SU0828 :: Browse 56 Images :: Geograph Britain and Ireland

Grid reference SU0828

near to Stratford Tony, Wiltshire, England


1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

1:50,000 Modern Day Landranger(TM) Map © Crown Copyright

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SU0828 : Crossing the road by Jonathan Kington Crossing the road

The Old Shaftesbury Drove crosses Portfield Road between Wilton and Bishopstone, from here the drove continues to Salisbury race course.

SU0828 : Portfield Road by Chris Gunns Portfield Road
SU0828 : Early spring crops, Bishopstone by Maigheach-gheal Early spring crops, Bishopstone

The spring crops are showing well. Compare with an earlier image SU0828 : Plough near Bishopstone

SU0828 : Track junction in Hare Warren by Helen Steed Track junction in Hare Warren
SU0828 : Oilseed rape by Hare Warren by Derek Harper Oilseed rape by Hare Warren

From Old Shaftesbury Drove.

SU0828 : Puddles on Old Shaftesbury Drove by David Martin Puddles on Old Shaftesbury Drove
SU0828 : Flytip, Harewarren by Maigheach-gheal Flytip, Harewarren

Fly-tipping is the illegal dumping of waste. It can vary in scale significantly from a bin bag of rubbish to large quantities of waste dumped from trucks. Fly-tipped waste may be found anywhere, such as roadsides, in lay-bys or on private land.

SU0828 : Sheep pasture north of Bishopstone, Wiltshire by Brian Robert Marshall Sheep pasture north of Bishopstone, Wiltshire

Taken facing south-east, this view shows pasture land at the top of a re-entrant that runs south into SU0827. The sheep are all in this square. The far side of the re-entrant is in the next square south as is the woodland on the left skyline.

SU0828 : Harvesting, Windwhistle by Maigheach-gheal Harvesting, Windwhistle

Harvesting oilseed rape. Oilseed rape is the third important crop in the UK after wheat and barley. It can be either winter or spring sown. Winter sown oilseed rape is primarily grown for its oil, which is used in cooking and food processing.

SU0828 : Farmland and woods by Portfield Road by Derek Harper Farmland and woods by Portfield Road

From the Old Shaftesbury Drove near its junction with the road, which runs behind the trees on the extreme right, and looking towards the valley of the River Ebble. The wood right of centre hides a chalk pit.

SU0828 : Autumn sunlight filtering in to Old Shaftesbury Drove by David Martin Autumn sunlight filtering in to Old Shaftesbury Drove
SU0828 : Track to Hare Warren Lodge by Helen Steed Track to Hare Warren Lodge



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