ST5107 :: Browse 25 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference ST5107

near to Corscombe, Dorset, England


1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

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ST5107 : Sign and footpath at Brackett's Coppice by Becky Williamson Sign and footpath at Brackett's Coppice

A Dorset Wildlife Trust Reserve near Halstock.

ST5107 : Baker's Farm - Higher Halstock Leigh by Mike Searle Baker's Farm - Higher Halstock Leigh
ST5107 : Woodland clearance - Higher Halstock Leigh by Sarah Smith Woodland clearance - Higher Halstock Leigh

The conifers have been felled and timber removed producing a large clearing on the edge of the lane from Winyards Gap.

ST5107 : Halstock Leigh: a Dorset finger-post by Chris Downer Halstock Leigh: a Dorset finger-post

This finger-post only has one complete finger on it now; the stump of the Corscombe one also remains and it previously had one pointing towards Cheddington, along the road ahead. It does, though, retain the Dorset finial which gives... (



ST5107 : Winford Farm by Roger Cornfoot Winford Farm
ST5107 : Winford Rural Workshops by Nigel Mykura Winford Rural Workshops

This small rural industrial estate accommodates small enterprises and businesses. The units are simple concrete blocks that bring prison camps to mind.

ST5107 : Leaves, Higher Halstock Leigh by Derek Harper Leaves, Higher Halstock Leigh

Leaves unfurl over the no through road near Sydney Farm.

ST5107 : Lane between Corscombe and Lower Halstock Leigh by Maurice D Budden Lane between Corscombe and Lower Halstock Leigh
ST5107 : Road towards Halstock and Yeovil by Robin Webster Road towards Halstock and Yeovil
ST5107 : Minor road junction, Higher Halstock Leigh by Maigheach-gheal Minor road junction, Higher Halstock Leigh
ST5107 : Pear Tree Farm by Roger Cornfoot Pear Tree Farm
ST5107 : Lane, Higher Halstock Leigh by Derek Harper Lane, Higher Halstock Leigh

The no through road near Baker's Farm. ST5107 : Towards Birts Hill and ST5107 : Leaves, Higher Halstock Leigh were taken at the same place.



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