Mushrooms of North America
Here, for the first time in a special, flexible field guide edition, is the most comprehensive full-color guide to American fungi - called by the New York Times "Anybody's basic mushroom book....I can't find any fault with it at all. The color photographs are the best I've seen." how, when and where to collect mushrooms; a simplified pictorial key to the major groups; a key to determine in which major group a mushroom belongs and 72 other keys to determine the exact species; a special section on mushroom toxins; a bibliography; an index to all the species (680) and all the genera described or mentioned.
368 pages, Mass Market Paperback First published January 1, 1972
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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
There were actually two editions of this. It was a groundbreaking book for the sheer quality of the pictures, overall quality of the book's paper and binding (it held up well in the field, and covered enough species to be useful east and west) and the scientific soundness of the text and descriptions. Both editions were stolen from me. I would snap this up if I could find it anywhere.
Names have changed and new species added since this book was written, but I still like it. The photos are wonderful and the descriptions understandable. I just wish we had more good mushroom hunting seasons.
One of my earlier field guides. This book definitely got me out into the woods looking for mushrooms and other fungi. My very first spore prints are a direct consequence of using this book in the field.
Good guide, but I'd rather have one that was specific to a smaller region than North America.
Well bound, well illustrated and comprehensive. Nifty guide!
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews