Christopher (The United States)’s review of The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome

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Christopher's Reviews > The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome

The Social Life of DNA by Alondra Nelson
The Social Life of DNA: Race, Reparations, and Reconciliation After the Genome
This book starts off sounding much more academic than it really is, and I think it’s written in such a way the main thesis is accessible to a broad audience. I thought the argument put forward that DNA holds a social meaning life beyond its physical composition of atoms and meaning within biology and genetics is compelling, and any scientist should think critically about how their work, and research more generally, can hold meaning beyond the lab. A few chapters dragged and made the middle 1/3 feel meander, but the end pulled everything together quite nicely.

A nice change of pace and a relatively short read.

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Reading Progress

October 18, 2020 – Shelved
August 30, 2021 – Shelved as: to-read
January 17, 2022 – Started Reading
March 3, 2022 – Finished Reading


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