Standards and Testing Agency

  • ️Fri Dec 13 2024


Information about the reception baseline assessment (RBA) for schools.

Female teacher and boy with tablet device in classroom setting

Phonics screening check

3 December 2024Collection

Guidance for headteachers and teachers administering and scoring the phonics screening check.

Close up of boy and teacher using phonics flash card

Guidance for headteachers, teachers and test administrators involved in administering the optional national curriculum tests for the end of key stage 1 (KS1).

Male teacher reading to a small group of pupils

Information and guidance about the multiplication tables check.

Whiteboard with maths equations

Guidance for headteachers, teachers and test administrators involved in administering the key stage 2 national curriculum tests.

Boys working within a classroom setting

This page summarises future assessment dates in primary schools, to assist schools with their forward planning.

A close up front-view of two best friends sitting in computer class with their arms affectionately over each other's shoulders and smiling as they look towards the camera

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