The Great Quotations

Representing over 30 years of searching and researching, this reference contains a collection of controversial ideas--the words and thoughts that have moved humankind--offering a wellspring for all who seek to enlighten, enourage, persuade, or inspire.

893 pages, Paperback

First published April 1, 1960

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About the author

Investigative reporter and muckraking journalist. Author of twenty-one books. Publisher of a political newsletter called "In Fact." Crusader for press freedom. Dissenter and freethinker. One of the first to expose the dangers of tobacco smoking. Born in New Jersey, died in Vermont.

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Profile Image for WT Sharpe.

143 reviews2 followers

August 3, 2014

It’s difficult to believe that this legendary author and journalist received rejections from no less than 20 publishers when he first submitted this more remarkable collection for publication, but living well is the best revenge, and The Great Quotations has lived very well indeed, having sold a million copies when it was finally published by Lyle Stuart, who specialized in controversial titles, in 1960. Perhaps the difficulty in finding a publisher lay not so much in his reputation as an intellectual as his having been subpoenaed in 1953 by the infamous Senator Joseph McCarthy to defend himself on charges of having been a member of the Communist Party.

This nearly 900 page compilation is not filled with the usual inspirational, uplifting fluff that dominates so many other books of quotations, but rather these are the thoughts of powerful people who have influenced the world in ways both good and bad. These are weighty, often dangerous thoughts that will challenge your presuppositions.

I first bought this book for mere pocket change at a yard sale in the 70s and it has proved to be perhaps the best use of pocket change in my entire life. I read that paperback until it fell apart, and then went on to buy and read his last book of quotations, The Great Thoughts. I now have a hard cover edition of The Great Quotations that I purchased used, and it remains one of the best and most thoroughly researched resources in my arsenal.

Profile Image for BiblioGrrl.

17 reviews77 followers

July 24, 2020

Wonderful book of quotes. I bought this used because I was looking for a specific quote. It's full of "dangerous" & thought-provoking quotes, well-researched & written. Please note this is the original book, not the updated/revised 2011 edition named 'The Great Thoughts - George Seldes'. The 2011 version does NOT contain quotes that are from the original edition. Highly recommend the original book from the 60s.

Profile Image for Sandy.

351 reviews5 followers

April 20, 2019

This is a wonderful book of quotations that I have used for over 40 years. I have used this book in preparing and giving talks--both for school and church, for writing papers--both in high school and college, and just for general reference on a wide variety of topics. It has an A to Z listing topics with quotes on the topics contained in 993 pages.Following that there is an Author Index as well as a Subject Index. I own a copy of the 3rd printing of the Pocket Book edition which was printed in June, 1968. The cover price is $1.25, which was on the expensive side at the time, however considering the size of the book (1086 pages), it was probably justified.

Profile Image for Edwin Roman.

Author 5 books3 followers

January 30, 2013

I actually have two copies of this book---one at home and one in the office. I read from it everyday---in no particular order. I just open the book to a random page and read one quote a day.

Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews