SU0522 :: Browse 52 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference SU0522

near to Martin Drove End, Hampshire, England


1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

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SU0522 : Path, Knighton Wood by Richard Webb Path, Knighton Wood

The course of a Roman road.

SU0522 : Grim's Ditch, Reddish Gore by Jim Champion Grim's Ditch, Reddish Gore

The trees at the edge of the field follow the line of Grim's Ditch, an ancient earthwork on the southern edge of the woods south of Knighton Farm. The ditch also marks the Wiltshire/Hampshire county boundary.

SU0522 : Farmland north of Ox Drove, towards Knighton Hill by Toby Farmland north of Ox Drove, towards Knighton Hill

by Toby

SU0522 : Track through Moody's Gore by Jonathan Billinger Track through Moody's Gore

The woodland floor is carpeted with Bluebells, Ramsons and Spurges.

SU0522 : Bower Chalke, deer by Mike Faherty Bower Chalke, deer

Ears, head & neck give away the presence of a deer, relaxing but vigilant, in a cornfield to the North of the Roman road.

SU0522 : Ox Drove by Derek Harper Ox Drove

Carrying BOAT BROA 3. At the right bend is the crossroads with bridleway BROA 6.

SU0522 : Bridleway Junction by Maigheach-gheal Bridleway Junction
SU0522 : Fungi, Knighton by Maigheach-gheal Fungi, Knighton

Fungi found near Knighton Wood.

SU0522 : Ox Drove south of Middleton Down by David Martin Ox Drove south of Middleton Down
SU0522 : View over Cranbourne Chase from The Ox Drove by Richard Webb View over Cranbourne Chase from The Ox Drove

An empty landscape, chalk means no water - no water no people.

SU0522 : Footpath through woods, Reddish Gore by Jim Champion Footpath through woods, Reddish Gore

This footpath passes through the southern part of the woods to the south of Knighton Farm.

SU0522 : Bridleway to the Ox Drove by Maigheach-gheal Bridleway to the Ox Drove



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