Check your Income Tax for the current year
This service covers the current tax year (6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025).
Use the service to:
- check your tax code and Personal Allowance
- see your estimated income from any jobs and pensions and the tax you can expect to pay for the current tax year
- update details of your income from jobs and pensions - you may pay too much or too little tax if they’re not up to date
- see if your tax code has changed
- tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about changes that affect your tax code
- update your employer or pension provider details
You cannot check your Income Tax for the current year if Self Assessment is the only way you pay Income Tax.
Before you start
You’ll need to sign in to use this service. If you do not already have sign in details, you’ll be able to create them.
You’ll be told when you sign in if you need to prove your identity. This is to keep your details safe and usually involves using photo ID like a passport or driving licence.
Check your Income Tax
You can also use the HMRC app to check your Income Tax for the current year.
If you cannot create a personal tax account
Contact HMRC for advice if you cannot create a personal tax account.
You can also estimate how much Income Tax you should pay this year without signing in.
Check tax for previous years
There’s a different way to check how much Income Tax you paid last year (6 April 2023 to 5 April 2024).
You can also estimate how much you should have paid for a previous year without signing in.