Vera Brosgol's Blog - help an underdog! - May 01, 2017 10:28

  • ️Vera Brosgol
Readers' Most Anticipated Books for Spring

help an underdog!

Lately I’ve been fostering dogs for Underdog Railroad Rescue. They’re a local rescue that is foster-only, saving small dogs from high-kill shelters in Southern California and bringing them up to the Northwest to be adopted. Lord knows we love a dog up here.


They just saved this little sweet little guy Ringo, who was attacked multiple times in the shelter by other dogs. His liver and gall bladder were herniated and he was literally on the table about to be put down. Underdog pulled him at the last minute and now he’s all stitched up and coming up to Portland soon. But his vet bills are… not great. So I’m offering some pet portraits to raise money.

I’m only doing three slots for now, of small watercolors. $200 for a 6”x6” watercolor of your pet! I’ll cover domestic shipping but international can be brutal so I ask that you cover that if you live outside the US.


I’ll add more pets or humans for $100 each. This example has a kid in it, and 3 pets, so it would be $500. (It’s also a bit bigger, obviously.) I’ll cross the slots off as they get taken.




All taken!!!  Woohoo! I’ll get through these and maybe will offer more later. If you just want to make a plain old donation (hooray!), Underdog’s paypal is here: Please uncheck the “goods and services” box so that the rescue doesn’t get stuck with the paypal fee.

 Help Ringo! Help an amazing organization that does great work! Put something cute in your house!

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Published on May 01, 2017 10:28
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message 1: by Critterbee❇ (new)

Critterbee❇ Def interested if you ever offer this type of fundraising for puppies again.

message 2: by Aloe (new)

Aloe that's amazing I love animals soo much I want to be a vet

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