In SKN Renewable Energy – The Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
From reports from the National Energy Policy, St. Kitts’ vision is to become the smallest green nation in the Western Hemisphere – with a sustainable energy sector, where reliable, renewable, clean and affordable energy services are provided to all its citizens.
Over the past several years, St. Kitts and Nevis has implemented several energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In 2014, a light bulb exchange program was launched to replace existing residential lighting with 323,000 LED bulbs at a cost of roughly $2.5 million; the manufacturing sector underwent a comprehensive energy audit; and SKELEC began a smart meter pilot program during a smart grid update. In 2010, a 2.2 MW wind power plant, consisting of eight GEV MP 275/32 turbines rated at 275 kW each, was completed on Nevis.
The island has now embarked on a very ambitious goal to achieve 60% renewable energy consumption by the year 2015. St. Kitts requires a holistic approach to address challenges in the energy sector and to transition to a more sustainable energy sector. Such challenges include consumption patterns, types of fuel used, infrastructure and management, and the types of energy carriers.
The transition to a more sustainable energy sector is currently driven by high electricity rates, high transportation fuel prices, and global climate change awareness and concerns. The aforementioned factors impacts businesses and citizens alike and, as such, the need for energy efficiency and conservation along with increase investments in renewable energy technologies. The National Energy Policy has created the framework that allows St. Kitts to transition from a primarily fossil fuel source of energy to alternative renewable energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, hydro and waste to energy (WTE).