ブルーロック 29 [Blue Lock 29]
not me speedrunning this manga and now im going to have to wait
Damn, those goals and plays are hitting the right spot. I want to smoke!
5 💫 It just really doesn’t slow down, does it? The pacing is relentless, leaving no room for breaks, and it’s all action, all the time. The intensity is ramped up even more, and it’s like everyone is leveling up to super saiyan status. Shidou is still chaotic and unpredictable, but his moments with Charles are oddly endearing—especially when he goes full onii-chan mode, ruffling his hair. The whole volume feels like speeding toward the finish line, and it’s clear the stakes are higher than ever. Honestly, this volume keeps things engaging without losing any of the excitement I’ve come to expect. Also, can somebody teach me how to speak in emoji like Shidou? :3
Isagi’s growth is undeniable, and he’s definitely carving out his own moments, but it’s hard to ignore how the other characters, like Shidou, are just as captivating.
Los primeros cinco capítulos, con Shidou y Charles, son una pasada. Luego viene mucho texto y demasiado Hiori y Kunigami 🥱
THE WAY THIS VOLUME ENDED??? PERFECTION. also the fact that isagi's plan was about to be fucked up not because others are better than him really (in this situation, at least), but because they hate him so much that they want to see him fail is kinda hilarious to me. they didn't even track the game. they tracked what isagi was doing, lmao.
My 3 favorite characters in one panel. What a world. Kaiser playing for PXG (hilarious, he will never do anything wrong); Shidou reverting to emojis as his dialogue (incredible, +10000 aura); Hiori turning up the heat
WooooOOooOooOOO! GO HIORI! (Why is he so much better at Meta Vision?) I would like Shidou to STOP teaching people how to speak in Emoticon lol 🤣⚽️👀😍
Chevalier surpasse tout le monde ! Qui va l'emporter?
Do i hate or love what they did to Kunigami? We may never know.
Kunigame, please end that pink rat
we're counting on you, king 🙏🏼
isagi sacándose la pinga en un partido parte 83828393718
Capítulos: 251 al 259. Rin contraataca, abriendose paso por si mismo, usando a Nanase a quien él mismo entrenó, y cuando está por disparar, Kaiser llega por su izquierda e Isagi por su derecha y aunque creen bloquearle, Rin en realidad esperaba a Isagi para mostrarle su gol, agarrándole del cabello y alzandolo sobre Kaiser ajsjaj, lanza, pero Hiori bloqueaaaaa, amando que los llama tortolos y les pide que dejen de besarse ajsjajsj, Isagi se da cuenta de la locura que es el partido y acepta que es el mejor partido que ha jugado en su vida :3.
Karasu felicitando orgulloso a Hiori antes de pasar el balón a Charles, a quien todos olvidaron por un segundo, quien conecta con Shidou de la manera en la que Hiori e Isagi lo hicieron, compartiendo una mirada ganadora y obteniendo el primer gol del partido, Loki emocionado de por fin conseguir una reacción química y diciendo a Noa que con el crecimiento de Charles, esta más cerca de alcanzarlo, Hiori e Isagi planean y Noa les ordena crear un mejor gol y pide a Kunigami marcar a Shidou, Isagi trabaja a mil por segundo, Zantetsu le roba a Ness, Hiori a él, pero Charles lo lee y pasa a Shidou pero Kunigami le marca, oh mi bb, enfrentandose al man contra el que perdió y que lo convirtió en lo que ahora es :((, Shidou yo te quiero, pero de no ser por ti, Kunigami bb sería normal, Charles vuelve a tener el balón, Hiori se enciende al pensar en él como un juego, Charles utiliza a Rin como carnada pues va a lo divertido con Shidou, pero no hay manera, Kunigami, quien está en su mejor momento no lo deja moverse, Isagi descubre que el ego de Kunigami no ha cambiado e idea una jugada, invitando a Kunigami a cazar con él, ahre soy sentimental cuando veo a mi bb de antes :((.
Kaiser y Ness intentan parar a Charles, quien vuelve a usar a Rin de finta, pero Hiori lo lee y detiene, se enfrenta a Karasu, Nanase y Zantetsu, pero no importa cuanto lo intenten, Hiori ni siquiera mira a donde lanza, pues sabe que Isagi esta ahí AAAAAAAA, Yoichi pasa a los dos que lo marcan, Shidou le sigue, pero Kunigami lo detiene y recibe un pase, amando mucho, pues hasta ahora se negó a pasarla, pero se la regresa a Yoichi, dejándole libre, hasta que Rin lo alcanza, seguido de Kaiser, ambos solo enfocados en él y sus movimientos, pues en eso se basa su máximo rendimiento ajsjaj, los menos obsesionados, Isagi trabaja a mil por hora y simplemente crea una nueva jugada, un tiro directo por el aire, un ambidiestro directo, regalandonos esos preciosos ojos negros que demuestran su máximo estado de locura, nos regala un grandioso primer GOOOL para el Bastard, ver a Kaiser y Rin gritando de frustración me da vida.
Isagi le dice a Hiori que copio un poco el juego de Nagi y este le hace ver que si perfecciona el Two-Gun Volley será imparable, Noa saca a Grim para meter a Kurona bb para centrar el juego en Isagi, dejando a Kaiser solo con el apoyo de Ness, frustrandolo mucho más.
Y aquí muero un poco, ver a Isagi emocionado, ardiendo y feliz de saber que Noa confía en él y queriendo ganarle a Kaiser me parte el alma, porque sí, ya se lo que pasa con el hdp de Noa más adelante.
Kaiser frustrado apunta a su nueva arma, el impacto Kaiser magnus, Rin obtiene el balón, pero Chase ya no quiere jugar si no lo hace con Shidou, así que no ayuda y le roban el balón, Kurona lo obtiene y apunta a Isagi, pero Kaiser se lo roba y con ayuda de Ness se prepara, pero no logra el giro adecuado y falla, desmoronandolo.
chapter 249 chapter 250 chapter 251 chapter 252 chapter 253 chapter 254 chapter 255 chapter 256 chapter 257
rin and shidou starting together now it really does remind me of psg but how well did the messi x neymar x mbappe system work out? it didn't work out well at all (in the league sure but in the ucl? that's right bayern p much had their number)
tokimitsu appearance! i just love (i hate) when the attackers do so much in defense than teleport to the other side of the pitch
more "you thought" incoming
shidou goal! tbh isagi most incredible passes are sent to an attacker who isn't looking and is simply running into space they know the passer will see.
i need to know is sae is watching this.
i know exactly what this "talking during a match" reminds me of and why i'm so annoyed with it... that's literally arsenal atm. their stupid team huddle like there isn't a match going on
page 9 said prioritizing and maximizing way too many times
oh god he used metadata as a verb
"let's get some steak like old times" wow flashback to the days when life was breezy and i didn't hate isagi
when are they gonna go for overhead passes that no one can intercept (fullback passes are peak)
"you keep using that word. i do not think it means what you think it means" that line from princess bride rings clear here bc they've said egoist/ego so many times it's losing meaning lmao
part 2 was bad enough but to say part 3 out loud?? this is so embarrassing kaiser
249-257. Partido empezado, se revela que hay dos sistemas en el pxg dependiendo del delantero, pero Loki dijo "pico, vamos con los dos al mismo tiempo y los confundimos". Charles es un chuchesumadre seco que por lo general me caería bien, pero es de esos personajes que deja de resultarles como ellos quieren y se amurran y meh. Y dale partido, pelotazos iban y pelotazos venían, poco avanzan porque todos se las quitan constantemente, nadie de los delanteros pesca el partido sino que están pendientes de Isagi xd Kunigami anuló a Shidou y amo. Termina con la nueva arma de Isagi y con la promesa de un gol que empate el partido, estuvo weno igual.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
The match between the German team and the French team is being shocking and intense, and Rin is back! The only alternative I see for Bastard to win is for Isagi and Kaiser to complement his playing style, but I see this as impossible due to their personalities. El partido entre el equipo alemán y el equipo francés esta siendo impactante e intenso, y Rin ha vuelto! la única alternativa que veo par que gane el Bastard es que Isagi y Kaiser complementen su estilo de juego pero esto lo veo imposible por sus personalidades.
PxG vs Bastard! They're actually doing a pretty decent job at payoff off some long-running character motivations here with it being a 'rematch' against Shidou, Rin, and now this new dude, while also having Kaiser reaching his breaking point. Unfortunately so much of it is focused on Isagi doing his mental math where he's astounded that 2+2=4, and tries to use his EGOIST EGOISM OF HIS EGO DESIRE TO SCORE GOALS WITH HIS EGO to make 2+2=5 because that extra point comes from the soul of the egoist who always wants to be number 1.
Đúng như như đoán từ tổ đội bên Pháp out trình từ đầu và combo Charles-Shidou đã ghi bàn. Nhân tài quái kiệt gọi tên cậu Charles này.
Nhưng đồng thời từ Isagi cũng chiêu mộ được thêm Kunigami và lần đầu tiên thấy anh này chuyền kiến tạo. Isagi dù bị Kaiser - Rin kẹp nhưng cũng đã có pha kết hợp tạo ra vũ khí mới. Quá đỉnh.
i cant believe they hyped up pxg vs bm for it to be this slow. for the fact that they’re combining the two systems , rin and shidou , you’d think that it would be so much more interesting but it’s so meh like all the chapters are blending together GET KURONA OFF THE BENCH
I read all these volumes and chapters over the span of a week after rewatching the anime. I can’t wait for all this to get animated! I can’t believe Isagi’s growth from the first episodes to this beast everyone wants to crush. It’s so hype.
Ness'e ne kadar üzüldüm bilemezsiniz, elinden geleni yapıp hep Kaiser'e destek oldu ama bu Michael Kaiser denen p*ç... Yani söyleyecek söz bulamıyorum... Adamım istediğin kadar kötü bir geçmişin olsun, yine de sana yardımcı olmaya çalışan insanlara böyle davranamazsın... Sinirim aşırı bozuldu. 😤😤😤
my guesstimate is from chapter 249 to 255. Rin vs Isagi show down, ft, Chevalier. Perfect
Lmao, it looks like it took him longer to keep calm, which is great for Isagi and Hiyori.
i really missed reading blue lock, the match is going epic, isagi the goat as always, and the explanation that kaiser was saying to ness was interesting, also kaiser’s failed goal was so surprising
unparalleled thrills. my man kaneshiro is not pregnant but is literally delivering