The Port - Fremantle Ports, Western Australia

Operating through two harbours, the port facilitates trade that is vital to WA.

The Port of Fremantle operates through two harbours. The Inner Harbour at Fremantle handles almost all of the container trade for Western Australia. It also provides facilities for livestock exports, motor vehicle imports, other general cargo trades, cruise ships and visiting naval vessels.

The Outer Harbour, about 22km to the south at Kwinana, is one of Australia’s major bulk cargo ports handling grain, petroleum, liquid petroleum gas, alumina, mineral sands, fertilisers, coal, sulphur, iron ore and other bulk commodities.

Three of the jetties in the Outer Harbour are operated by private companies, generally under Special Agreement Acts with the State. They are the Alcoa, BP and CBH Group jetties. Kwinana Bulk Jetty and the Kwinana Bulk Terminal are operated by Fremantle Ports.

The port is a mix of facilities and services managed by Fremantle Ports and private operators. Fremantle Ports provides and maintains shipping channels, navigation aids, cargo wharves at common user areas and leased terminals, the Fremantle Passenger Terminal, road and rail transport infrastructure in the port area, moles and seawalls and other port infrastructure such as storage sheds, water, power and public amenities.

Services such as towage, pilotage (under contract to Fremantle Ports), line boats and bunkering are provided by the private sector.
Fremantle Ports also cooperates with Commonwealth Government agencies responsible for customs, quarantine and maritime safety.