Mr. Skin's Skincyclopedia: The A-to-Z Guide to Finding …

Profile Image for Stefanie.

122 reviews7 followers

January 7, 2010

I won this book through the GoodReads FirstReads giveaway.

This book is a reference guide to which movies you can find actresses showing some form of nudity.

There are tons of actresses listed, most of which I don't know. They're listed alphabetically. For each actress it lists their birthday, birth city and state, death date (if applicable), a "skin-o-meter" rating, a brief bio, a "Skin-fining moment" and a list of movies where the actress shows some skin. This list of movies includes the name of the movie, the year it was made, and the type of nudity included in the flick. It does not include any information as to where in the movie the skin is shown or for how long. Occasionally a movie still or a movie poster is shown (all images are in black and white). The types of nudity are categorized as the following: Body Double, Breasts, Buns, Bush, FFN (both breasts in the same shot), LB (left breast), RB (right breast), Nip Slip, Nip Slip LB, Nip Slip RB, and Thong.

At the back of the book you can a list of "Anatomy Awards" winners from 2000-2009 and a complete movie index where you can look up a movie to see if it has any nudity.

The thing I found most interesting in this book is that you can find out where body doubles were used. For instance, Jessica Alba uses body doubles for anything she's naked in (sorry to burst your bubble boys!).

Of course this is targeted towards males and women would find it more interesting if actors were included into the mix. I wouldn't really care about full frontal nudity but it would be fun to find out what movies those hunky actors show off their sexy six-packs or which actors use body doubles. :O)

Profile Image for Sara.

87 reviews

May 4, 2010

I won this from First Reads. I entered the drawing thinking my husband might be interested in the book. So, I gave him the book and asked for a review, since I didn't feel qualified to properly review it.

This is what my husband had to say:

A great resource if you don’t have an accessible Internet connection handy, and you are sitting by your bookcase. Of course, it is limited by whatever release date you might have, as it will not have the most current information available. It was an interesting novelty gift and fun to flip through, but I do not know how often I might have the opportunity to use it for the above reasons.

Profile Image for Alvin.

4 reviews

January 20, 2010

I won this book through the Goodreads giveaway.

This is quite a compilation of actresses that have appeared nude, seemed to have appeared nude (body double), or have almost appeared nude in movies.

The book breaks down actresses alphabetically and provides their date of birth, hometown, a "Skin-O-Meter" rating, a summary of their nude careers, a "SKIN-fining Moment", and a list of movie title appearances. The summaries are well-written with a good dose of humor that makes reading them enjoyable.

Profile Image for Taylor.

23 reviews20 followers

January 3, 2010

I won this on Goodreads! Entertaining, but probably better suited for a middle school boy or male who refuses to grow up. I did find the list of actresses who only show the right/left breast intriguing.:)