Carson Harraman - Austin, TX (366 books)

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Carson Harraman

Carson Harraman

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205891 Reading the Church Fathers — 306 members — last activity Jan 02, 2025 09:30PM
There is an immense library of Christian philosophy, theology, history, apologetics, biblical commentary, and devotion written in the first seven cent There is an immense library of Christian philosophy, theology, history, apologetics, biblical commentary, and devotion written in the first seven centuries of the Church, with English translations freely available online at Christian Classics Ethereal Library. This group is for anyone who wishes to avail himself or herself of this rich intellectual heritage, and is interested in learning about the lives and teachings of the early Church Fathers, and—more importantly— sharing and discussing what we're learning in this virtual community. Group website: ...more
68984 Christian Theological/Philosophical Book Club — 1868 members — last activity Jan 21, 2025 08:25AM
The primary guidelines for this group are a sincere love for the true God of the Bible and a commitment to relying on the Word of God (the Bible) as t The primary guidelines for this group are a sincere love for the true God of the Bible and a commitment to relying on the Word of God (the Bible) as the ultimate authority for all spiritual truth. Herein lies a Scripturally based location for Christians , and others, to read books and discuss the topics that pertain to the Faith. This group welcomes all--from the scholar to the layman--to engage in fruitful, thought-provoking, and challenging discourse from various topics including: theology, philosophy, history, christology, pneumology, theology proper, eschatology, bibliology, ecclesiology, missiology, textual (lower) & historical (higher) criticism, biblical hermeneutics and more. ...more

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