The Big Deal: Brewster Kahle
- ️Quentin Hardy
- ️Wed Jun 19 2013
The easy deals can be made by anyone. The big, meaningful ones draw on the experience of a lifetime--as well as lots of moxie and luck. Forbes is asking leaders in business and other fields about their pivotal "Big Deals." Share your thoughts and own stories in the Reader Comments section below.
Brewster Kahle is the great librarian of the Internet. His company, Wais Inc., scanned and listed the content of computer servers, and was sold to America Online for $15 million. A second project, Alexa Internet, logged Internet traffic patterns and recommended sites. It went to Amazon for $250 million in 1999. He is a founder and leader of the Internet Archive, which stores a huge number of books, recordings and images for free access. His most recent project, Bookserver, is a distributed publishing, lending and sales tool for digital books. Kahle talked to Forbes’ Quentin Hardy about the Alexa Internet deal.
When I sold WAIS to AOL the company was basically dispersed inside the larger company. So when Jeff Bezos asked, "Well, why don't we buy Alexa?" I said, "No, I've tried that before." It takes three years to go and build up a great team that can get things done. And losing that is just wasteful. I told him that I know how to run a company, I don't know how to run a division--how manage the politics in a big company or have people who will hit you from the side. It's not an entrepreneur's skill.
And Bezos said something interesting. He said, "Well, OK, what does it mean to run a company?" I said, "Well, you have a board. And they meet every month. And they give you broad direction. And then, you go off and do that. And if I screw up, I get fired." And that's what it is to run a company, as opposed to running a division. And he said, "OK. Let's do that."
It kept its name, kept its location. We kept our bank account. The first face-off was against the network security gurus of Amazon, who wanted to go and impose all of their rules. And we just wouldn't have anything of it. That would limit the productivity of the organization greatly. So we stayed separate. And Jeff stayed true to that.
I was there for three years, which is unusual for a founding entrepreneur to stay with an acquisition for that long. It's 10 years after the Alexa acquisition and it's still going strong. It does data mining off the Web. So it collects the Web and usage trails and helps understand them, and puts it out as a free service. Amazon gets to learn what's happening on the Web in a way that they've never been able to do before.
The first thing they got for it is about $250 million of capital cost savings, because Alexa was very good at not spending all of the money. And this is in 1999, when Amazon suddenly had to not just gush cash. Alexa taught Amazon how to go to Linux. And it saved, in the first year, $250 million worth of capital that Amazon would have paid, or had traditionally paid, for all the hardware. That architectural know-how would have disappeared if they dissolved the company into Amazon.
--Told to and edited by Quentin Hardy
To see more of Quentin Hardy's stories go here. Contact the writer at
See Also:
Ten Minutes That Mattered: Brewster Kahle