Lisa of Troy (Troy, MI)’s review of Jane Eyre

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Lisa of Troy's Reviews > Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
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Jane Eyre

Finally, we have a book written in the 1800's about a strong female main character. This book is incredibly moving and unpredictable. Hands down better than Pride and Prejudice.

There were a few sections that did seem to drag a bit.

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Comments Showing 1-14 of 14 (14 new)

Eric I seem to recall this being true of Middlemarch and other Eliot novels (though my favorite, Daniel Deronda, has maybe only one, Mirah, of whom this could ultimately be said, if at all, iirc..)

Lisa of Troy Oh! I haven't read Middlemarch yet! I'm really excited to read it. For me, there is nothing worse than women being portrayed as just giggling ladies who don't have a thought in the world if it isn't something to do with boys. I really admire Jayne Eyre because she wasn't willing to accept a bad situation. She isn't just sitting around hoping some guy will try to rescue her.

Lisa This is such a classic, and I loved it all 3 times I read it.

Ann Try The odd woman by George Gissing

Toby I’ve absolutely enjoyed everything I’ve read by the Brontë sisters more than anything I’ve read by Jane Austen. I’m getting ready to reread this one for the 3rd or 4th time, also grabbed myself a copy of Villette for once I finish my Jane Eyre reread! The Professor was also an enjoyable one although I don’t remember much about the actual plot or characters. 🤦🏻 It’s been about 15 years since I read it. Time for a reread soon too!

s.penkevich Yay! Glad you enjoyed, this is such a favorite.

theliterateleprechaun It's been a while since I read either one, but I think I'd agree with you! Glad you found a great read.

Morphing_kashi Jane Eyre is one of my all time favourites, glad you enjoyed it.

Gail Meath One of my favorite classics!

message 10: by Kerry (new)

Kerry I'm ashamed I've never read this even though I've read Emily and Anne Bronte. I'll get this on audio

limbo I still prefer Jane Austen significantly. I was hooked on Jane Eyre in the first half of the book, but Rochester grated on my nerves the longer he kept hanging around and refusing to make up his mind, and don’t even get me started on St John! So much about this book irritated me. However, I respect Jane Eyre greatly as a character.

Lily I love Pride and Prejudice but I love Jane Eyre too. I love it all. North and South and Far from the Madding Crowd are classics with strong female characters IMO.

Ian M. Pyatt Short & sweet Lisa. I’m just starting to realize how much I’ve missed not reading “classics”. I’m looking at books by the Brontë sisters, duMaurier, Woolf, Steinbeck, Hardy. For now I have one (maybe 2) in my own library ready to read or am looking at to read. Suggestions from you or your friends (should they read this post) most welcome

Lindsey Jamaica Inn for duMaurier, the first of hers I read and still my favourite

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