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로만 파블류첸코 개인 정보본명 Роман Анатольевич Павлюченко로마자 표기 Roman Anatolevich Pavlyuchenko출생일 1981년 12월 15일(43세)출생지 소련 러시아 SFSR 모스톱스코이키 188cm포지션 공격수청소년 구단 기록1990-1997 1997-1998 빅토리 스포츠 학교 디나모 스타브로폴구단...
Esurance, founded in 1998, is an online automobile insurance company and was a partner in the promotional campaign for 2009's Star Trek. In its advertising, the company proclaimed the ability of a car owner to visit their site and retrieve a free, accurate auto insurance quote. Customers can also buy and print their insurance cards instantly, hence the slogan at the time of "Quote. Buy. Print." The company's mascot was a animated spy named Erin Esurance, who poses as an insurance agent. In June
Antihemophilic factor (AHF, Factor VIII) antigen has been demonstrated in cultured human endothelial cells by immunofluorescence studies using monospecific rabbit antibody to human AHF. Control studies with cultured human smooth muscle cells and ...