Training Center Yorktown, VA

TRACEN Yorktown Rendering First Honors for RDML Hayes

Welcome to Coast Guard Training Center Yorktown's home on the Internet! Our Mission is to “Forge Today’s Force to Execute Tomorrow’s Mission.” A first class working and learning environment has been created by a dedicated staff of support personnel. We accomplish our mission through resident, non-resident, and exportable training; Assessment and Standardization programs; Doctrine Support; and External Engagement with our international, interagency and local partners.

Our Vision is to support the entire Coast Guard by helping to Optimize Workforce Performance and Unit Readiness. Training Center Yorktown proudly upholds the Coast Guard's motto "Semper Paratus," graduating students "always ready" to meet today's challenges.

Whether you are here to gather information, planning to attend a school, or surfing the web and just stopped by for a visit; please feel free to provide us with any comments, questions, or suggestions via the contact link to the left. And be sure to view the TCYorktown Tour & check out the Photo Gallery.

Coast Guard Employee Access

It is recommended each Coast Guard employee visit TCYorktown's Portal site for additional training information. Coast Guard Employee Access.

Honor, Respect, and Devotion to Duty

Quick Links
What's New Base Status / Weather
Class Schedules
Guest Quarters
Mailing Address
Morale, Well Being, & Rec
TRACEN Yorktown Facebook

MWR Ticket Sales
MWR Newsletter
Movie Schedule
Dining Hall Menu
Port of York Menu
Photo Gallery

Base Status
Today's Forecast
NWS Doppler Image
Contact TCYorktown