Gary Thomas (Author of Education)

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Gary Thomas

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Gary Thomas

Librarian Note: There is more than one author in the Goodreads database with this name.

“Aside from the straightforwardly visible curriculum, there is the hidden curriculum. This exists in the wider set of beliefs and values pupils acquire because of the way that a school is run and its teaching organized. It is about the behaviour of the teachers, the textbooks chosen, the school rules.”
Gary Thomas, Education: A Very Short Introduction

“Bruner discusses the need for teachers to understand that children should want to study for study's own sake, for learnings's sake, not for the sake of good grades or examination success. The curriculum should, in other words, be interesting. (Yes, it sounds too obvious even to say, but sometimes the emphasis on content has trumped all other considerations, including that of making learning interesting.)”
Gary Thomas

“When I'm in a toxic situation, I change my tactics. I don't expect the other person to act in a nontoxic way. That just leads to disappointment. Instead, I am focused on speaking the truth, guarding my sanity (trying to understand crazy behavior just makes you crazy), and doubling down on prayer: 'Heavenly Father, how do I best honor and serve you in this situation?”
Gary Thomas

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