ST9727 :: Browse 15 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference ST9727

near to Swallowcliffe, Wiltshire, England


1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

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We have 15 images for ST9727

 : Stainers building on A30 by Toby Stainers building on A30

by Toby

An old industrial building, now used as a site for storing skips.

 : Bridleway to Halstead by Jim Champion Bridleway to Halstead

This bridleway leads down a gentle hill towards Halstead and the A30 road.

 : Grazing sheep near Swallowcliffe by Maigheach-gheal Grazing sheep near Swallowcliffe

The sheep graze under the remains of a rainbow.

 : Motor works beside A30 by David Smith Motor works beside A30

One of the buildings houses a Land Rover dealer/repair shop

 : Lane in Swallowcliffe by Toby Lane in Swallowcliffe

by Toby

 : A30 past Swallowcliffe by Toby A30 past Swallowcliffe

by Toby

 : Dilapidated Stainers building by Toby Dilapidated Stainers building

by Toby

Site is now used for skip hire.

 : Spoilt for Choice by Maigheach-gheal Spoilt for Choice

At the small garage beside the A30 there are a variety of Landrovers for sale as well as a workshop for repairs.

 : Oilseed rape near Swallowcliffe by Maigheach-gheal Oilseed rape near Swallowcliffe

Oilseed rape is the third important crop in the UK after wheat and barley. It can be either winter or spring sown. Winter sown oilseed rape is primarily grown for its oil, which is used in cooking and food processing. The trees hide a... (



 : A30 heading west by Robin Webster A30 heading west

The Lancers House is on the bend, offering B&B.

 : Old Milestone by the A30, Swallowcliffe Parish by M Faherty Old Milestone by the A30, Swallowcliffe Parish

Carved stone post by the A30, in parish of SWALLOWCLIFFE (SALISBURY District), 110m West of easternmost lane to village, in hedge, on North side of road. Sarum Shaston triangle, erected by the Whitesheet turnpike trust in the 19th century.... (



 : Hill by the A30, Swallowcliffe by David Howard Hill by the A30, Swallowcliffe
 : The A30, Swallowcliffe by David Howard The A30, Swallowcliffe
 : Cows with a distant view of Fovant Badges by David Martin Cows with a distant view of Fovant Badges
 : Hut Lane by David Martin Hut Lane



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