are using a "pay-as -you-go" strategy keyed off their current income. Historically there has been a very high level of predictability in these flows.

One of the major differences that occur as people move in stages from modest incomes to Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW), is that their lives can now be better described by a "personal balance sheet" than from an income statement. One of the ways to measure where you are in the path to becoming UHNW, is to understand how much of your charitable gift decisions are based on your income statement and how much on a "personal balance sheet." While "The Good Book" requires tithing, or giving 10% away, few people in today's world meet that standard. Single-digit percentage allocations to charitable gifts are more the norm. Even in today's crisis of confidence, I suspect that this pattern will continue when total annual giving is below $1,000 to $2,000 per year.

One of the many items to augment a personal balance sheet is a reserve for grants to charities. I am an advocate of a "funded reserve" with its own separate portfolio of investments, with the appropriate short term securities to meet current pledges and longer term instruments to meet longer horizon pledges, perhaps adjusted for inflation.

An augmented personal balance sheet depicts pledges as a liability with the same force on the grantor as any other debt. On the asset side, one of the portfolios is the funded reserve for grants. Much trickier is to measure the "psychic income" derived from feeling good by doing good. Perhaps this measurement can be a below-the-line addition to the combined financial and psychic income results for the year.

What should you, the grantor do in face of the current financial crisis of

confidence? You should first assure the charity in question that you recognize your obligation and you should determine if the organization is able to meet its minimum goals. Has the charity responded to the climate by cutting back expenditures and/or deferring spending?

For your part, deliver as much as possible to meet the charities' short term absolute needs. An enormous lesson for both the individual grantor and the charity is that both need rainy day funds to cushion sharp, unexpected contractions similar to what we are passing through now. A reasonable starting point for these rainy day funds would be 10% of the expected annual funding, with an agreement to notify the other party when only 5% is left.

Both sides may have to put off work on the new Joseph and Joyce Wing of the local hospital while donors are forced to back to plumbing jobs, making the flow of cash work as well as it can until new supplies arrive.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 4:39 PM

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Turning Points Provide Hope for Everyone's Wealth

In a world of so much uncertainty, I find relief that people eventually follow their intelligence and act in their best economic interest. After many years of resistance, large portions of the U.S. population are finally beginning to get it right. This causes me to shout, "It is working – there is hope for wealth!" These fundamental behavior shifts are being carried out by people of very modest incomes as well as those who are described as Ultra High Net Worth (UHNW).

The recent decline in gasoline consumption is my first example that there is hope. As Americans, have been told how wasteful we have been for at least the last thirty years. We heard, but did not listen.

In 2008 the price of gasoline skyrocketed to over $4.00 a gallon. Then for the first time, perhaps since WWII days, the number of miles driven by cars on American roads dropped significantly. On now-crowded commuter trains, a frequent conversation topic is where to find the cheapest gas. The lowest I've heard this week was in the $2.50 range.

The drop in gas prices was caused by consumers changing their behavior: driving less to avoid paying too much; not by Congressional regulation outlawing speculation and speculators. (As I mention in my book Money Wise, we saw the same trends in the 1930's, when Congress held hearings to investigate speculation.) People will change their behavior (and will largely benefit from doing so) when given sufficient information and motivation.

The second example, which I think is the best news in many years, is that the savings rate for the second quarter of 2008 shot up to 2.7% of income, after being below 1% for many years. In some quarters the rate was less than zero, as people borrowed more than they were making.

During the third quarter of 2008, the economic slowdown became more pronounced. In recent conversations with various companies, charities and merchants, I have found business has come to an almost complete stop, with high ticket transactions nearly non-existent. As saving is the opposite of spending, I expect that we will see an acceleration of the savings rate when third and fourth quarter savings rates of 2008 are published.

Why am I so excited about the increase in the savings rate? The major precursor to wealth for everyone is savings. In many cultures, people of very limited means save a great amount of money. For example, years ago a business acquaintance in Hong Kong was having difficulty meeting his office rent and he was notified by the building manager that his rent was about to go up. He begged the manager for some concessions. He was told he had to discuss his problem with the building owner. He asked for a meeting and it was arranged quickly that the owner would visit him in his office.

He was flabbergasted when at the appointed time, the lady who had been cleaning his office walked in. Not only was she the owner of this building, but a number of other buildings as well. Over many years she saved her money from cleaning and invested wisely in small Hong Kong office buildings. She kept working to earn more and to watch over her investments. The key to her becoming wealthy, she learned, was to spend as little as possible and save/invest as much as possible.

There are many, but not enough, people in this country who have similar behavior practices. They recognize that their long term desires are larger than their likely income, so they must become savers/ investors.

If we define wealth = freedom, then the small income saver is well on his/her way to wealth. In contrast is the ultra high net worth investor who is spending more than what is coming in, and in the process destroying his/her wealth. The challenge for many UHNW people is to consider gifts to charity and others as an investment that should payoff in psychic benefits.

Those who have saved and invested wisely are now faced with challenging their children and grand-children to do the same. These discussions will benefit both the child/grandchild and greater society. The benefit will be converting the savings/investments into jobs, high tax revenues and enlarging the vital pools of capital which fund our future.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 10:17 PM

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Fear is a Four Letter Word

In polite society, if such a forum exists today, a "four letter word" refers to a description which is not to be used. While both love and hate are four letter words, one is viewed positively, and the other as unfortunate. I use the word fear as descriptive as

to what is driving investors and also as unfortunate.

As a professional investment advisor and an investment committee and/or board member of a number of non-profit organizations, I spent this last week strengthening relationships. Some callers "just couldn't take it any more." Some wanted to reduce equities by 50% from today's levels. Others reported they had sold all of their domestic stocks and bonds. Not only did they want to temporarily reduce their anxiety, but they were reaffirming their belief as to how smart they finally were. Yet they all believed the stock market would rise again eventually.

Unfortunately the sellers did not have the advantage of attending my first place of analytical instruction, the race track. Any serious handicapper would doubt the ability to place three winning bets in a row. Those driven by temporary fear almost by definition commit themselves to a program of sell, switch, and buy. Very few can do all three successfully. From my study of money managers, and particularly mutual fund managers, those with much larger-than-their normal cash positions miss the relatively easy winnings in the early stages of recovery. During the uncertainty surrounding turns to the upside, cash becomes too comfortable. They do not want to risk the relative performance rank they achieved on the downside.

What will be the best stocks to own once the recovery begins? Those with cash will continue to look backwards and buy the stocks that went down the least or the ones that went down the most. In each case there is an equilibrium price the stock will return to, as if stock prices have memories. While both approaches have worked occasionally, they do not consistently work. (They are fighting the odds of the three bet parley.) If the investor did not raise an inordinate amount of cash relative to his past patterns, he/she can improve their odds significantly. First their focus can be on owning the best stocks for the future. They can fund these purchases by using some of their cash or switching out of their pre-decline holdings. For most managers it is easier to switch than commit the cash that had recently made them a winner.

What Should Be Done Now

First, remember what you have paid for the following advice = zero, which could be exactly its worth. Second, observe what happened on Friday, the 10th of October. Third, focus on the odds of a continuing trend. On Friday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average moved over 1000 points, changing direction 18 times in the last trading hour alone. While the average did finish lower, the intraday price action is suggestive of capitulation. Those who have been driven by fears of a greater collapse have sold at almost any price.

Finally, in a world where traders believe the trend is their friend, one should start to bet on a trend reversal. On the basis of this market analysis and using the individual portfolio segments as suggested in Money Wise, my recently published book, start to add to your buying program of specific stocks that have an above-average future and/or a group of mutual funds that have diversified strategies.

Let me know how you are feeling and doing as you find more positive four letter words.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 2:50 PM

Monday, October 6, 2008

Brilliance, Guilty and Bounce Back

Writing this blog on the Sunday after the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (EESA) has become law, has caused me to think through my immediate reactions and my long term investment strategies. Others should as well, remembering what has been attributed to Mark Twain: "The opposite of progress is Congress."

EESA started out as a brilliant investment analysis of a clogged, dysfunctional mortgage market that was preventing banks from lending to other banks and from extending new credits to existing customers. The original, politically naïve, work-out plan evolved into a vehicle to address too many other political needs of Congress at election time. Paulson recognized that under the universal mark-to-market accounting rules, banks and other mortgage providers could not make any new mortgages. Too many existing mortgages and mortgage securities were being valued with no known bids, roughly the equivalent of having little or no equity in them. Without the equity from these assets, their various balance sheet ratios could not support any additional assets with implied risk. The magic of the Paulson plan is that it creates the illusion that the mortgages have some value.

(The key to making a loan to you is the financial institution's ability to borrow from someone who is examining its financial statements. In other words, if a bank can not borrow, it can not lend. While you may feel that your great aunt's shawl and fans have significant value, unless you can find a professional buyer, the lender can't count the shawl and fans as good capital.)

Paulson's solution was to hold reverse (or "Dutch" auctions) to offer to buy the most "toxic" mortgage securities at the lowest prices. This creates a bottom for the market by putting a price on the most problematic paper. Institutions can then price their remaining securities at equal to, or better prices.

Disclosure: As he was evolving his thinking through "listening tours," I have met with Secretary Paulson twice at small meetings of the New York Society of Security Analysts.

Under present accounting rules, assets have to be priced at tradable prices. Assets may also be valued by an internally created mathematical formula ("market by myth"). These values are referred to by their catchy titles: Level 1, 2, or 3. Under Paulson's structure, financial institutions can move some assets from Level 3 to Level 2, which automatically improves their capital ratios. Even those that don't move up their Levels. The financial institutions with assets that they could not price can now maintain that the mere existence of the Troubled Assets Relief Program (TARP) means that there is a potential market for the securities that they could not sell previously. These moves should go a long way to unclog the mortgage and related markets without a wholesale change of the mark-to-market rules. (The US Government has never had an audit under generally accepted accounting standards and thus they alone can carry assets at purchase price.)

I am happy with this solution to unclog the housing market. However, I am unhappy to see these principles extended to credit card receivables, a subject which merits a separate discussion.

The Guilty

Any time something goes wrong there is an immediate search for the bad guys who created the problem. In this case that great moral philosopher Pogo got it right by saying, "We have met the enemy and the enemy is us."

There is enough blame to include just about everyone. Mortgages and particularly mortgage securities could not be sold if there were no buyers. These buyers disregarded the common sense rules I describe in Chapter 10 of Money Wise


"Bad Things Happen: Taming and Managing Risk."

Two of the causes for bad things are (1) Overconfidence and (2) Unanticipated events. Think of retirees directly purchasing this soon-to-be toxic paper, either directly or through fund vehicles. They heard "fixed income" and in their mind translated that to mean "fixed solution." Nothing could go wrong, particularly through the implied guaranty of some third party institution. "They wouldn't lie to me face to face," many assumed. No, they did not intend to lie to you (or perhaps more importantly lie to themselves) they just didn't know any better. They did not do their homework on massive defaults. Both the buyer and the seller were overconfident.

One of the other causes for "bad things" is unanticipated events. In scientific literature these events are called the emergence of the Black Swan. For many centuries Europeans believed that swans only came in white. The discovery of black swans in Australia changed their expectations. While we knew that some people could not afford to make the home purchases that they did, we did not recognize that their numbers would be swelled by the simultaneous lowering of underwriting standards, changes in accounting rules and a slowing economy diminishing the income potential of both new buyers and current owners. Real estate problems of this size were last created in the 1920s and the resulting foreclosures and slump in real estate prices did not happen until the early 1930s.

The retirees mentioned above, and/or their agents violated a basic investment rule: Know What You Own. They did not recognize that mortgages and related securities were a distinct asset class. There may be a sign of vulnerability any time an undifferentiated asset class is more than 10% of the total portfolio. If the single asset class exceeds 25%, there must be other assets invested to hedge the primary asset class driver. Finally, there is a smell test: If one is urged to borrow against this asset, or if the seller is heavily leveraged, and too demanding of a quick purchase, there is the risk that time can work against the buyer.

Bouncing Back

We are all human and therefore are capable of making mistakes. Despite being a Trustee of Caltech, I have learned that humans are not as predictable as the laws of physics. One of the great lessons of the 1990s was that Long Term Capital Management, with all the brain power of a couple of Nobel Prize winners, not only failed, but could have pulled down half of Wall Street had it not been for the Federal Reserve's behind the scenes pressure.

A lesson from LTCM's collapse is that very smart people can, and do make mistakes. A second and more powerful lesson is that a number of the LTCM participants were able to raise money and start new ventures, in some cases from the same groups that had invested in LTCM. Wall Street believes in bouncing back and often funds those who have fallen with the belief that with more caution, they can succeed the second time around.

For a fuller discussion of "Bouncing Back: The Art of Recovering from Mistakes," see chapter 12 of Money Wise.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 6:12 AM

Monday, September 29, 2008

Expect Unintended Consequences From This Weekend

I am writing this on the weekend that various members of the U.S. Congress and their staffs (working with, and/or against, members of the outgoing administration) prepare a bill that would mandate the use of taxpayer funds to rescue our economy, and to a large extent the global economy from various governments' past mistakes. The noisy minority of the public is clamoring for the scalps of the perpetrators. While Congress, for the most part, gives lip service to the crowd around the guillotine, they don't want the blame game to gain momentum.

The truth is one of the biggest contributors to our current market-clogging problem is the government. This guilt does not stem from government's malevolence to those who are trying to earn capital. The mistake made by these good people is that they did not fully contemplate the laws of unintended consequences.

The difference is that the government has so much power, few can be heard questioning its wisdom. History has shown however, that leaving economic issues for the most part to the private sector, produces fewer mistakes. These mistakes are often then corrected through the brutal, competitive system.

"Good" efforts by government powers has often led to bad results for our society. Some examples are:

Support for first time home buyers

Result: Questionable qualifications for social purposes.

The repeal of two sections of the Glass-Steagall Act

Result: The recombination of two very different cultures, compensation approaches and regulatory setups for clients.

Trading in pennies

Result: Much less expensive for large traders to take advantage of retail customers who have left the daily market.

The practical destruction of the specialist system

Result: Specialists are needed to support two-way markets during periods of stress.

Fair Value Pricing

Result: Only individuals can now buy without an immediate write down in declining markets.

Restricting Short Sales

Result: A curtailment of early identification of trouble and future required buyers

Whatever comes out of this weekend's negotiations, if anything, will create its own mischief. These new constraints on the market place functioning is a further devaluation of the old trading (tactile) manuals on how to survive and profit from other people's transactions.

There are at least two, somewhat related events that encourage optimism. First is Warren Buffet's purchases of stock in

Goldman Sachs

on very favorable terms not available to others. In addition, his lock, stock and barrel purchase of

Chesapeake Energy

at a very depressed price due to rumors as to its solvency, is positive. (Point of disclosure- our hedge fund and I, personally have been long time holders of

Berkshire Hathaway


The second event of note is that the stock prices of Financials, beaten-down as a group during the turmoil in September, continue to trade above their July or earlier lows.

Long-term strategic buyers should use this period to slowly begin additional buy programs and to be prepared that the lack of historic trading practices may give the investor even more favorable prices, interspersed with extremely sharp price spikes as the natural sellers into a rally are reduced in number.

Sunday Morning Post Script (1)

5:30 am – Reactions to the announcement of the Agreement in Principle on what the press insists on calling "The Bailout Plan"

1. Making a dangerous assumption that the announcement is accurate, my first reaction was the plan would be viewed as highly inflationary.

2. My second reaction is that no matter who heads the next administration and more importantly the make up of the U.S. Senate, we are looking at higher taxes at the Federal level and for many states as well.

Sunday Morning Post Script (2):

10:30 am - My reactions after some sleep and a brief look at the "talking heads" on cable.

1. Until we see the actual details of the law and the regulations, we do not know the size of the problem; thus we are reacting to shadows without knowing how far the silhouette is from the candle.

2. The plan recognizes the major issue is not credit which is weak in many places, but liquidity which is almost non-existent. The "brilliance" of the plan is that it is creating a low quality Treasury window. For some, the mere existence of this window may mean that private liquidity will come back - knowing that if necessary the questionable assets can be sold to the Treasury.

3. Wall Street/Bank equity owners do not benefit from this liquidity plan directly, the main beneficiaries will be those seeking credit which are beyond the financial community.

4. Congress is lousy at communicating to the public and this increases the likelihood of a more powerful than usual "law of unintended consequences".

5. In some ways because of point 4, we are lucky that the plan did not address Paulson's pleas for a clearinghouse for derivatives, which is a larger problem.

6. I expect a significant relief rally for stock prices because the absence of new short sellers and the destruction of the NYSE specialist system.

7. New tactical trading plays will evolve quickly, while longer term strategies will evolve more slowly. The need for liquidity reserves will grow.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 9:20 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Keep Your View Long Term

Last week we saw the government outline in sketchy detail a massive financial support package for the ailing US economy. Some have questioned why it took so long to come to the rescue. Critics don't understand either the complexity of the problem or how Washington works. In order to get both Congressional leaders and foreign dollar buyers to accept these moves as the complete solution, the apparent size of the problem had to appear to shrink. Neither group will be able to grasp the full situation before the program begins to unravel. While the economic problem is housing prices, the financial problem is much bigger.

The timing and the positioning of these events were dictated by the political season. Let's hope that the smoke and mirrors work until the next administration is sworn in.

In all of the chatter about solutions, both the Treasury and the Fed pushed for the creation of a clearinghouse for derivatives. The notional value of all derivatives outstanding in the US markets is in the hundreds of trillion dollar range. (Where is Carl Sagan when we need him to go the next higher level?)

We are not only unclear about the absolute size of this liability, but also the identity of the owners, as most of these trades are private or over-the-counter.

A simple mortgage packaged as a structured note can be briefly owned by ten different entities, each of whom has hedged their perceived risks through the use of derivatives of different natures and maturities. In some cases the participants in the derivative trade have had each other as a counterparty on other trades and thus have reduced their net risk. However the market does not know the net amount that is owed to which party and when. If there is a central clearinghouse, the marketplace would be aware every moment in time which player had a debit or credit balance.

Until we can size the problem we don't know large the needed potential bailout needs to be. At this time I am guessing it to be over one trillion dollars.

When the global markets learn more about the approved bailout program and its impact on perceived inflation, we should monitor the rates that central banks around the world sell their gold reserves. If they slow down further, watch out.

For Us the correct short term investment strategy now remains elusive. No matter who manages to get the control of the Senate, (which is what is really important in the November election), the next four years may not be very satisfying. The stage could be set however, along with other developments for real global growth which will carry us forward.

If you are a long term investor as an individual or as a fiduciary for an institution, I would recommend closely following the drama addressed above, but not to change fundamental investment strategy. My book, Money Wise, is for those who are looking to evolve their lifetime investment strategies and perhaps extend them to multiple generations.

We should not make our primary focus the markets even after the election, the end of year, the first term of the new administration or even the second term. Instead we should focus on periods of ten years or longer. In doing so, I submit the prospects for the prudent investor may well be better than any other time in our lifetime.

Posted by Monday Morning Musings at 11:12 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Need for Speculators

The US Congress will soon be dealing with a report that allegedly points the finger at "speculators" being a principal cause in the run up in the price of oil. For Congress that means gasoline at the corner service station. In a knee-jerk reaction there will be a call to ban or curtail the activities of these devils even though the report does not conclude that speculators were the cause for the run up in gasoline prices.

Before condemning such a move by the Congress, I believe one should understand the essential difference between an investor and a speculator. An investor (perhaps this person should be called a historian) is comfortable projecting the future from an examination of the past. One might call such a person is a trend follower. As human behavior and weather cycles have not changed much for hundreds of years, the odds of a continuation of past trends are a good, but not perfect, guide to the future.

A speculator is someone that believes that the current time is different in some important respect such as product, people, or prices. The ultimate question for any market participant is who is going to buy (sell) this security when the current price has too much risk built-in?

Most investors are governed by their internal price disciplines. Often when one investor is worried that a price is overly generous or overly depressed they need to find a market participant who sees things differently. Thus after considerable upward momentum the investor needs to find a speculator who believes "this time" it is going to be different, and thus is a buyer of the investor's securities.

In the same fashion, after a sustained decline an investor searches for a speculator who believes that the "normal" cyclical bounce will not follow, and that prices will continue to decline. In my examples the investor wins over the speculator, which is not always the case in practice. The speculator must win enough to be enticed into the game or they won't play. That is why waves of speculation are dispersed in history to allow for new participants to follow their speculative urges.

Our sympathy is for our readers and clients who are long-term investors. We all need speculators to provide generous exits and cheap entry points. From a national policy perspective, speculation provides the grease that encourages markets to be efficient and aids in price discovery by often providing the other side of the trade.

Forbes on Lipper

On Your Mind

Forsaken Namesake

Edited by Katarzyna Moreno


What happens when you lose control of the company bearing your name?

MICHAEL LIPPER: Founder, Lipper Inc. (as of last month has no ties to his company; sold to Reuters two years ago)

I gave the company the family name because there have been four Lipper brokerage firms in my family: my grandfather's, my father's, my brother's and mine. The Lipper name was well recognized and trusted. I would have liked to pass the publishing business on to my children. But there are children who want it and those who don't. And a forced unity will eventually break. A family member might not necessarily have been better for the company than Reuters.

Talking with Lipper

Penelope Patsuris


Fear and greed are often the two greatest impediments to making money in the stock market, and it's at times like these that the average investor--imperiled portfolio in hand--is liable to be overcome by the former. And that's when things really get bad.

"Above all else, this is not the time to leave the game," warns Lipper Analytical's founder, Michael Lipper. The 25-year-old firm analyzes the performance of mutual funds, providing data to a wide range of clients, including the Forbes Digital Tool. Lipper points out that the market drop we're experiencing really isn't so bad. In percentage terms, the market has fallen only between a third and one half as far as it did in October 1987. He also predicts we'll benefit from a swifter recovery, taking just six months to a year, compared with the year or two it took to get beyond Black Monday.

"Frankly, this is the time to adjust your position to be more aggressive," says Lipper. "Prices are a lot better now than they were a year ago." For instance, the Vanguard 500 Index price-to-earnings ratio is now 28.1 and its price-to-book is 6.8, whereas a year ago its P/E was 26.5 and its P/B was 6.01. He cites the recent effort of Warren Buffett, Hank Greenburg and Goldman Sachs to buy the embattled Long Term Capital Hedge Fund. In the end the Fed got the fund, but that's not the point. "That's Buffett's whole strategy," says Lipper, "buy it when there's blood in the street."

"Above all else this is not the time to leave the game."

But what about the little guy? Would the average fund investor be a little less blood-soaked if he had paid attention to his fund's Beta--the yardstick that measures whether a fund [or stock] is more or less volatile than the market as a whole? Lipper certainly doesn't think so. "If you'd used Betas you would have wound up in some of the very worst funds," he says, "because it doesn't work. It does not predict future volatility."

Instead, Lipper suggests simply looking at a stock's historic highs and lows and buying when it's closer to the latter, and to make sure you own a stock because you believe the company or its sector will grow, and finally, to "stay away from whatever's popular at cocktail parties."

Going forward then, does he have any suggestions about how readers can use the Lipper-based Forbes Mutual Fund Guide? "Look at the sectors measured by our indices that have had the least success and decide whether or not these industries are going to go out of business. If not, that's an area where you should concentrate your investment research."