ST3400 :: Browse 99 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference ST3400

near to Hawkchurch, Devon, England


1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

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ST3400 : Orange Way in Devon and Torbay (529) by Shazz Orange Way in Devon and Torbay (529)

The Orange Way turns with the Monarch's Way from the bridleway onto a field footpath.

ST3400 : Hawkchurch by Nigel Mykura Hawkchurch

This colourful flowery roadside bank is the view east along Brimley Rd in the centre of the village just west of the green triangle with war memorial on Hawkchurch Rd.

ST3400 : Cottages at Hawkchurch by Derek Harper Cottages at Hawkchurch

These are seen across the churchyard; Church Cottage is on the left. The row of cottages is on the main village street.

ST3400 : Hawkchurch: St. John the Baptist's Church: Nave capital, man feeding an animal (set of 3 images) by Michael Garlick Hawkchurch: St. John the Baptist's Church: Nave capital, man feeding an animal (set of 3 images)
ST3400 : Thatched cottages at Wytch Green by Roger Cornfoot Thatched cottages at Wytch Green
ST3400 : Church of St John the Baptist, Hawkchurch, Devon (set of 2 images) by Ray Jennings Church of St John the Baptist, Hawkchurch, Devon (set of 2 images)

Most of what can be seen in this shot, with the exception of the tower, which itself was rebuilt in the early 16th century, is the result of the major rebuild of 1859-61.

ST3400 : Hawkchurch Church and Cottages by Dave Imm Hawkchurch Church and Cottages
ST3400 : Old Inn, Hawkchurch by John M Old Inn, Hawkchurch

Opposite the church on the main road through the village.

ST3400 : Hawkchurch village shop by Nick Chipchase Hawkchurch village shop
ST3400 : Orange Way in Devon and Torbay (530) by Shazz Orange Way in Devon and Torbay (530)

This is a most unusual horse to find on a bridleway.

ST3400 : Hawkchurch: St. John the Baptist's Church: The south Norman corbel table 1 by Michael Garlick Hawkchurch: St. John the Baptist's Church: The south Norman corbel table 1
ST3400 : Monarch's Way, Hawkchurch by John M Monarch's Way, Hawkchurch

The Monarch's Way approaches the village from the north. It is reputed that King Charles II rested for a few hours in the village on his way towards the coast.



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